Thursday, August 31, 2017

Did people

really think I would give them the house in the shape that it's in now?
There's no way I would ever do that.
Never been my plan. 
With the fixes I mentioned, (oh and a furnace, one that does a better job in the back bedroom and upstairs), it should be good to go for another 30 years.
It will be in better shape than it was when I moved in. 

There will be some cleaning.
Haven't been a very good housekeeper of late.
It's not horrible.
Doesn't really look that bad.
But I know where the dirt is.
Not like fraternity house filth or anything.
It's not that big of a place, it won't take people that long.
Mom and I had to clean it up before I moved in.
Nobody had lived there for 2+ years.

Ya'll had your fun your way, I get to have mine my way :-).
Seriously, everybody just needs to chill.

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