Saturday, August 26, 2017


was one original thought in that piece about Turkey.
That maybe the Russians had intercepted communications and tipped the Turks off about the coup.
I haven't read that anywhere.
Pure speculation on my part.

One other thing.
Lot of stories about how the coup was a false flag event liked to use the fact that the authorities rounded up. arrested and imprisoned so many people so quickly as evidence the coup had to be staged by the state.

Not necessarily.
The names of those to be purged eventually could have already been assembled by the Turkish government and they were just waiting for the right set of conditions which the coup handed to them. Or maybe they were planning a real false flag event in the future and the coup merely speed up the process of the purges. Either one of those scenarios has just as much validity as thinking the purges took place to quickly for it not to have been a false flag event. This would also be something I haven't read anywhere else.

Now, how bout them damn ass cheeks woman :-).

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