Friday, April 6, 2018

"Old school Axioms" Continued.

Virtual virginity enables a woman to uncover what a man is really after—conquest, conquer and dump, frequent or convenient sex, or her above all else.

A man’s natural pursuit of other females does not stop until one woman so captures his respect and trust and captivates his imagination until he devotes himself to her alone. (Virtual virginity provides the best strategy for winning this battle of the sexes.)

Submissiveness is a cooperative spirit. Regardless of its name and who possesses it when and where, such a spirit is essential for marriage to work

It subverts a marriage, when she treats his opinions as less important and judgments as less valuable than those of someone else.

The issue of who submits to whom revolves around respect each has for the other. When she wants him to succeed, look good, or lead the way, she submits. When he likes her way of doing something, he submits if there’s no watering down of his authority or direct threat to his dominance as perceived by others.

Without exceptional respect for his woman, a man’s enduring love never arises to replace the temporary romantic love that fades in a year or two.

Women flourish with a man’s enduring love, but it arises only from his respect for women generally and her particularly. The roots extend back to his boyhood and their pre-conquest days. 

The rooster can’t crow boastfully, when he has to play second fiddle in the hen house.
(Oh that's just awesome :-).

Any female eagerness to hook up, couple up, or shack up shifts game rules toward the masculine side of life and severely weakens the woman’s influence for shaping their future together.
(Seen it, tons of times)

Enduring love that lasts for a woman’s life is primarily built around her gratefulness for whomever and whatever fulfills her need for a stable future. 

Feminine charm that commands masculine respect flows out of natural femaleness such as feminine mystique, female modesty, unconditional faithfulness, need of religion, pleas for morality, and an uplifting spirit for both life and people...

Feminine mystique is whatever a woman does that stimulates curiosity and keeps a man guessing, defensive, and unsure of her values and intentions about his role in her life.
(Why am I still here again lol?)

Feminine mystique, female modesty, religious morality, unconditional sexual fidelity, female-defined manners, and holy matrimony enable women to indirectly dominate interaction and values that shape relationships. Men deeply respect a woman that proudly and defiantly upholds an exceptional persona that men would not develop on their own.

Lengthy sex-free courtships teach males to do whatever they have to do to conquer a woman. 

Relationships without sex have an unrecognized benefit for girls and women, men learn to be romantic.
The most effective teachers withhold sex in order to hold manly attention long enough to change masculine habits toward more romance.

Masculine-style sexual freedom for women nullifies the male’s conquering spirit and weakens womanly influence over male dominance and aggression.
When a woman initiates sex, it’s his luck more than her that stimulates his self-admiration. Men value a woman more highly when she confirms his self-admiration and makes him feel significant. Luck just confirms his hunting hopes and so he tries elsewhere. 

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