Wednesday, January 26, 2022



are killing me honey.

Like I care about a 20 year old truck or insurance at this point.

I know you're here. I can just feel/sense the intensity rising. It's just way to much for everything to be status quo. I could practically feel your eyes watching me as I walked to Lewisport UMC yesterday.

And yes definitely a coordinated attack yesterday.

I had no more than walked in the door and somebody was doubling down on youth, Loucon, Covid etc. I had just wrote that post a few minutes before, so somebody is definitely watching wats being posted well before it shows up in page views etc. I mean it kinda tipped your hand so to speak...yup...sure did.

And then I get to buddy's and he wasn't there of course. Go figure right? So hard to figure what that's all about :-).  I don't know if I am going to go to buddy's today or not. Maybe tomorrow. Like I say I really don't care about the truck or insurance anymore (Lord knows youre the only one that does :-) So what real difference does it make any more? Might as well stay warm at the library and go back home and eat some more garbage. Hope everybody is enjoying the show :-). Careful checking your email today BTW. No telling :-).

Has been from day one.


Will be for eternity.

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