Thursday, February 23, 2023



what exactly changed you calculus 

on your employment situation Andrew?


Partaking of the divine nature as spoke of in

2 Peter 1:4

Through these 

He has given us 

His precious and magnificent promises, 

so that through them 

you may become partakers of the divine nature, 

now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.


Why work?

 When all you are ever going to accomplish is getting further behind?

I'm not the one bridging the gap with credit cards between where my standard of living was 

a few years ago and where it is today. 

Once you start?

That trend will not reverse.

The only way that ends is not being able to make the minimum payments, then default, bankruptcy etc.

Since the pandemic? 

We have created 36% of all the dollars there are in existence.

Know anybody that has increased their wealth by 36% in the last few years?

A few Billionaires maybe not not anybody I know,  

so why bother beating your head on that wall?

By not being "gainfully employed" as others like to suggest I should have been?

(to satisfy themselves)

I'm actually farther ahead 

by being less indebted than they are.

3) I knew the recompense was comin...eventually lol.

relates to #1


If other  people would have wanted to work 

crappy jobs 

and horrible hours 

for less pay than what they deserve 

with horrible supervision?

After watching their plane take off from the airport?

Then they can go right ahead and do that.

I decided to go this route.

Look at all the knowledge that's been shared.

Was it worth it?

I think God thinks it was.

I do too.

I love you baby.

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