Tuesday, February 28, 2023



That last piece being done?

Lets go back to yesterday for a minute.

When I went to paste:

"But each idea failed spectacularly. It couldn’t have been tired starlight, nor reflected light, nor dust that was heated up and radiating. Each and every explanation that was tried was refuted by the data: the spectrum of this cosmic afterglow was too perfect a blackbody, too equal in all directions, and too uncorrelated with the matter in the Universe to line up with these alternative explanations. While science moved on to the Big Bang becoming part of the consensus, i.e., a sensible starting point for future science, Hoyle and his ideological allies worked to hold back the progress of science by advocating for scientifically untenable alternatives."


There is no evidence for a Universe before the Big Bang ?

I got kicked off the computer and then it rebooted.

I mean the very instant I clicked on "paste".

I've talked before about 'weird" anomaly's with me

and electronics, 

the library computers included.

Know how many other people I have ever known to be signed out and the terminal they were on rebooted for unknown reasons while I was at the library?


It happened a few times a while back and it was always something "peculiar" I just happened to have been working on, each and every time just like the above example. I eventually asked the librarians, "This happens to other people?" "No, not really", not that any of them could ever remember it happening to someone,  let alone to the same person on numerous times. It's set to give you an hour and then "extra" time after that if there's nobody waiting. Different machines have kicked me off while they were in "extra" mode. So it's not the same machine all the time.

I've deleted things and emptied the recycle bin and then came back the next day and the deleted items were still in the recycle bin, even after the libraries program that runs every night is also supposed to clear out the recycle bin.

(Needless to say I check daily now)

I've deleted a document and not emptied the recycle bin, then got kicked off the machine like isn't supposed to happen, the document was still supposed to be in the recycle bin until it's emptied, the library's program runs at night to empty it etc...When I logged back into the terminal a little later, guess what?

No document. 

Even the librarian said, 

"It's not supposed to do that."

but it did...

Just on and on and on etc...

If one is an accident,

two is a pattern,

and three is a trend?

Then what are 90?



"To many coincidences are not a coincidence."

(Where's my statistician buddy Euclid? :-)

(The main librarian said today that with the heavy winds yesterday things were flickering etc...Okay...Who else had their terminal reboot then? What about all the other times there have been issues with their machines and it wasn't windy?)

So then?

An hour or so later?

I go to my buddy's for our Monday afternoon get together.

Were sitting there shooting the bull.

I'm lost in my thoughts etc.

(Yesterday wasn't a good day, I'll just say like that)

So I'm sitting there daydreaming 

and here is what I am thinking in my head:

"Don't even pretend you're any more able than I am 

to walk away from this. 

I know you are 100% committed to us

 just as I am 

to try and think anything different 

is to be delusional."

It's timing people...it always gives it away.

It's always timing.

The very second that that thought completed in my mind?

The door 

(That was latched)

Blew open about 10 inches or so and then slammed shut.

(There were witnesses. It wasn't the time or the place to tell and I wouldn't have been believed anyway. As soon as I got home I let it be known to honey what had just happened.)

It was like Satan himself decided to get up and leave, he had had enough.

I know it was windy etc...

But we have been over there on other windy days as well with the door latched.

Know how many other times the door ever suddenly opened a bit and then slammed shut?


My guess is it wont happen again either...

I'm not done.

(Queue Al Pacino lol)

(Those incidences were satanic

The following was Godly

Discernment y'all.

Been praying for it almost daily a long time now)

Saturday I was counting change, lol go figure right?

I thought, "You know? if I find a dime around here somewhere?

I can go to the store and get two lbs. of beans.

I couldn't even think of a place to start looking for change :-).

Everyplace I could imagine I had already checked numerous times.

I thought "Go back through your jean pockets on the back of the chair by the door, maybe there will be something in there."

I go back, go through the pockets of several pairs of my jeans and in the last pocket I checked, in the last pair of jeans I checked?

There was a dime.

One dime.

I told pastor Bridgette because, you know,

 everybody who knows me knows 

I lie to preachers just for fun right?

(Thats sarcasm BTW)

She had a great question I thought.

She asked:

"Was it a dime or two nickels?"

"It was a dime."

She just grinned :-)

He will give you exactly what you need to get by with.

No more, no less, just like the mana from heaven in the desert.

1 Corinthians 2:14

The natural man 

does not accept 

the things that come 

from the Spirit of God. 

For they are foolishness to him, 

and he cannot understand them, 

because they are 

spiritually discerned. 

Revelation 2:17

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. 

To the one who overcomes, 

I will give the hidden manna. 

I will also give him a white stone inscribed with a new name, known only to the one who receives it."

(Already covered the white stone 

from the interpreters bible etc, 

"The meaning is somewhat obscure 

possibly the reference is to some kind of phylactery or amulet..."

I'm wearing it 

 and I wont ever take it off.)

The blood of Christ is supernatural.

The entire faith is supernatural.

You are worshipping the creator of the universe who sent his only begotten son.

It aint no joke.

It aint something to play around with.

My contention is:

With what we know about the Quantum world right now?

It's not supernatural at all.

The laws of physics allow for miracles.

This is how we make the church keep up with the times we are living in.

The cosmic battle is heating up.

The players on the stage for this final chapter are aligned.

"With the appearance of these two beast in ch. 13, 

the leading characters of the apocalyptic drama 

have now come on the stage, 

save for the scarlet woman, 

the bride of Christ, 

and Gog and Magog, 

who make their entrance later."

(Conclusion Interpreters Bible Exegesis Rev 13).

I love what Bono said when the guy was interviewing him and he said Bono about Christ:

"So you believe he was a deity?"

All snobby af etc.

Bono says:

"It's kinda hard to convince the guy living a miracle that they cant happen."

I concur.

I would have asked the guy:

"How long do you have to talk about Quantum physics?"


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