Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Current "Feels"


God is infinite wisdom and knowledge BTW.
of course science isn't going to get that.
I keep telling them:

It's how its DESIGNED.

Need lol

I miss em.
I remember when they used to be around.
It's a juke box for your table at the diner/restaurant etc 
if you didn't know.
Pretty sure Mike Lennings used to have them back in the day.

Tell me about it lol.

Hey, Hippie wanna be, not a real one lol
They were already way on the way out before I ever became of age.
Louisville was always about 15-20 years behind the coast(s) 
when I was growing up 
so there were some hold outs still floating around in bell bottoms and "God sandals" etc.

Did you read that followers of Christ?
Read it again.

Learned the hard way.
Yet again.


For my son lol.
And my buddy.

Pretty much.

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds"

Never knew 
it was a Marcus Garvey quote 
till just now.

I'll put it another way:

Romans 12:2
King James Version
And be not conformed to this world
be ye transformed 
by the renewing of your mind
that ye may prove what is that good, 
and acceptable, 
and perfect, will of God.

Preach sister preach!

100% truth.

This is who we are going to trust the future of Humanity to?
Are you serious?

And why exactly do they look like 12 year olds?

"Men and people
will fight you down
when you see
when you see Jah light
let me tell you if you're not wrong?
then everything is alright
everything is alright..."


100% Truth.
Vibrations dont happen on their own BTW.
They come from something somewhere.
I wonder what and where?

Thats sarcasm BTW

My first concert.
I kid you not.
Freedom Hall
June 1974.
10 years old.
With my mom lol.

Sometimes you just gotta be willing to walk away 
no matter what the consequences.

Read the part about it aint about food again.

Oh yeah...

It's so simple.
ONE creator of the universe.
One owner of the life force.

Nothing else even comes close to making any sense, 
let alone a book being proven true right in front of you 
and millions of changed lives.
Get with the program or perish eternally.
Your choice.

You should give thanks everyday 
to that which gave you the gift of life.

(And tons of other things.)

On our way :-).

I'll leave it at that.

It's here.

Thats all I really got to say about it.

The Two witnesses 
and the Artificial Intelligence
arrive on the scene 
at pretty much the same time.

November 1st I believe it was.
First time the Houthis 
launched a ballistic  missile.

One of the talking heads on CNN or Fox 
or whatever it is you watch/read
gave you that analysis did they?

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