Thursday, January 25, 2024

OMGoodness lol.



Get a bike

learn how to ride

(If you dont already have one and know how)

and come spend 3-4 days with us 

out here in the boonies.

Lots of good riding to be had.

We will cook good food, 

get to know each other 

and have a good time etc.

But in the meantime?

Some of you cosmologist 

might as well be doing 

stand-up comedy these days.


thats how ridiculous 

some of the assertations

and conclusions have become.

To quote John Lennox:

"Nonsense is still nonsense 

even if its from the mouth of high-minded scientist."


 Ask Ethan: What explains the Fibonacci sequence?

Keep in mind the question:

"WHAT EXPLAINS the Fibonacci sequence?"

The pattern 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc., is the Fibonacci sequence. 

It shows up all over nature. 


If you were looking for a sign?

That explains it?

There it is right there.)

But what's the full explanation behind it?

(Emphasis on FULL BTW)

"Even though it doesn't explain every "spiral" 
or recurring and progressive structure, 
it does explain a lot. 
Its mathematical roots, 
however, are both simpler 
and more complex than you might imagine."

"One of the most fascinating facts about the natural world is that so many entities within it — both biologically and purely physically — obey a specific set of patterns and ratios. Many galaxies exhibit spiral shapes and structures, as do a wide variety of plant structures: pinecones, pineapples, and sunflower heads among them. Ammonites, shelled animals that went extinct more than 60 million years ago, also show that spiral pattern, where one of the key features of spirals is that the next “wind” around outside the prior one displays a specific length ratio to the size of the prior, interior winding."

(Well I wonder why?
Design always implies a designer
just not in nature were supposed to believe.
Makes perfect sense logically.
Please continue.)

“Is there a Fibonacci sequence with regards to the way galaxies develop?”

"Indeed, simply looking at the “spiral” structures in galaxies might appear to be Fibonacci-like, but is that real, or just our minds making superfluous connections where only an apparent link exists?"

(There is your Anthropic principle in full effect. This is a favorite of cosmologist, and astrophysicist that does absolutely nothing to explain the initial conditions of both the universe and the laws governing it, nor the information "CODED" into DNA more on that in a minute...but I digress...please continue...)

"Galactic and other physical spirals

"When it comes to spirals that naturally occur in the purely physical sciences, “spiral galaxies” are undoubtedly the most famous among them. Somewhere just over half of all known large, nearby, massive galaxies have spiral shapes and structures within them, but when we examine them mathematically, it turns out that there are very few of them that exhibit a Fibonacci-like pattern."

"galaxy NGC 1566 

This MIRI view, from JWST and the PHANGS collaboration, of spiral galaxy NGC 1566 shows heated, dusty and nuclear features that are entirely invisible to other observatories observing in optical/UV and even radio wavelengths. This dust filament network is ubiquitous in spirals, but the spirals themselves do not follow the pattern one might expect from the golden ratio or the Fibonacci sequence.)

(Okay that's spiral galaxies...please continue)

"There are a few notable features that exist in some spiral galaxies that exhibit a Fibonacci-like pattern over those in-between regions, but this is not the norm."


"While there are many spiral shapes that occur from purely physical, non-biological processes in nature — from whirlpools and vortices that form in bodies of water to the aerial shapes of hurricane clouds and clear lanes — none of these spirals are Fibonacci-like when it comes to the actual mathematical details of their structures on a sustained basis. You may be able to take a “snapshot” where one or more of the features exhibits ratios that are consistent with the ratios found in the Fibonacci sequence for a particular moment, but those structures don’t endure and persist. The Fibonacci-like patterns seen in spiral galaxies 
are inventions of our eyes
rather than a physical truth of the Universe."

(Okay, remember this:

"there are many spiral shapes that occur 
from purely physical, 
non-biological processes 
in nature..."

And of course back to the anthropic principal for:
"The Fibonacci-like patterns seen in spiral galaxies 
are inventions of our eyes
rather than a physical truth of the Universe"

(How convenient.)

"Biological Fibonacci spirals"

However, the Fibonacci-like patterns and ratios found in many biological organisms, including in plants, truly are related to the Fibonacci sequence: both in a mathematically rigorous fashion and also for an evolutionary reason that makes perfect sense. Let’s tackle the biological properties first, and return to the mathematics."

(Yes, lets cause here is where it really gets interesting)

"Biologically, let’s imagine you’re a plant: a primitive plant at that. You have the ability to generate your own energy from sunlight, soil nutrients, water, and carbon dioxide, and make sugars (stored energy) through the process of photosynthesis that takes place in your leaves. When you sprout from a seed, you have to put leaves out, 

and somewhere — 
buried in your genetic code — 
will be a piece of information
telling you what angle to put your “next leaf” out at relative to the previous leaf."

("genetic code"

Definition of code:

a system of words, letters, figures, or other symbols substituted for other words, letters, etc., especially for the purposes of secrecy.
"the Americans cracked their diplomatic code"

secret language
secret writing
set of symbols
coded message

program instructions.
"assembly code"
convert (the words of a message) 
into a particular code in order to convey a secret meaning.
"only Mitch knew how to read the message—even the name was coded"

write code for (a computer program).
"most developers code C + + like C"

Information, in this case, 
"genetic code" 
or instructions
is always,
 everywhere we have ever seen any
 indicative of a conscious sentient intellect.

(Thank you Stephen C Meyer :-).

"...and somewhere — 
buried in your genetic code — 
will be a piece of information..."

So where did it come from?
 And how did it get there?

These are the questions that people need to ask the cosmologist/Astro-physicist and molecular biologist when they give these panel discussions at universities etc, because not only do they not have an answer for either of them?
They most assuredly dont want to answer the question of why nobody is doing any research into what created that information in the genetic code, and how did it arrive at its destination.

(I think I have read about one individual doing one study about it and even he admitted, and I am paraphrasing here:

"The information got there 
outside of the known laws of physics 
we have today"


Supernatural means.

Well ty so much.
Point is?
They don't expect lay people 
to be asking these questions that 
they really don't have any answers for.)

"But what if you wanted to encode the most efficient way to put your “next leaf” out, based on wherever you put the previous leaf?"

(Agian, what did the encoding?
It's information.
Where did it come from?
And how did it get to where it need to be?

And in the cases we are speaking of here specifically?
"Biological Fibonacci spirals"
How was it designed to be so efficient in its use of space?)

"...for each leaf, the next leaf should be put out right around 61.8% of a complete circle away from the prior leaf. For a circle with 360° in it, that corresponds to an angle of 222.5°, and the exact number that corresponds to is what mathematicians define as –ψ, which equals (√5 – 1)/2, or approximately 0.61803398875. The positive version of that, (√5 + 1)/2, is known as φ, or the golden ratio, and is 1/(-ψ), which happens to equal 1 + (-ψ) as well: the ratio between each Fibonacci number and its predecessor. If you keep putting out leaves at that key angle, 222.5°, relative to the prior leaf, you’ll wind up with your leaf patterns forming a Fibonacci spiral. That same mathematical property, encoded into pineapples, pinecones, and more, explains why biological organisms often display numbers found in the Fibonacci sequence."

(Everywhere we see design?
There is a designer.
Just not nature.

"Well they evolved that way."

Evolution explains what happened to life 
after it's already alive.

No "encoding"  
(i.e. information, 
always everywhere we have ever seen it
a sign of a conscious sentient intellect)
 in the plants DNA?
Then no life 
and therefore no evolution.)

Here, a mother chamomile plant is shown with a flower in full bloom. The interior of the flower has many components, arranged in a pattern that is traced out (inset) in blue and cyan in either direction, with 21 blue lines and 13 cyan lines. Both of those are successive Fibonacci numbers.

"But the big question isn’t 
“why the Fibonacci sequence is found in nature,” but rather, 
“what is it that determines the Fibonacci sequence” "

(I gotta call bull shit my brother.
That statement is 100% subjective.
That is merely an opinion 
(yours and others) 
on these matters 
but to a large number of us?

“why the Fibonacci sequence is found in nature"

(One might wanna say:
into living things.)

Is most assuredly the big question 
we want you and your ilk to answer 
as we already know why it is.

In fact? 

One could argue 
YOUR mind?
Is making superfluous connections
in order to avoid the larger question at hand
you don't wanna be forced to answer.

(See above about what, where, how did it get there, encoding etc...)

"All you need to do is follow 
the same formula
where you take the first two numbers and add them together to make the next (third) number, and then add that number with the previous to make the next subsequent number, and so on. No matter which numbers you start with, the ratio of any two successive numbers will quickly approach φ, the golden ratio."

(Let me ask you something,
Formulas create themselves do they?
In nature?
 Formulas just decide to exist all on their own?
Best guess, logical brain God gave you.

Formulas are information people.
Information never creates itself!
nor does it "evolve"
It is always a sign of a conscious sentient intellect.
So where did the formula come from then?

"he logarithmic golden spiral, also known as a Fibonacci spiral, is a self-similar, self-repeating pattern that arises by constructing each successive term in the sequence by summing the prior two terms. Although 
this is only encoded approximately in nature
the mathematical relationship underlying it is exact.

(The big question that is being avoided my dear friend Ethan is:

What did the encoding?
And how
did it manifest itself in nature?

You got your big question.
I got mine.)

"...the original sequence, i.e., the sum of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence sorted by decimal places, equals 0.1/8.9, or 1/89. 
And that’s why the Fibonacci sequence isn’t inherent to nature, 
but rather, 
to pure mathematics instead. 

It appears in nature because 
the golden ratio has a biological utility, 

(Encoded in living things by what?
And how was the information in the encoding
delivered to the living thing(s)?

but wherever it appears in the physical sciences, 
including in some spiral galaxies, 
it’s only by pure coincidence!"

First things first.



Read that again.

 But these high-minded scientist think 
math is going to be used in theorems to eventually explain everything?

Their logic is flawed from the beginning.
If it cant explain how it came into existence to begin with?
By its very nature 
it will never be able to explain everything.

Its another thing these high minded scientist dont like to talk about.)

"...wherever it  (Fibonacci sequence)
appears in the physical sciences, 
including in some spiral galaxies, 
it’s only by pure coincidence!

This is where I just laughed my ass off.
Seriously, just start doing stand up 
at this point 
its literally that comical.

Remember now
these "high-minded scientist" 
want you to believe:

That if you had a Big Lebowskiesque dream sequence 
(Hallucination lol) 
and you were standing in absolute nothing, 
not even space, you are outside this universe 
and you are looking at black spheres 
360 degrees
in every direction 
and they never end?
(There is no curvature of the earth, no nothing
you are outside our universe and these black spheres represent other possible universes and you cant ever even see to the end of any of them because they go on forever in every direction you can look?
(Infinity BTW)

And there was only one blue sphere?
And that just happened to be 
OUR universe?
That is suitable for life?

Everywhere you look 
360 degrees,
and your vision never stops.
And theres one suitable for life
and we just happened to be in it.

Come on man...

Well according to Ethan
not only did we win 
"the cosmic lottery" 
(Ty Marcelo Gleiser)
so to speak

"...wherever it  
(Fibonacci sequence)
appears in the physical sciences, 
including in some spiral galaxies, 
it’s only by pure coincidence!"

even though in 
"Biological Fibonacci spirals"
the "information" is 

One is an accident
two is a trend
(and three is a pattern)
is a favorite saying of mine 
even though my statistician friend pointed out its not exactly that simple lol.
But you get the picture lol.

So I got some  more questions for my dear friend Ethan:

 we won the cosmic lottery of universes?
And we just happened to be the one 
that supports life out of an infinity of other options?

(Not even gonna get into how unlikely life is in the universe let alone intelligent life.
Okay I will lol and Ill make it short.
It's infinity x infinity.
Us having won the cosmic lottery by being in the one universe capable of having life in it that is and then the odds of life actual having developed here other words:
Some might call it a miracle...
Anyway(s) lol.

And if :
"wherever it  
(Fibonacci sequence)
appears in the physical sciences, 
including in some spiral galaxies, 
it’s only by pure coincidence"

Then what caused this?

It is a depiction of the periodic law, which says that 
when the elements are arranged in order 
of their atomic numbers 
an approximate recurrence 
of their properties is evident. 
The table is divided into four roughly rectangular areas called blocks. 
Elements in the same group tend to show similar chemical characteristics.

"A table is 
an arrangement of information or data, 
typically in rows and columns, or possibly in a more complex structure."

Information, data, how interesting.

Facts is facts.
You cant  haphazardly assemble a cherry cobblers ingredients
and throw it in the oven at any temperature you want
for as lil or as long as you want
 and expect anything edible to emerge.

(That argument is put forth in this book BTW.

Written when science and faith weren't seen
 as diametrically opposing each other so much.)

But this?

Somehow arraigned itself in this order 
following the extreme and chaotic conditions 
of the inflation and the big bang.

Helium and hydrogen came first
and then everything else derived from that.

Kinda violates the second law of thermodynamics doesnt it?
Disorder is supposed to increase in an enclosed system over time.
Not increase.

("The second law may be formulated by the observation 
that the entropy of isolated systems 
left to spontaneous evolution 
cannot decrease, 
as they always tend toward a state of thermodynamic equilibrium 
where the entropy is highest at the given internal energy.)


Just maybe
my dear high minded scientist,

the universe didn't just 
"spontaneously evolve".

Its simply not what the observable evidence we have points to says.
(I aint even getting into its asymmetry etc)

Okay so whats your answer for this again ?

Let me guess
since we have already won 
the cosmic lottery of universes?

"wherever it  
(Fibonacci sequence)
appears in the physical sciences, 
including in some spiral galaxies, 
it’s only by pure coincidence"

My guess is the high minded scientist will go with:

"it’s only by pure coincidence" 
argument again.

Why? would I think they would go with that?
Oh IDK baysian probablities and all.

 (Bayes' theorem describes 
the conditional probability of an event 
based on data 
as well as 
prior information or beliefs 
about the event or conditions 
related to the event.)

Tormented with the truth yet?
Revelation 11:10

The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets 
had tormented those who live on the earth.

Tough I aint even hardly started.

So when you get done explaining this?

Now we can move on to these:

In mathematics, 
(Oh math, the language God used 

Psalm 33:6 
By the word of the Lord 
the heavens were made, 
and by the breath of his mouth all their host.

to build the underpinnings 
of the universe again, go figure.)

a fractal is a geometric shape containing detailed structure at arbitrarily small scales, usually having a fractal dimension strictly exceeding the topological dimension. Many fractals appear similar at various scales, as illustrated in successive magnifications of the Mandelbrot set.[1][2][3][4] This exhibition of similar patterns at increasingly smaller scales is called self-similarity, also known as expanding symmetry or unfolding symmetry; if this replication is exactly the same at every scale, as in the Menger sponge, the shape is called affine self-similar.[5] Fractal geometry lies within the mathematical branch of measure theory.

A simple fractal tree.

A Koch snowflake is a fractal that begins with an equilateral triangle and then replaces the middle third of every line segment with a pair of line segments that form an equilateral bump.

So whats your answer to that?
Let me guess:

"it’s only by pure coincidence" 

I mean seriously
just go do some stand up at this point.
What the fuck good is your 
"science" i
f all you can come up with is:

"it’s only by pure coincidence" 

Sent here to absolutely destroy some 
demonic "principalities and strongholds" 
and I simply do not intend on being nice about it.
There is an urgency here people!
It is only because I care about peoples eternal souls that I even bother.

Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle 
is not against flesh and blood, 
but against the rulers, 
against the authorities, 
against the powers of this dark world 
and against the 
spiritual forces of evil 
in the heavenly realms.

And no I am not done.

Still got more:

@omnvision (IG) Cymatics patterns (science of visible sound) explored by pioneering scientists Hans Jenny (pictured) and Ernst Chladni, are the properties of sound and how to use them in different branches of science. It can be used both as a form of therapy or art, and for scientists, acoustic engineers, architects and many other professionals, it has a wide range of applications that are not even close to having their full potential explored or revealed.
This is an eternally developing science, which encompasses more and more applications as its studies progress.
Cymatics demonstrates 
the principle of formation 
of fractal geometries 
that occur on all scales of nature, 

So how did that happen huh?
Let me guess:

"it’s only by pure coincidence" 

The post continues:

 "revealing a science much more mysterious and comprehensive than we can conceive."

its not the science 
you cant conceive.

Isaiah 55:8-9

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.""

"The same 
Geometric Laws 
expressed by 
Light and Sound 
determine all forms, 
from micro to macro."

(So where did the geometric laws 
come from huh?
Let me guess:

"it’s only by pure coincidence")

"There is a Universal Wave-Particle System throughout the universe, connecting and transforming it, in eternal cycles."

("a Universal Wave-Particle System 
throughout the universe, 
connecting and transforming it..."

How did that get there?
yeah I know:

"it’s only by pure coincidence"

("in eternal cycles".

Dear @omnvision, 
im with you on everything about that post except:
"in eternal cycles"

The universe had a beginning.
(Its called the big bang.)
Eternal doesnt have a beginning or an end.
You can not have eternal cycles 
in something that is not eternal to begin with.

Misc links:

"Arno Penzias (right) and Robert Woodrow Wilson, who co-discovered the afterglow of the Big Bang
The Bell Lab employees, who won the 1978 Nobel Prize in physics for their discovery, 
are shown standing in front of their microwave antenna at Bell Labs in Holmdel, N.J., on Oct. 17, 1978.

Here is your physical proof:

as well as:

As mapped by the COBE satalite.

You cant be in something 
that has not been created yet
(The beginning)
Therefore, something outside of it 
had to create it 
and i've done that bit about 1000x already.

Point is:
The universe isnt eternal.
God is.
This is what these high minded scientist dont like 
and why they are giving us other, 
non scientific 
faith based explanations 
that can neither be proven or disproven 
(The Multiverse).

Given two choices 
that can neither be proven or disproven?

Id go with the one that has:
 an ancient text that support it 
as well as it's predictions about the future 
coming true right in front of your eyes.

(Life unto the image of the beast?
Conscious machines?
Revelation 13 anybody?)

As well as millions of changed lives.

In any event, the universe is not eternal.


We have physical proof of a beginning.
Something outside of it 
made the inflation 
and the big bang happen,
I'd suggest you figure out what that was quick like in a hurry.

But seriously Ethan
yall gotta great future in stand up.

You see Ethan?
it's not just:
(paraphrasing here)

The Fibonacci sequence
 appears in the physical sciences, 
including in some spiral galaxies
"it’s only by pure coincidence"

By now?
Asserting that all these non biological patterns would all be coincidences:

Is ludicrous.
And I dont mean the rapper.

"revealing a science much more mysterious and comprehensive than we can conceive.
The same Geometric Laws expressed by Light and Sound determine all forms, from micro to macro.
There is a Universal Wave-Particle System throughout the universe, connecting and transforming it, in eternal cycles."

Let me guess Ethan.

"it’s only by pure coincidence" 


I mean give me a break.
Try something else for goodness sakes.

Come at me 
and give me all your answers 
for all these patterns/tables/formulas/codes
information/instructions etc.

Anybody for that matter.
Anyplace, anytime, anywhere, 

minimal prep time.

Wats a matter?
Dont wanna be embarrassed 
by the hick from the sticks?
I dont blame you 
cause its exactly what would happen 
and every last one of em knows it.

I already got my explanation.

ONE explanation.
For all of them:

Colossians 1:15-17

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.…

I already scaled the mountain of ignorance.
Whats your excuse?

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. 

(Better wake up and get out of it 
cause that bad dream is only gonna keep getting worse.)

"He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."

God and the Astronomers

Yalls bad dream bout to be eternal 
here quick like in a hurry 
if you dont acknowledge some things 
that are so obviously readily apparent.

You see my dear high minded scientist 
the question is not how it works, 
we can all understand the physics behind 
it sound waves/resonance/patterns etc, 


Do you understand the entity 
that created t
he DESIGN of the sound waves 
acting upon the matter 
and creating the geometric
patterns it to begin with?

Or is this just another example of?
"it’s only by pure coincidence"?

I mean how much more
observable evidence 
do you have to have for all 
all these patterns/tables/formulas/codes
that exist in nature biological and non
before you submit yourself to your creator?

"Well you didnt prove anything."

Science often goes 
with the explanation 
that most of the evidence points towards 
where other explanations 
simply put 
just dont 
"hold as much water".

With all the evidence pointing in the direction of a theistic entity acting upon his creation?

Dear Ethan
and fellow high-minded scientist is?

Why cant theologians do the same?

Double standard much?
And Why so?
Becomes the question.

If it was anything else besides the cave they dont wanna enter even though it holds the treasure they seek?


They would have pronounced it as fact and moved on from it years ago.

Instead all we get is:

"it’s only by pure coincidence"?

Yeah...right...we got a saying where I come from, goes like this:

"To many coincidences isnt a coincidence."
take heed high minded scientist
(and everyone for that matter).


Yeah still not done.

Depiction of Haumea's presumed 7:12 resonance with Neptune in a rotating frame, with Neptune (blue dot at lower right) held stationary. Haumea's shifting orbital alignment relative to Neptune periodically reverses (librates), preserving the resonance.

Depiction of the resonance between Neptune's moons Naiad (whose orbital motion is shown in red) and Thalassa, in a view that co-rotates with the latter.

Depiction of asteroid Pallas' 18:7 near resonance with Jupiter in a rotating frame  Jupiter (pink loop at upper left) is held nearly stationary. The shift in Pallas' orbital alignment relative to Jupiter increases steadily over time; it never reverses course (i.e., there is no libration).

Depiction of the Earth:Venus 8:13 near resonance. With Earth held stationary at the center of a nonrotating frame, the successive inferior conjunctions of Venus over eight Earth years trace a pentagrammic pattern (reflecting the difference between the numbers in the ratio).

I thought things were supposed to tend toward disorder in an enclosed system?

How did all that happen then?
Yeah I know...

"it’s only by pure coincidence"?

@robertedwardgrant (IG) 

"The concept is based on data from University of Wisconsin geoscientist Steven Dutch, who created an interactive graphic in 2012, demonstrating how Venus's closest orbital points to Earth, over eight years, map out the points of a 
"remarkable, but not perfect" 
pentagram in the sky.
"The orbits are approximated as circles
so this animation cannot be used for 100% accurate predictions," Dutch stated.

"The orbits are approximated as circles, so this animation cannot be used for 100% accurate predictions," Dutch stated.
All planets have elliptical orbits, making these diagrams simplified representations of the real deal. But they aren't radically far off, especially in Venus's case. Venus has the most circular orbit of any of the planets in our Solar System. In a measure of eccentricity - how much an orbit deviates from a circle - Venus scores 0.007, whereas Mercury, with the most elliptical planetary orbit in our Solar System, has an eccentricity of 0.21. This measurement is the ratio between a planet's farthest and nearest orbital point from the Sun, and gives a sense of how elongated the ellipse is.

All planets and celestial bodies trace a geometrical curve through their orbital patterns. When these curves relate to each other, they form amazing geometrical patterns through a phenomenon known as "orbital resonance". Resonance is responsible for shaping geometry in all scales of the universe, from atoms to galaxies. The same type of geometrical patterns can be visualized when sound frequencies resonates with water (cymatics) or when resonating waveforms are visualized through an oscilloscope."

(Interesting dont you think?
All you high-mided types?

"The same type of geometrical patterns can be visualized when sound frequencies resonates with water (cymatics) or when resonating waveforms are visualized through an oscilloscope."

You're worshiping your own brains and not acknowledging the source from where the ability to reason comes from, its a high form of idolatry and will land you straight in hell if you do not acknowledge the source from which ALL things flow.

I reiterate:

The Supremacy of Christ
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.…


I would say I rest my case 
but Im still putting it together.

Whats the other side gonna argue?

"it’s only by pure coincidence"?

Have I mentioned there is a book being proven true right in front of you yet?

Oh and by the way?

Is that:

"only by pure coincidence"?
as well?

Eternity is a long time people.
Decision time.
The evidence overwhelming 
supports theism
not coincidence.

"Nonsense is still nonsense 
even if its from the mouth of high-minded scientist."

My buddy.

Like to meet him someday.

Seriously people?

Best guess with the logical/rational brain God gave you.

And ethan?
High-minded scientist types?

You keep hanging curveballs?
And Im gonna keep knocking them out of the stadium.

TY so much.
Much indebted:

Coming soon to a lil family 
country church down the way:

Its in the book as well.

I know
"only by pure coincidence"

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