Monday, March 14, 2022

highly developed gift of discernment


Viewpoint: Dominoes are falling in the global supply chain

"Over the last three years, the existing global economic and security order that has brought so much peace and prosperity to billions of people around the world has been under a pronounced strain and is now at risk of wholesale collapse — a destructive transformation that has already begun to ripple through the global supply chain."  

"It is an obvious truism that the far-reaching impacts of small events in remote parts of the world are often difficult to comprehend."

(Not for those with the highly developed gift of discernment given and sharpened by the Holy Spirit they're not,  

Yours truly March 10th 2020



 hits both the production and consumer side of economies.

Disrupts supply chains and is immune to the tools central bankers have at their disposal.

Anybody ever stop to think all thats not an accident?

That it's doing exactly what it was designed to do?

That it was designed to be just like this?

And no I don't mean China." 

I wrote a lot of other things as well, find you somebody else that had this much right as of March 10th of 2020, it ought to tell you who I'm being used by.) 

"The base meme could easily be applied to a single patient getting an odd “flu-like” illness at some point in 2019 in the city of Wuhan, China, and leading to the eventual collapse of the 80-year-old global security and economic order in 2022. Even with all the concern over COVID-19, most people did not realize that we were in the midst of impossible dramatic economic and societal change until recently — as the latest domino prepared to fall in Ukraine." 

(Well you know? Somebody did and they've been living in a garage with no hot water and no internet for a while now, so how in the world somebody living like that gets more right than the experts unless the power of the holy spirit is working through them becomes my question.)

"We saw further supply chain dominoes fall with respect to medical supplies. The world very quickly realized that key items needed to maintain their medical responses — masks, gloves, respirators, medication — were often not produced domestically and were only available at the whims of producer nations (which were generous in keeping goods moving in most situations).  

As the world shut down production of basically everything to keep workers safe, just-in-time supply chains collapsed, shelves were empty and consumer spending cratered.

Then, remarkably, a few months later, as immense economic stimulus funds were shoveled into economies, this restricted spending reversed itself and we saw staggering demand as people stuck at home and unable to spend money on trips, entertainment or in stores made massive sustained orders from online retailers in unheard of volumes, clogging supply chains for more than a year as supply and demand struggled to reach equilibrium. 

All the above happened in one brief year, but the implications of the pandemic continued to reverberate into 2022.  

(And farther than 2022 I would argue, my argument is this: YOUR CREATOR WANTED IT THAT WAY! HE WANTS YOU TO TURN TO HIM AND REALIZE HES IN CONTROL! NOT US!)

"Russian President Putin’s move to invalidate Ukraine’s borders, push for regime change and thwart potential future NATO expansion was born, in part, of a need to distract from his own internal instability and a view that as the West recovered from its own domestic COVID-19 upheaval and associated isolationism, it would be unable to stomach the military or economic response necessary to thwart his ambitions. The breakdown in a global society that resulted from COVID-19 laid the foundation for a Russian invasion."

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