Saturday, March 19, 2022



can not even read the news anymore without seeing things that I said a week or two (or years ) previous.

Russia uses hypersonic missile

"Britain’s defense intelligence chief described it as an emerging ”strategy of attrition.” Without major cities captured, Russia seems to be turning to the “reckless and indiscriminate use of firepower” that will worsen the humanitarian crisis, Lt. Gen. Jim Hockenhull said Friday."

(It was never, "an emerging strategy" it was the strategy all along.)

"The assessment was echoed by the Atlantic Council, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank, in a report this week. The group warned that since Russia's "lightning offensive designed to take the capital" had failed, the military appeared to be settling in for an extended campaign "designed to suffocate Ukraine."

"...The strategy would likely involve attacking civilian areas, destroying cities and blocking off supplies, possibly leading to famine, according to the analysis.

(Likely? Really? Come on Atlantic Council, yall can do better than that. Apparently I need a job at a think tank, actually I love my true calling, doing what I do :-). There was never "a lightning offensive designed to take the capital". "The military appeared to be settling in for an extended campaign "designed to suffocate Ukraine.")

(They are not settling for anything. This was the strategy all along, the longer it goes on the more it benefits them.)

"designed to suffocate Ukraine."

(I said  (spirit said through me) a week ago or so in a presentation I did that they would treat Mariupol and Kiev just like St Petersburg was treated during WW2. And they are doing so to send the others that will be in their crosshairs a message.)

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