Friday, June 17, 2022


 had a conversation with a lady the other day about the state of the world today basically. The Colorado river situation, gas/diesel prices, the Ukraine, Mathew 24, just a lil everything and what we can expect going forward. I said "Are you gonna be able to hold your starving baby in your arms and watch them die and give thanks to God at the same time? The Book says praise God regardless of the situation we find ourselves in, Jobs wife told him to curse God and be dead and he said "You immoral woman, if we praise god during good times shall we not praise him in bad times too?" During the conversation I mentioned that some people who are Christian like to think something along the lines of:

"Well my God wouldn't do that to me."

She said she hears that from a lot of people. Hardly nothing gets my dander (Slang WOD BTW) fired up any more than that. I didn't have a response right then but I sure did about 5-10 minutes later and it goes a lil something like this, I shared something pretty similar with her so I'll repeat here:

"Then were not worshiping the same God. What you're saying makes perfect sense, because God only lets Satan afflict Job and Paul and countless others to purify their spirits, hearts, minds and bodys, of course he wouldn't dare think of doing it to you. How spiritually immature, completely ignorant of the scripture and arrogant do you really have to be to in order to think such nonsense? I've been telling people for years, when you're crawling through a burnt out corn field, looking for a few pieces of burnt corn kernels, taking your last couple of arm crawls before you know you're gonna transition on to the next realm? You better be giving thanks and praising God, because nothing here we could ever go through is gonna compare to the glory that awaits in eternity."

"Well my God wouldn't do that to me."

Back it up with scripture that you're so special he wouldn't test or afflict you. Bring it to me, Id love to see it.

The fact of the matter is this:

Matthew 24:22

"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

Not Gods fault you didn't think you'd live to see "those days"

Its a big reason I did the "Pre-tribulation rapture Deconstruction" pieces I did. Honey knows where the videos are etc. It came way late to the game so to speak and largely only in the Westerrn church where we are spoiled and like things to be easy.

Don't be deceived!

Anybody can act like they're a Christian in good times, separating the wheat from chaff anybody? Thats not good from evil mind you, those are two separate things, this is true believers from pretenders/posers/imposters etc., two parts of the same whole if your with me.

Like I said, hardly anything gets my dander up as something that spiritually immature, ignorant and arrogant all at the same time.

It all goes back to knowing what to expect when the time comes and we got the playbook and it's being played out right in front of us. To expect anything else is simply foolishness.

I love you baby.

One more and then time to grab a bite to eat.

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