Monday, June 13, 2022

Lets review pt 6


Love em...not so much the ford or chevy, never really had a preference, but the gas signs etc...

Hey know why they are 50% off? Cause gas prices are $5 a gallon for the first time ever and they have to much inventory on hand cause they stocked up to try and have a buffer against supply lines issues...opps.

Bottom one on the left, the silver one "My garage My rules". We need to go shopping, I got things I need to get for some people (and ourselves/me etc)

OMGoodness, battery powered to light up, different colors, red, blue, green, orange, etc., pull that rip cord and these things really take off...Think of six of them all different colors all launched at the same time when good and dark. They were in the same aisle as all kinds of bubbles, super soakers etc...Oh the fun were gonna have :-). I'm just a kid at heart honey :-).

Yup...Victor and his wife aint gonna have anything on us honey :-). Promise.

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