Tuesday, September 6, 2022



like I said, none of it is ever gonna matter anyway.

Wouldn't matter if I put 10 hours into it.

I just want to be perfectly clear.

I love you.

I always have, from the moment we met.

I think were a great team.

I think we are do amazing things together.

Miracles even :-).

I think this is what we were put here to do for others.

But I'm not the one couldn't send you a screenshot of my messages and its created a trust issue at the most inopportune time that just did not exist before, and it needs to be rectified before any ceremony takes place.

Either that or I will fuck it all up for everybody else just like I promised.

See previous post on question I will ask mid-ceremony etc...

I love you.

Get over it.

Find your big girl pants for God's sake.

I told you I was ready to walk a long time ago.

(Here we go with the "its all my fault being a man again never mind the fact how much you tell her or for how long, if she has it in her head that it just doesn't matter? Then it just doesn't matter and then by the time it does? Its usually to late etc...)

Not to do what you did at Christmas/Holidays etc.

You expect me to just "get over it"


Your turn.

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