Thursday, September 8, 2022



just read and shake my head anymore...

U.S. provides nearly $3 billion to Ukraine as Blinken makes unannounced visit to Kyiv

"KYIV, Ukraine — Secretary of State Antony Blinken made an unannounced trip to Kyiv on Thursday, where he announced almost $3 billion worth of financial aid and weapons to help Ukraine during the Russia invasion."

"And President Biden has been clear we will support the people of Ukraine for as long as it takes."

(Or until we default on the interest payment on the national debt which ever comes first, I know which one of those options I would go with.)

"He said the administration will make $2.2 billion available for long-term investments "to bolster the security of Ukraine and 18 of its neighbors," many of which are NATO allies that face the risk of potential future Russian aggression.

(Say what?, come again? I'm a lil confused here, if Russia is getting it's ass kicked as bad as we are being told that they are? Then why are we making "$2.2 billion available for long-term investments "to bolster the security of Ukraine and 18 of its neighbors,"

If Russia is loosing as badly as our government/media want us to believe? Why would Ukraine and 18 of its neighbors need such long term investments to bolster their security?

Something obviously isn't congruent here.)

"That amount comes atop $675 million in military aid to include more High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), as well as more munitions and armored vehicles, according to the State Department. This sum was also announced earlier Thursday by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who is in Germany at a meeting with defense counterparts from around the world."

"The combined funding announced Thursday — over $2.87 billion — will bring the total security assistance to Ukraine since Russia launched its full-scale ground invasion on Feb. 24 to $13.5 billion."

(Where to even start...


Why didn't we just send the 60 HIMARs that the Ukrainians needed to start with? All we have been doing is sending them more of them ever since.

"as well as more munitions"

Notice just like the last time around with an aid package, the type of munitions is not stated. One could expect them to be longer range, more advanced, very precise, as like what was in all likelihood used on the attack at the Russian air field in Crimea and the munitions depot shortly there after.

Again, why do we need to be sending in longer range, more precise high tech weapons if Russia is loosing so badly?

"Full scale ground invasion"

Why did this become a common refrain across various media here in just the last few weeks? My contention when I first noticed it (and still is to this day) is that people are catching on that this was in no way a "Full scale ground invasion" and is in fact a "special military operation" just like Putin has said it is. 

Putin knows if he can just keep dragging this on we will get more and more involved militarily and cut our own throats with more and more sanctions that are not working and are only serving up more and more inflation and hastening the end of the current world economic order, which was exactly his intent. Post Covid and the US being broke? Somebody was bound to make a move sooner or later so there ya go, there is was.

Another point:

If it was a "Full scale ground invasion" why was Russia conducting training exercises in its far east with China, India, Laos, Mongolia, Nicaragua and Syria?

Kremlin says Putin attends military exercises with Chinese forces

"More than 50,000 soldiers and more than 5,000 units of military equipment, including 140 aircraft and 60 ships, are involved in the exercises which run until Wednesday across several training grounds in Russia’s Far East and in the waters off its eastern coast."

"The exercise continues a series of joint war games by Russia and China in recent years, including naval drills and long-range bomber patrols, and showcases ties between Moscow and Beijing, which have grown stronger since Putin sent his troops into Ukraine."

"Chinese defence ministry spokesperson Colonel Tan Kefei said last week that China’s participation in Vostok-2022 aims to deepen “cooperation between the militaries of the participating countries, enhance the level of strategic cooperation among all participating parties, and enhance the ability to jointly respond to various security threats”."

I mean if it was a "Full scale ground invasion" as we are only being told here lately it was, is that something you would really do? Send all those troops and equipment that far away (12 time zones maybe?) from your "Full scale ground invasion" where you are getting your butt kicked supposedly?

China and Russia are getting ready for what they know is coming, were over here with our thumbs up our butts watching tic toc videos. Sins of sister Sodom again? "unconcerned/complacent" I believe is in that list. Just keep on keeping on just keep spending its all okay...yeah...sure.

I mean at what point do you just wake up and say to yourself?

"This dog just don't hunt anymore?")

"Russia's war in Ukraine and the ripple effects in global food and energy markets are set to be major themes this year."

(Nobody else is telling ya so I will, it was the whole point of the "special military operation." to start with, to break the collective backs of the west economically with inflation, high interest rates, high levels of all kinds of debt etc.

And its working and you would do well to recognize there isn't but one way out and that is by accepting Jesus Christ as your risen lord and savior.

People the door on the ark only stays open so long, then Gods righteous anger will get poured out on the unbelieving. 

Eternity man, come on!

It's more than worth whatever we may face here.

(Believers suffer Satan's wrath but that's a different subject and we've already covered that in great detail :-).

To sum up: 

The conflict in Ukraine is an existential one to bring about the end of the $ as the worlds reserve currency and to hasten an end to the current world economic system.

Everyday the disparity between what is taking place on the ground and what we are being told in media and by governments is growing. 

One would be wise to understand this and take the necessary steps to ensure ones salvation.

I love you baby.

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