Friday, September 9, 2022



you cant see what is coming by now?...

Seriously it's like the run up to WWII at this point, its just so obvious.

U.S. dials up shipments of radar-hunting missiles for Ukraine

"The Biden administration is sending the Ukrainian military more radar-hunting missiles, U.S. officials said Thursday, a move intended to bolster its aerial-attack capabilities against invading Russian forces."

Russia has/had at the start of the war 1500 military aircraft. Ukraine has/had about 100.

"An industry trade journal called "FlightGlobal" estimates the Russian air force has roughly 1,500 military aircraft. The Ukrainians, by contrast, have around a hundred. Russian planes are also far more modern and lethal than the antique MiG-29 jets..."

That article is listed below.

A big mystery of the war in Ukraine is Russia's failure to gain control of the sky

Uhhhh...because they are sandbagging? 

"All warfare is based on deception." Sun Tzu.

Anyway were gonna bolster Ukraines aerial attack capabilities? 

100 antique fighters vs 1500 military aircraft.

Seriously, that dog doesnt hunt, at all.

Defense Secretary Loyd Austin said something interesting when talking about this, he said:

“Ukraine is fighting for its life,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said during a news conference at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, where he announced the latest weapons transfer at a meeting of several countries supporting Ukraine’s war effort. “It’s fighting for its sovereign territory, and its democracy and its freedom. But the stakes reach far beyond the front lines. They affect us all.”


High ranking government officials are starting to not be able to conceal the fact that this is indeed an existential fight for the $'s role as the worlds reserve currency and the new world economic order (if there is even a world left) that will follow in its aftermath.)

More about the radar hunting missiles:

"Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, first acknowledged in August that Ukrainian forces had been using the HARM missiles for weeks and “to great effect.”"

"The Pentagon, though, initially avoided identifying the missiles by name, with a senior defense official saying the Biden administration wanted to be careful about describing weapons that could provide Ukraine with a “significant asymmetric and unexpected advantage.” That changed once U.S. officials saw how “successfully” the missiles integrated with Ukrainian aircraft, prompting additional transfers, the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity under rules set by the Defense Department."

"That changed once U.S. officials saw how “successfully” the missiles integrated with Ukrainian aircraft, prompting additional transfers..."


Why let your adversary know whats coming in advance would be a much more likely reason.)

"The United States has used HARM missiles since the 1980s, deploying them to hunt radar sites in Iraq and Yugoslavia, according to photographs released by the Pentagon. U.S. pilots launch them from F-16s and F/A-18 fighters."

(Going around hunting radar instillations not a defensive posture. That too probably had something to do wit the reluctance of the Pentagon to identify the missiles by name. 100 antiquated aircraft are gonna take out Russian installations ? Who buys this nonsense?)

"Since Russia’s invasion, the United States has provided more than $14 billion in security assistance to Ukraine, U.S. officials said. Austin said Thursday that the meeting in Germany highlighted a shift in which allies are discussing more how to support Ukraine “over the long haul.”

Its all part of our adversaries plans to break our backs and that of the collective west as a whole. 

So what exactly are our choices? 

Sit back and just watch the $ be replaced as the worlds reserve currency? 

Or go broke and fight a war we cant afford (and not just financially)? 

Like I told my buddy the other day, we are like a blind person in a square room with the doors locked. Everywhere we go we just keep walking into corners, there are no good options.



Remember this?

"The Russian military has said it deployed warplanes armed with state-of-the-art hypersonic missiles to the country’s Kaliningrad region, in close proximity to European Union member states and NATO assets."

"Russia’s Defence Ministry said three MiG-31 fighters with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles arrived at the Chkalovsk airbase as part of “additional measures of strategic deterrence” and will be placed on “round-the-clock combat duty”.

" (Russia) has methodically bolstered its military forces in Kaliningrad, arming them with state-of-the-art weapons, including precision-guided Iskander missiles and an array of air defence systems.

The Russian military said the Kinzhal has a range of up to 2,000km (about 1,250 miles) and flies at 10 times the speed of sound."

Kh-47M2 Kinzhal

"The missile is designed to hit NATO warships posing a threat to strategic missile systems in European Russia and to destroy NATO missile defence systems, ballistic missile defense ships and land objects close to the Russian borders. It is allegedly designed to overcome any known or planned NATO air or missile defense systems including the MIM-104 Patriot, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense and Aegis Combat System. Rather than using the more recent hypersonic glide and scramjet missile designs, it uses the more classical ballistic missile technology at simply greater speeds.

The missile overall design is shared with the 9K720 Iskander and the guidance section is modified for this missile. It can hit static and mobile targets such as aircraft carriers.

Because it flies at hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere, the air pressure in front of it forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves (Plasma stealth)."


"The AGM-88 can detect, attack and destroy a radar antenna or transmitter with minimal aircrew input. The proportional guidance system that homes in on enemy radar emissions has a fixed antenna and seeker head in the missile's nose. A smokeless, solid-propellant, booster-sustainer rocket motor propels the missile at speeds over Mach 2.0. The HARM was a missile program led by the U.S. Navy, and it was first carried by the A-6E, A-7, and F/A-18A/B aircraft, and then it equipped the EA-6B and EA-18G dedicated electronic attack aircraft. RDT&E for use on the F-14 aircraft was begun, but not completed. The U.S. Air Force (USAF) put the HARM onto the F-4G Wild Weasel aircraft, and later on specialized F-16s equipped with the HARM Targeting System (HTS). The missile has three operational modes: Pre-Briefed (PB), Target Of Opportunity (TOO) and Self-Protect (SP).[4] The HTS pod, used by the USAF only, allows F-16s to detect and automatically target radar systems with HARMs instead of relying on the missile's sensors alone.

Their missiles can get to their targets a lot quicker than ours can get to ours...5x faster...Hypersonic technology was something we in our arrogance didnt think would ever come to fruition so we didnt pursue it much till here recently. What were the sins of your sister Sodom again? Talked about complacency yesterday, today were gonna talk about arrogance.

The chess pieces are being lined up on the board, 

people are getting their pieces in place. 

This is not just some saber rattling. 

The question I have for everybody?

 Are you ready to wake up one morning, or in the blink of an eye some afternoon, to have your world and everything in it, and your life and YOUR plans changed forever? Are you really ready to deal with that? 

People say "well there's nothing I can do about it."

Sure there is, you can be prepared to deal with that type situation spiritually, 

mentally and physically. 

Being unprepared or just thinking it is not going to happen will lead you to panic and confusion when it does.

I've been saying it for a long time now, we are who we are (me and honey), 

were entering the time period  that I have said or wedding signifies, 

and that everything that is going on in the world would just make so much more sense for so many and be so much easier to digest if people could only understand and accept that everything is happening just like it is supposed to.

I love you more sweetheart :-)


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