Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Lets see


what else?

Stopped in to see my friends at Los Amigos :-).

Didnt eat, just wanted to stop by on my way home and see what the end of a Teusady dinner looked like, see who was there etc...

Telling the waitress about the days events at the library :-).

That look on the one individuals face :-)

"How are you doing?"


 :-) :-) :-) :-) 


I was just like, I bet.

And I bet I know who and I bet I know why and ...:-).

Just kinda smacked of a

"if you only knew what was going on concerning you right now" 

kinda look :-).


When I told the waitress?

Her smile said it all, I'll just say like that :-).


In another conversation:

"What happened to Chris' bike?"

I'm like...why people go weeks on end never ask about him and then all of the sudden in a matter of a lil over a week I got more people asking questions about him and now his bike than any time since he's been gone?

Then a lil later:

"Weren't you supposed to go on a big trip this summer?"

"Im pretty sure somebody engineered that such that I would go with them when that time comes."

Crickets :-).

Funny how sometimes what is not said says way more than whatever was...

Told me everything I needed to know.


Now throw in Mr. Taylors comments about being a ride captain, and police letting a large caravan of bikes through their towns such that the bikes can all stay in their group and not get sectioned off by stop lights etc...

All the sudden a picture starts emerging.

I love you.

I appreciate everything youve ever done and are doing for us.

I really do.

Undivided attention.

Just sayin...

Not gonna fight for it, you will either wanna give it willingly or you wont.

See all the post from yesterday about how things can potentialy turn out if you need to.

I love you.


As in justice...

as in just us...

as in all yall got to get 

and give us our time...

for a long time...

and ofetn...


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