Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Still true :-).


"I want a woman who is on my level. I'll be honest, I've never had one. I want a woman that challenges me on every level. I would be this woman’s rock and she can be the waves coming and going rising and falling, failing all around me while I just remain steady and solid. I want a woman that when she gives me her whole heart I know I got it and I won't ever have to worry about it ever again, ever, period. She can test me all she wants, that’s fine, I expect that, she's a woman, but that heart of hers is all mine and I know she will never desire another. I want a woman that when I piss her off or she pisses me off it just makes us want to be with each other that much more because I know nobody else will ever give me that fire, that passion, that intensity that I long for, that has been missing for far too long now. I love romance, I love "Old School" things like that because it seems like we have lost our way with it and nobody does it any more. It’s just sad. Everybody is to damn scared to take a chance. It worked back in the day, still works today if people try it. "With great risk comes great reward" I read somewhere. I want that woman, that even though I may have only spent a little bit of time with her I could just tell she was the real thing and I knew, I'll never be able to explain it to anyone, I just knew there was no way I would ever let her get away from me. I didn't used to believe in "when you know you just know" but I have recently been converted to this concept. I want a woman that has touched my soul so much that I will freely go above and beyond anything I could have ever dreamt of doing in order to show her how much she means to me and enjoy the journey doing so. I want that woman who is so beautiful most men wouldn’t even have the courage of walking up to her and starting a conversation. The greatest thing? She doesn’t have the slightest clue this is how the majority of men perceive her. I want that woman I feel like I was put on this earth to be a good husband for, someone that I know we are going to have a life and a love like few others will ever be fortunate enough to experience.  Will it be easy? Of course not, nothing worth it ever is. But this is my dream; this is what I will work hard every day the rest of my life for because I want YOU, all day, every day, the rest of days...peace."

Originally written 1/14/13

Okay well...:-).

The testing can ease back a lil bit now since it has been a decade :-)

 and the rock has been beaten and battered and worn smooth by the waves some :-) 

And the going above and beyond didn't necessarily mean till I die without her etc :-).

But it is still my dream and it is something I will work at diligently to ensure its fruition and continued success.

I love you baby :-). 

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