Wednesday, September 7, 2022



can hate him all you want to.

and I am not going to get into what all he said in Vladivostok that was factually wrong, (there is plenty).

But this?

"He scoffed at Western attempts to cap prices for Russian oil and gas, calling the idea “stupid” and saying that Russia will have enough customers in Asia. “The demand is so high on global markets that we won't have any problem selling it,” he said.

“An attempt to limit prices by administrative means is just ravings, it's sheer nonsense,” Putin added. “It will only lead to a hike in prices.”

Is 100% on point. OPEC+ is already initiating production cut in response to our SPR drawdown, and just wait till that coincides with not releasing any more from the SPR here in a few months. Then what do you think is going to happen to gas prices?

 These days?

The world has the attention span of a gnat.

It just really does.

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