Tuesday, September 6, 2022



why do you always act like you're not reading what I've sent to you in chat/email?

How many decades does it take for you to realize I know what you're up to?

Without minions BTW...:-).

It only pisses you off so much because you know it's all true :-).

Lets see here...lets review for a second...

Thats one team about ready to head home for good,

another team not really carin if they go for good or not at this point :-).

In light of this fact?

I think

Four of five days of you on your knees buck naked looking out on the Indian ocean while daddy gives you  your pleasure, THEN gets his, would be my recommendation for such a delima :-).


I think its our best shot personally :-).

"THEN gets his"


Still willing to be a gentleman, even after everything...

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