Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Lets see...


lets start here:


as in:

 "a logical method intended to assist in discerning the correct balance between the restriction imposed by a corrective measure and the severity of the nature of the prohibited act.

Whats the definition of proportionality?

When in reference to foreign policy and military confict, the virtue of a proportional response is intrinsic to the very nature of proportionality; to retalitate in a manner equal to the initial attack, but not exceeding. A proportional response aims to suffice to prevent further attacks.


It really hasnt been working that well, "to prevent further attacks". Maybe? maybe its because I've had kid gloves on for far tolong and my responses havent even come close to being, "porportional". largely because I keep hoping your "attacks" as in the form of paid/gaslighting minions would cease.

Think about it for a second 

a paid cadre of minions with practically unlimited resources messing with somebodys mind for a decade vs the guy living in the garage with 80 cents to his name and no internet. And the paid cadre of minions bout ready to pack up and shag ass back to wherever and the guy in the garage isnt a few weeks in to his counter-offensive.

Sound proportional to you?

Or you thinking we got a ways to go yet?

Or do you want me to call off the rest of the counter-offensive?

I bet I know the answers to those questions...:-).

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