Tuesday, September 6, 2022



kept telling me you could be my healing touch.

That your love could/would rejuvenate me etc.

That one day you could make it all make sense.

Well I think that time is here.

I deserve to be at a better place mentally than I am right now.

I did nothing to deserve all the questions I got circling my head RN that I didn't have just a few short months ago.

Things making less and less sense everyday etc.

Need clarity.

Need somebody to tell me whats up so I can make some sane choices for a while.

In short?

Im going nuts and I need you in my life rn 

Things like

my future wife walking right down the sidewalk in front of me not even bothering to say hello, or come sit in the library and think I don't even know who she is etc...:-).

Wheres Chris?

When everybody already knows etc...

How is this stuff not supposed to drive somebody nuts after a while?

I love you baby :-).

Long day.

I'm heading someplace I don't wanna be anymore.

This tends not to last to long in case you didn't notice :-)

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