Monday, June 17, 2024

It took 30 years lol...

 I always loved these guys.

From the time I first heard them 

and got their first record?

I have always loved them.

Big Head Todd and the Monsters

"their 1993 album Sister Sweetly 

went platinum 

in the United States. 

The band developed a sizable live following, 

especially in the Mountain States of the United States."

"The album went platinum spawning three singles 

which made the rock charts, including 

"Bittersweet," "Broken Hearted Savior", and "Circle."

"Big Head Todd and the Monsters are still touring to date. Todd Park Mohr confirmed that the band has recently had the most success with selling more tickets to live shows than they ever have."

So after waiting 30+ years?

I finally got to see em :-).

For free.

At my favorite Blues Festival

WC Handy

right down the road a piece

in Henderson KY.

The festival is always fathers day weekend.

So its a pretty easy present lol.

Just let me go lol.

Or better yet?

 Like this year?

Go with me.

Which is what happened.

We had a blast.

People might have the impression that its 

some kind of drunken orgy or whatever, 

but that would be very incorrect.

The organizers go out of their way 

to make sure that it is a family friendly event.

Had a plan.

'Okay so the act before them will be done at 8:30,

when their set is over?

 and everybody starts leaving the front?

thats when we will snake our way through the crowd 

and get to the barricade right in front of the stage."

And that's exactly what we did :-).

For the entire performance.

The one song that I hoped they would play?
The last one I listened to before we left?

The just nailed it...
Steamrolled right through it...

"Turn the light out"

Other highlights included:

"It's alright"

"Broken Hearted Savior"

"Boom Boom"


"Resignation Superman"

Among others.

Always a good time 
to be had
at the
WC Handy
Blues and BBQ festival.

Sunsets are always 
pretty spectacular
 as well.

Nice chair.

Couldn't see to take the picture 

cause of the glare lol.

Our seats

Sidewalk chalk.

Connect four.

Dont even get me started lol.

Over 30 years of waiting to see them.

I Couldn't believe 

I saw them for free.

Right down the road a ways.

Standing right up front,

the entire show.

Todd Park Mohr is quite a fine guitarist.

And thats an understatement.

They nailed the song 

I really wanted to hear.

Pretty awesome.

Thanks for going honey

and thanks for a fine Fathers Day Weekemd.

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