Thursday, June 13, 2024


 more time.

(Comments added to previous post are in parenthesis)


Why people aren't getting this by now is just beyond me.



was asked a while back:

"But don't you want better for yourself?"

Sure do.

Thing is?
God had a plan all along.
Giving up was never in that plan.
Worldly things were never lusted or craved after and
they will all be given away eventually anyway
so why do people care so fucking much?

Jealous, bitter, angry judgmental "Christians" :-).
Cause that makes sense right?
Gotta love 'em.
It's about all you can do with 'em.


It's a reward for doing as instructed.

It was never a craving or a desire.

Not my fault people are to ignorant see the difference.

Posted Nov 1st, 2017

But Drew

(Almost 7 years ago BTW)

Whats all this about Rasta and rejecting materialism and consumerism when you yourself said you want that Audi that is in the iron man movies and your bike done the way you want and another cruiser type bike someday? 

You're a Hypocrite.

Here is the difference:

Proverbs 21:25-26

The desire of the slothful killeth him; 

for his hands refuse to labour.

He coveteth greedily all the day long:


the righteous giveth and spareth not.

What else besides those things 

and my brilliant, dazzling, 

amazing wife to be 

have I ever said I wanted?


I don't lust after those things.

(We have a tendency to forget about that type of "lust" in the bible now don't we?

Material things, comfort, power, control are all things to be lusted after.

And remember this:

Jealousy is wanting the possessions somebody else has

Envy is wanted their character.)

If I can have them?


Part of my reward 

for doing what I'm told.

If not?

So what.

I don't have them now 

so what will I miss?

It's kinda like getting a bonus from your employer 

for a job well done.

Everybody I know who has ever received a bonus check 

has always turned right around 

and given that kinda reward to charity right?


Having luxury is not a sin.

Especially if it's a reward for the hard work you've done.

Lusting after it greedily all the day long like crack cocaine or meth?

That's the problem.

Because you will never, ever be satisfied.

Bob Marley drove a BMW btw :-).

He said it was because it stood for 

Bob Marley and the Wailers.

Nobody ever really believed that :-).

Does that discredit all the good he did?

Critics gonna criticize.

Thats what they do.

(Thats also why I dont care)

Years ago, I prayed for my family and friends to have their needs met before me

and for myself to be given a platform to be heard from.

You tell me what happened.

Revelation 2:7

"To the one who is victorious, 

I will give the right 

to eat from the tree of life, 

which is in the paradise of God."

Some of us?

Not many, 

but some?

We get heaven on earth as our recompense.


paid equal to the task at hand.

Not one penny above

what was required.


Your recompense 

can be bad as well.

That is

Paid back equal 

to what you deserve.

Same thing, 

good or bad.

100% equal

to what is deserved.

(Gods call, not yours

its all to serve his purpose/point he is making using us)

Besides, I'm on record as saying I'd just as soon give it all away 

when I'm no longer here anyway 

so what difference does it all make in the long run?

Do a survey of the people in the fortune 500 and see what they plan on doing with their wealth when they are no longer here.

I betcha there aren't many who plan on giving it all away.

Critics should go bitch at them.

(But no, just because you happen to know someone(s) who has been blessed beyond measure, somehow you think you got some kinda right to offer your two cents about what should be done with it, you don't, so shut up about it already, cause you haven't even begun to see

the blessings that are about to be poured out.

The whole point of it was, God gave it to the guy who didn't ever really care if he got it or not, he told me he was going to give me earthly rewards as well as heavenly ones, I'm on record as having said that years ago, the point of the earthly ones is so that people will sit us and take notice,

that what this guy says God told him is coming true and its extremely difficult to argue otherwise.

I simply would not have made it through everything I did if it wasn't for my faith in what my creator said was going to happen and now people are seeing that and there just isnt any other explanation for it and they dont like it.

1 Samuel 8:7

And the Lord told him: 

“Listen to all that the people are saying to you; 

it is not you they have rejected, 

but they have rejected me as their king.


A ton. 

Its kinda the whole point 

Im trying to make.

Like I said, if you don't like these blessings so far?

Stick around, plenty more to hate about coming up.

1 Corinthians 2:9

But as it is written:

“What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard,

    and what has not entered the human heart,

    what God has prepared for those who love him,”

For some?

That doesn't just apply to the heavenly realm, it applys to here and now to make a point.

To witness a miracle, 

to see someone go to the library everyday, 

hours on end, 

for years on end, 

to see firsthand the increase in knowledge of our physical world in which we live 

and of spiritual things, 

and to participate in that miracle 

and to benefit from that miracle 

and then to deny its existence?

Gonna land you straight in hell.

Cause if you honestly believed?

You would understand 

that there simply isn't another explanation.)


I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of my life with my absolutely indescribably amazing wife and

anybody that doesn't like it can go jump off a cliff for all I care.

It's not gonna change a thing.

I love you Lucy.

Comprende Kemosabe?

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