Friday, June 28, 2024


 were going here...

One more time.

Psalm 32:2

King James Version

Blessed is the man 

unto whom the Lord 

imputeth not iniquity, 

and in whose spirit 

there is no guile.

"imputeth not iniquity"


His sins are not counted against him.

"in whose spirit 

there is no guile."




Cunning implies



laying a trap, 

a snare etc.

Plain deceit doesn't include that.

Here is how the NIV words it:

Psalm 32:2

New International Version

Blessed is the one

    whose sin the Lord 

does not 

count against them

    and in whose spirit 

is no deceit.

(I like the King James better in this instance because guile

(cunning deceit, planning to be deceitful)

, is quite a bit different from just plain everyday deceit.)

This individual?

is the other half of my soul.

(Reference The Apocalypse of Elijah 

for all of that if you want, 

Tabitha, Elijah, 

the two witnesses 

fighting the antichrist etc.)

We both knew 

something very special happened 

when we had dinner here.

almost 12 years ago.

(Interesting number 12

12 tribes of Israel, 

12 disciples ect...

(We didn't know what 

was so special at the time

we just both knew 

it was very special.)

I have text her phone for over 12 years, with limited responses

(Till lately :-)

About a year ago I accidentally saw a text that 

(I wasnt trying to pry, the phone was laying there and it went off and when it did the previous text showed up (mine) and I had confirmation of what I already knew well ahead of that moment.)

I had sent her

come through on somebodys phone.

Somebody that I knew who they were 

every time I ever saw them 

in the community 

no matter what disguise they were wearing 

or what character they chose to be playing.

I have been laughing inside 

at everybody involved in this

ever since.

"Why do yawl even bother any more?"

I have asked numerous times.

Seen right through everything the entire time.

So my question to all involved is this:

Do you have any


(cunning deceit)

in your spirit?

I think its a question worth asking.

Ithink the events of the past few days

(last night in particular)

served to let me ask this question and make this point.

I am the most wretched of the wrectched

nobody deserves heaven, not one, least of all me.

But one thing you can be sure of with me?

What you see is what you get.

I don't bother to hide anything

(My Sins) 

from anybody

ask me 

and Ill look you in the face 

and tell you. 

No matter how painful it hurts

no matter how bad 

I dont wanna tell you

what you are asking about.

It seems like people are so scared/intimated 

these days that they are scared to even ask me anything.

But I figured out a long time ago 

eventually everything comes to light.

So why even bother to try and conceal it?

Luke 8:17

For there is nothing hidden 

that will not be disclosed, 

and nothing concealed 

that will not be known 

or brought out into the open.


I'll ask again:

Do you have any


(cunning deceit)

in your spirit?


Do you wish

 to share your sins 


And always remember this:

Romans 8:33-34

Who will bring any charge 

against those whom God has chosen? 

(You wanna go tell God 

he picked the wrong team? 

You Go right ahead, be my guest,

good luck with that.)

It is God who justifies. 

(Wipes their slate clean) 

Who then is the one who condemns? 

No one...


Least of all those with

guile in their spirit

Queue Brother Brain somebody:


I suggest you figure it out.

Do you honestly think I don't know?

Why the locks were changed?

Why two people 

made comments 

about me leading singing?

Have you learned nothing?

"You see, 

you tell me,

sort of inadvertently."

Same with the error codes on the Toyota, cleaning houses etc.

I was never concerned about them.

I simply knew better.

How is that possible 

might be a question 

you wanna try and answer.

I love you babe.


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