Tuesday, June 18, 2024

One More Time

 cause some people 

just are so obviously 

not getting it.

If you think?

That I should still be building buildings 

with my buddy?

When you knew all along

from the time it first started

that was a temporary thing?

Let me remind you of what Bro Ken Spurrier 

said in one of his messages:

"You don't get to put people 

in their place

thats Gods job."

Try all you want to.

Aint gonna matter a lick.

To think

that I do not know


of your heart

when you come at me 

with malice, envy, jealousy etc?

A lil beyond ridiculous at this point.

Simply put?

You should know better.

Others had to find out the hard way.

Do go that route.

It will not end any different for you 

than it did for them.

(And people couldn't figure out 

why Christ was hanging around 

w "sinners"?

Seems pretty logical to me.

Things aint really changed 

all that much TBH.

Something else worth remembering:

From Job 42: 8-10

"...My servant 


will pray for you

and I will accept his prayer 

and not deal with you 

according to your folly... 

You have not spoken the truth about me, 

as my servant Job has.

After Job had prayed for his friends

the Lord restored his fortunes 

and gave him 

twice as much 

as he had before. 

Twice as much?

That has already been far exceeded.


Is the question,

that some just refuse to accept 

the answer to

that they already knew

a long time ago.

If you hate

the recompense 

that has already been given?

Then stick around

Cause there's gonna be plenty more 

for you to hate on.

You can always tell

who loves money/material things.

They simply never have enough.

If $ is your God?

You could have everything 

you ever wanted

everything everybody else has

that you always wanted

and it still wont be enough.

I just pray you 
come to understand that saying
before its to late.

Got father ahead
by not working
than the ones
busting their ass

They ended up 
farther and farther behind
(and its not simply 
never going to stop 
at this point). 

You'll either come to understand that message that's contained there...or you wont.




See what it gets you.
I'll just keep loving 
and praying for ya...

Like I've done 
for a long time now.

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