Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Misc Tidbits


Its not showing the video I was trying to show in my last post. 

I'm really not surprised, Honey had trouble sending it to me to start with, once I received it, I had trouble uploading it to my Google Photo page, another video sent at the same time (3x as long) we had no problems sending and receiving and both videos were sent at the same time.

Finally it showed up but only under "Videos" and not on the main page of my google photos, then? After four days? It finally showed up on my main google photos page.

Its not that it is to long its only 40 seconds and uploaded just fine apparently as the status bar for the uploaded reached its end.

So you tell me what's up. 

All a coincidence? Yeah...right...

Anyway(s) :-).

I managed to upload the video to YouTube 

and then share from there in a post called:

"Not a Drone."

So enjoy.



("We" are 


So don't take it personal.
You really aren't that special.
It applies to everybody.

On a mission yo.
Friendships complicate things.

There's only one relationship 
in your life
 that really matters
and that is the eternal one 
you have with your creator.

Everything else?

Young women?
Or anybody for that matter?
That is great advice.

And Its what Honey is doing.

You can believe that...

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