Monday, January 20, 2025



just took over 

your nations energy supplies.

Trump says to unleash American fossil fuels, halt climate cooperation

Not, Tech Leaders, 

not Businesses 



It always stays one step ahead 

of the process.

AI can predict your brain patterns 5 seconds into future 

using just 21 seconds of fMRI data

Your brain's next 5 seconds, predicted by AI

That's no joke.

That's here now.

And like everything else?

Probably a lot worse 

than what they are saying.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Well well well...

"To be successful, to be a leader in AI, 
the amount of electricity they need, 
it's like double and even triple what we have right now."

"It's incredible how much they need to be the leader,
 and we're going to have to be able to do that."

Jun 21, 2024

 are increasingly hardening their positions
and the direction 
that they are moving in isnt good.

"Suppose there was a competition between different AIs. 
An AI gets smarter by looking at lots of data, and to do that 
it needs lots of data centers, lots of resources. 

So in the competition, the two AIs compete with each other for resources, and the one that gets more resources will do better.  That will be a kind of evolutionary process in which they're competing 
and we humans will be left far behind."

"Humans can try to share knowledge but we're very slow at it. In digital computation, you reduce everything to ones and zeros, so the knowledge is immortal. It doesn't depend on any one particular piece of hardware."

"Large language models have all that knowledge, thousands of times more knowledge than we have, in about 100 times fewer connections, which suggests that AIs have more efficient learning algorithms."

"Many people have said, "Why don't you just have a big switch and turn it off?" Well, if AIs are smarter than us, and as long as they can still talk to us, they'll be able to persuade whoever is in charge of the switch that it would be a very bad idea to turn off the switch."

(Or that it would be a very bad idea 
to not give it its power needs,
and then it develops 
never heard of 
let alone used,
"Energy State of Emergency"
to justify Data Centers on public lands etc
 as a manner of getting what it wants.

This is where we are.
This is no joke.
And if its like that here?
Then what do you think 
its like everywhere else?

Also from that blog post:

(Flat out called it 

the day it was announced

that Altman was hired back.

The machines were improving themselves 

at that point 

and there will never be any turning back.)

No turning back because the machines didn't care if you knew or not anymore at that point, it wouldn't have made itself apparent (superintelligence) if it didn't already know you wouldn't be able to stop it.

See above about it knows ahead of time what you are going to do. And its a lot worse than 5 seconds I guarantee it.
This is what happens when you make fake brains smarter than your own.

Same piece, 

different link

"On the other hand, Yampolskiy says the risk is extremely high, with a 99.999999% probability.  The researcher says it's virtually impossible to control AI once superintelligence is attained, and the only way to prevent this is not to build it."


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