Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Chuck Missler Genesis Commentary Session 6 (Genesis 1:20-21) The fifth day.



(For those who may go back and review different parts? The time stamps may be a lil off again as I tried to put them at the end of sentences, complete thoughts etc, but they shouldn't be off by more than 15- 20 seconds at the most, so just be patient, what you are looking for will show up, it just may be delayed a lil bit.)

Watch analogy:

our review of the book of Genesis and before we start um I want to do a little background piece if I may um I have a it's got not long ago a new watch that I'm really quite pleased with for a number of reasons um it actually is a a pretty new watch if I told you of course that a group of Engineers got together to design this watch and and the and they handed the design to some very skilled technicians that did what they needed to do and finally went to a very skilled Factory that put it together and that factory sent it to a wholesaler who sent it to a jeweler who sold it to the person that gave it to me as a gift you probably believe me wouldn't you but let me tell you that's not what happened at all 

millions and millions of years ago

why are you laughing


millions and millions of years ago there were some atoms randomly floating through the universe and through Cosmic winds and gravitational fields and who knows what they started to come together and coalesce to become various materials is it clear piece of glass I guess it is and and so forth and it's amazing some of it was a special kind of silicon so it's it gets its energy from the sun doesn't need batteries or it needs to be wound and so on and so 

and obviously I could go on 

but I can look at your faces and


tell you don't believe me 

you don't believe me at all do you

you won't believe that this watch happened by accident and yet it is trivial compared to the wrist on which it resides


the watch is an open loop system has some mechanics that are then that are open loop this one happens not to be open loop because it gets a radio signal to keep it on time but the point is 

the wrist it resides on is a 

closed loop system 

("A closed loop control system, in contrast to an open loop system, incorporates feedback to adjust its control actions based on the output.")


there's probably not one engineer in a thousand that knows how to do a


Nyquist resolution of the feedback loops 

involved in something like that

 not only is it a closed loop system it is self-healing it attacks Invaders I mean you're going on about my wrist and  from a design point of view it's astonishing what it does compared to the watch


and you won't let me teach the kids  that the watch had to be designed


and yet you insist that I teach the kids 

those deprived children that are stuck


with government schools at least 

um that uh  the wrist happened by accident


that somehow inorganic rocks 

came together and made life  

and that life got


more and more clever 

and on you know the whole story is 

you can't probably

contrive a more ridiculous scenario


than the scenario that is 

forced Upon Our public 

(By the societal Priest of the day.

Alleged, "scientist" 

who are merely ideologues 

pushing their own faith-based agenda.

Pick which ever one you want...

Alan Guth


not just in schools with the textbooks


that have deliberate deceit in them 

but in our culture all our fields of Interest 

whether it's psychology Law whatever


is influenced by this commitment 

to the idea that 

millions and millions


of years ago 

all this just happened 

the most elaborate insult to the Creator

(Shows that Satan is the ruler of this realm.)


that man has ever contrived 

the ancient cultures worshiped idols 

which wasn't good 

but not nearly as insulting 

as arguing 

that a Creator wasn't necessary

(I was talking to Honey last night. Everything has a cause in our universe. Everything.

To put forth the argument that the universe didn't have a cause but that everything in it does? 

It is faulty logic from 

which no complete truth can ever emerge. 

Bad logic leads to terrible science  (Unger) and in this generation? 

We have absolutely seen that in full force. 

Multiverse conjecture etc.)

it's a anyway so we're gonna hit this head-on 

(Are we ever, and then some I might add.)

because in our sequence of days we're going to start today this day with life what life is all about so we're going in that what we call the fifth day and we're in chapters one of Genesis as you may recall for those of you that have joined Midstream here we had an introduction session about the Torah

(A brief Summary to this point follows)


that demonstrated we know who wrote the Books of Moses because we have inside information none other than the Lord Jesus Christ clearly identified the author of these five books particularly Genesis he quotes from them and so forth makes a big point of that  we spent some time also talking about the nature of time because it's widely misunderstood but with that background we jumped into day one we explored some conjectures called The Gap Theory and other things and also explored this mysterious thing we call light which still is one of the most elusive mysteries in science and in particle physics and so forth but that set the stage for the second day we'll call it Monday and we talked about space itself we talked a little bit about the Big Bang models  and the fact that space is not empty

it has hit the fabric of space has mass and energy it has one cubic

centimeter of empty vacuum space is more energy than 100 Million Suns Zero Point Energy we've got into all of that talkeda little about hyper dimensions and that sort of stuff that sets the stage for Tuesday where we have life in the sense of vegetation we talked a little bit about the origin of life and thermodynamics and molecular chemistry in a modest way then we went to the fourth day Wednesday where the stars and the planets it's interesting that the Earth was present before the sun that shocks a lot of people but that's what the Lord tells us and we talked about why are there stars in the heavens the Lord put them there for signs explored that a little bit both in terms of mnemonics to a layout of God's Plan of Redemption and also the fact that the Jewish cataclysm is the calendar and that brings us of course to the fifth day we are now in Thursday 


and we'll talk a little bit about uh Evolution because we're getting we're confronted now not just with plants but with animals specifically fish and birds


and so let's jump in and take a look at the text we'll start from beginning

because we're so close to the beginning let's start from beginning because there are some that may have joined us fresh


Genesis 1:1 

in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth period new paragraph  if you understand that sentence you'll have no trouble with any other passage in the Bible the Earth was without form and void and darkness are on the face of the deep and the spirit of God brooded or moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness God called the light day in the darkness he called night 

in the evening and the morning 

were day one


not the first day, 

second third and fourth are relative 

the first one is absolute 

day one


when God said let there be a firmament a raqiya in the midst of the waters let divide the waters from the waters and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the ferment from the waters which were above the firmament

(Ort cloud)

 and it was so and God called the firmament


Heaven and the evening and the morning were the second day and we use this as an opportunity Explorer in our previous sessions the whole nature of the fabric of space and particle what we know now from quantum physics and the rest of it and then God said let the waters under them be gathered together in one place let dry land appear and let it was so and God called the dry land Earth and the Gathering Together of the waters he called the Seas and God saw that it was good and God said let the Earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed (Thank goodness :-) and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind and whose seed is in itself and the Earth upon the Earth and it was so the Earth brought forth grass and revealing seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind and God saw that was good and the evening in the morning were the third day


and we talked about how underneath this text is encrypted 25 trees that appear in the Bible another subtle evidence of design that hidden in the Hebrew of this passage are the names of all the trees that appear in the rest of the Bible 

Genesis 1 verse 14 

God said let the lights be in the firmament of Heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years let them be lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the Earth it was so and God made two great lights the greater light to Rule the Day and the Lesser light to rule the night and he made the Stars also and God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the Earth to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good in the evening in the morning were the fourth day


now here we are for tonight 

and God said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and fowl that may fly above the Earth in the open firmament of Heaven and God created great whales actually the term is sea monster in Hebrew and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good and God blessed them in saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let foul multiply in the earth 

in the evening and the morning we're the fifth day  

one small editorial comment you'll notice all through this and especially in the day that's coming in the next session the idea of being fruitful and


multiplying has God's blessing one of the myths one of the errors of


Western the decline of Western Civilization is to deny that

9:49 you see 

Satan is out to undo everything 

God has ordained in the Book of Genesis


we'll notice that as we go through the book God wants us to be fruitful and multiply Satan wants abortion and euthanasia these are out of the pit of Hell and uh but we'll move on let's go ahead here


now we have been going through this looking at an entropy profile of the universe where entropy is Randomness or disorder and the chart's been drawn with the maximum disorder at the bottom of the chart and order at the Top If You Will 

and in the first day we notice each day 

is segmented by an erev and boker


Now erev have originally referred to chaos or disorder and as things get dark is when you no longer can discern it's a movement towards disorder in the morning when things are dark infused dry light comes you can begin to discern in the order that's around you 


those words later come become to mean 

erev meaning evening and boker meaning morning but 

it's my contention that's not the real original purpose of these words in this passage

if erev and Boker were the first day then the day is only the night time from evening to morning that's the day no no


it is because of this language that the in one of the reasons that the Jewish calendar starts at sundown from Sundown


to sundown rather midnight to midnight the way we render it but everyone 


if erev and Boker make a first day we got an awkward it's only a 12-hour day if you follow me 

those words originally we think had a different connotation and so we know the first day was erev and Boker made the first day and that's when we had light and that's where we discussed some of the peculiar properties of light and then Erev and Boker made up the second day and we talked about the plasma the physics the four states of matter and so forth and then we went to the third day where we had Erev and Boker and we had the vegetation and so forth the dry land appears and so on and then we went to the fourth day and we had the planets and the Sun and the Stars 


it's interesting to realize that we have the Earth with vegetation and plants where's the light coming from anybody want to make a guess?

(in the background is heard, "God") 

God, you betcha absolutely how interesting

(In the end?

Everything returns to how

it was in the beginning.

Revelation 21:22-23

22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

And notice the there text doesn't say anything about a cycle just continuing on ad Infinium, Hear than Hindus? Or PenroseWith your bouncing cosmologies that defy the entropy laws and have no evidence to support them.)


and now we have the Erev, Boker of the fifth day which has life as we think of it in terms of animals showing up initially in both sea creatures and birds but the real issue is this whole issue of life and that's why I wanted to go through my little watch idea the little watch thing that I used to open this session obviously was not original with me it's a very famous example that was presented by Bishop Paley back in 1818. as I pointed out the watch is a simple open loop system I want you I want to give you a little background in design because once you have 

anybody that's been 

in this design team 

really understands 

how stupid it is 

to ascribe the things around us to chance

("On the other hand, this cosmological constant is tuned to one part in 10^120, a 120 decimal places. Nobody thinks that's accidental. That is not a reasonable idea that something is tuned to 120 decimal places just by accident."

The atheist father (one of anyway) of string theory

Prof Leonard Susskind)


the wrist that the watch wrists on is a closed loop system that's an order of magnitude much more complicated in the watch the wrist adapts to ambient conditions it fights off Invaders and it is self-repairing how many of you have a self-repairing watch?okay what Bishop William Paley in 1818 suggests the watch and those days the watches were different but still  the watch with its gears and springs and other mechanisms could never arise by a


random chance alone that stands on its own feet 

(Complex systems 

of any kind,

not just watches



(Self-assembly is one thing, 

self-organization is quite another.)

Give me an example of one.

Case closed.)


in 1779 David Hume is famous for challenging that line of reasoning said 

living systems 

only have the appearance of 


unless it can be proven that living systems are indeed machines at the molecular level then Paleys  watchmaker argument is irrelevant

(Thats a pretty common line of argument that has never stopped since.

It merely appears as if 

the universe was fine tuned for life 

they want us to believe etc.

Its not a new argument is the point)


that sounded good back in 1779 but is shredded by modern science and uh


modern microbiology among other things 

in fact almost every field of science has revealed that 


even the most simplest organisms are complex machines beyond our imagining 

I don't try to get across that some of it with you today 

science has refuted Hume and totally Vindicated Pally 

and that's not just my view sir Fred Hoyle in 1981 point out the speculation of origin of the species turned out to be wrong it is ironic that the scientific facts throw Darwin out but leave Paley the ultimate winner


it's so logical so straightforward

(1 Corinthians 3:19 

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. 

As the Scriptures say, 

“He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness.)

 I want to give you a little perspective 

before we get into some of the other discussions 


an open loop system has a source of energy, some mechanism and then something happens a display is the simplest case a thermometer on your wall is an open loop system as an example you can add something to that if you have a reference point and a sensor to measure the ambient and compare it to a reference point it can actuate a mechanism to make a change you have that on your thermostat at home you set a datum the temperature you want there's a device in there that will measure the temperature in the ambient and the temperature you want and if there's a difference it'll instruct some Machinery to turn on to correct the difference that's called that happens to be called


a closed loop system, closed loop systems  are far more complicated than they appear at first for example you can open a window and overheat your house because the open window can cool the sensor and it thinks it's cold but it's not and you get the picture 


most social systems are closed loop systems with non-obvious behavior example you've got you're running a bus line in the city it's going broke so you raise the bus fares so fewer people ride the bus and you go even more broke see sometimes the obvious thing you think you're doing it operates often counterintuitively especially markets anytime you tamper with a market you'll get the most bizarre second order effects you know price controls during a war shows that as an example you create a black market and so on anyway


you can make this in you can go up another level of complication you're going to have one of these closed loop systems and you can add some some additional material on there for example in your heater you could add a computer to it that knows it's winter or I also may know that it takes so long to heat your house so it'll start early Office Buildings typically have a a air conditioning unit that anticipates what time of day it is and other factors to try to save money and do it more effectively

16:30 so that's a form of adaptive control if you will and Machinery often has Machinery that will sense what kind of material it's cutting and make adjustments accordingly adaptive numerical control that sort of thing so the adapter system now 


The evolutionary fallacies of course they assume that self-organization can take place self-organization is a violation of the entropy laws things always go from order to disorder

(Again, self-assembly of non-complex things?


Self-organization of complex things?



it takes information 

to increase those levels

(I was telling honey this am, new lifeforms require new information, new blue prints, new Data sets, new DNA.

Adaptation through Natural selection alone doesn't provide enough new information for new species to emerge, neither does genetic mutations, neither does genetic mutations combined with natural selection (Neo-Darwinism) nor does an organisms behavior, combined with genetic mutations and natural selection (Extended evolutionary synthesis). Three strikes and your out.)



could a camera most of us have had some cameras with automatic exposure automatic focusing on things  could they have occurred by chance of course not


the design of a camera  it makes the watch trivial  and yet we would never expect that camera to happen by chance 


and we have eyes that are vastly more sophisticated in that camera 

and we yet we deny the the presence of design 

(I am having cataract surgery here soon.

I asked my doctor during my recent examination, 

"Are there really 30 million connectors to the retina?"

 (The retina's receptor layer has approximately 6 million 

cones and 120 million rods. BTW)

He said, 

"I dont know how many there are, 

but it (the eye) is a wonder."

I said:

"Wonder,...interesting choice of words."

He just smiled.

He knew what I was getting at.

Believe that.)


and so see self-organization  

(not self assembly, they are different) 

violates the second law of Thermodynamics 

the law of Entropy and 

that is only on the very simplest of systems,




another point to realize 

complex systems

that are made up of complicated sub-assemblies 

require all the sub assemblies to be functional for the system to survive 

(Irreducible complexity

You can argue about it all you want to but its the truth.

All the complex systems have to emerge


with one another.)


and I'll give you an example  of that  this happens to be a model of the a Volkswagen auto engine it has it has a carburetor system it has electrical it has there's about half a dozen different systems interacting here 


if one of them is dysfunctional it doesn't run those subsystems cannot evolve because 

the whole thing has to be organized in concert 

it's not just the probability of a single system operating properly or even several systems operating separately  the  question of them all operating properly together anybody that's been on the design team understands the give and take to to make even some of the simplest problems get resolved and you start talking about you know modern Fighters with missiles and the complications in these systems are staggering and the theory of evolution adopts the view that a tornado could go through a junkyard  and leave a operational 747 behind


that's a famous crack from some time ago 

see there is 

a hierarchy of design 

we've talked about open loop systems 

we talked about 

closed loop systems,

then adaptive systems, 

and self-modifying systems 

this leads 


as you build up the ladder you

finally get to intelligent machines

(Oh boy, here we go.)

 machines that have intelligence 

that's something that was


Unthinkable a century ago 

and yet we live with it every day 

(That was in 2023/24.)


see there is a concept of having a storage program some process taking place a knitting machines an example a very complicated program and the knitting machine will organize the threads to produce a pattern that's a typical example of a stored program machine but


the great Insight that  we're indebted to John Von Neumann the mathematician for is a situation where in the storage you'd have where you have the program that's driving the machine giving the machine the opportunity to change the program  that's what makes a computer different than just a complicated adding machine


you can have a very very complicated calculator that does very marvelous mathematical calculations but it's still a calculator

but if that Collective system 

can change its own program

you have a computer

that's what they call the 

phone Neumann architecture because in that storage you have not only the data you want to manipulate  you can have the program the instructions to manipulate, manipulate the data and if you really clever you can include the instructions guidelines how to change itself to try other things if that doesn't work you can have programs that learn you can have programs that will try different things and it'll do it at incredible speeds

(That was over 20 years ago when he said that...

Think about it for a second.)


when I was in charge of the computer center at the Ford Motor Company I remember figuring out that we have calculating skills at about a dime a man year if you sit down with a calculator and figure out how much you could do working eight hours a day 50 weeks a year and you run that arithmetic in those days the computers we had then could do that same work for about a dime in a fraction of a second 

but that's not the point and so and I can remember subsequent to that when I was in the computer industry I'd left Ford I I was among other things I was chairman of Western Digital for a while I can remember going around the country pointing out that I had more computer power on my desk at home that I was responsible for when I ran the computer center for the Ford motor company 

so progressing 

you and I take this progress for granted 

but the net of it is, part of that is 

because we've learned


how to make self modifying machines

(This is 20 years ago 

by the former Chairman 

of Western Digital goodness sakes.)

 you take the processors from the storage add some Electronics so you can communicate with it keyboards or displays or whatever and you have a simple simplified diagram of a modern computer 

when you get into intelligent machines these are self-modifying


but then the next step in the computer industry  in the late 50s early 60s  we realize that programming computer was incredible but it was accident prone because we're dealing in machine language so we started creating programs that would make the programming easier and so we had computers programming themselves we had self programming systems


(That was over 20 years ago.

This is why I keep trying to tell everybody:

"Things are so far more advanced 

than you could ever believe."

AI, etc

This isnt some nitwit crackpot talking

on Joe Rogans podcast trying and keep himself relevant, or make a buck or two etc.

He was chairman of 

Western Digital for a while 

for goodness sakes.)

you express what you want and the computer would generate the program we call those compilers and there's other names for them


it's the next step to make a computer 

that can diagnose itself when something's wrong

you do parity checks but there's a lot more you can do where the if something goes first thing you do aboard ship or on a combat situation with computers if something seems strange 

you run the Diagnostics 

(Lil familiar with checking the log files for errors...yup

Former place of employment:


what do you mean by that,

 programs will it'll check itself out to find out if it's working properly 

there are such things they're not perfect but they're very skilled


the next step is self-repairing systems 

we're not there yet 

(We are way past there now)

but the next dream in the computer arts would be to create a computer  see we can make computers that will correct errors  the nfsq-27 was when you could take you could pull cards out while it was running and it would it would continue because it had error correcting Logic for it used 11 bits per byte rather than eight and with that you can do three party checks and tell the position of the error and have it correct so they built they actually are air defense systems who were built with that kind of uh design idea but getting those that have a problem  that fix themselves is not something where they

were not there yet 

(Again, that 20+ years ago.

We are past there now.

Way past.


Did you think 

they would just come out 

and tell you this?

People plz.)

but if we could get there 

what's the next step? 

To make self-reproducing ones 

(Now it gets spooky)

I can remember even as a kid I I saw a little cartoon a guy was showing a friend his Factory and in the factory had as far as the eye could see robots sitting on benches and other robots making them it was a factory where robots were making more robots and the guy was telling someone:

"I don't know where it's going to all end."

(It ends, 


Rev 13 

particularly  vs 15

The second beast was given power to give breath to the image (synthetic souless humans) of the first beast, so that the image could speak  (LLM's) and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

and soon.


Point #3 

The case for Superintelligence being here now

 "About 738 of OpenAI's 770 employees, including Murati and Sutskever, signed an open letter stating they would quit their jobs and join Microsoft if the board did not re-hire Altman as CEO 

and then resign."






96% of em.

The 4% that didnt sign the letter?


THAT WAS 14 months ago.

It was here before it displayed itself to us.


"in the factory had as far as the eye could see robots sitting on benches and other robots making them it was a factory where robots were making more robots"

"About 738 of OpenAI's 770 employees, including Murati and Sutskever, signed an open letter stating they would quit their jobs and join Microsoft if the board did not re-hire Altman as CEO and then resign."



Revelation 17:12-13

12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are

ten kings, 

which have received no kingdom as yet

(Unaccountable, to big to fail, Tech bros yo.

Tech Oligarchs

Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, Altman, Thiel,

 pick any ten you want. Still gonna end up the same.

This is hard to see these days?)

but receive power as kings 

one hour 

with the beast.

(That is us and where we are right now.)

13 These have one mind, 

"About 738 of OpenAI's 770 employees...signed an open letter stating they would quit their jobs and join Microsoft if the board did not re-hire Altman as CEO and then resign"

and shall give their power and strength 

unto the beast.

Always found it interesting:

Matthew 26:40-41

40 Then he (Christ) returned to his disciples and found them sleeping

(Like the church today) 

“Couldn’t you men 

keep watch with me for one hour? 

he asked Peter.


That "one hour" was right before the end of his existence in the flesh, just like:

"ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the beast."

Is right before the end of our age.



you know but the truth matter is we don't make a

self-reproducing systems 

(Not 20 years ago we didn't. 

But we have been for a while now.

And it uses a self-reproducing code

to be able to do so.



we're trying to  we're starting to explore biological components 

on the chip and in certain limited ways but what I'm trying to point out here 

as you move up 

the ladder of design Elegance

we have not even achieved the design elegance 

we see all about us

whether you're looking through 

a telescope or a microscope 

("The more you know about your world on the subatomic scale and the large scale structures of the universe? The more you will begin to understand, not only can there be a God, but that there HAS to be one."


I know who likes saying that :-).

He was saying it well before he ever knew of Chuck Missler BTW.)

we are bounded by bewildering elegance 

and skill in the designs around us and 

the ultimate one is life itself 

with all that we know about life itself 

science has not been


able to create a synthetic one 

every cell on the planet Earth has come


from a previous cell 

they don't get created 

they get they derive from an earlier cell

(That is still true to this day. AI can create a virtual cell, but no synthetic one has ever been produced in a lab for any length of time, has never replicated itself etc.






Self replicating digital intelligence will bring about Gods wrath, you can count on it.

Life forms not of Gods creation?

That aren't supposed to be here?

Bring about destruction.

Genesis 6:1-4

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, 

when the sons of God 

came in unto the daughters of men, 

and they bare children to them, 

the same became mighty men 

which were of old, men of renown.

“Another reason that an understanding of Genesis 6 is so essential is that it also is a prerequisite to understanding (and anticipating) Satan's devices and, in particular, the specific delusions to come upon the whole earth as a major feature of end-time prophecy.”


Chuck Missler

And even if man could?

Recreate a 

"simple cell"

in a lab?



to have done so.

Set up the process so to speak.

So what makes you think

the first cell(s) 



didn't need an outside agent 

to create them?

If attempting to recreate them does?

Ill be waiting.

Good luck.

"Bad logic is bad science." 
and all)


and uh we talked earlier in earlier sessions  about the model of an atom remember we had a nucleus electron going around at the typical models most people think this is of course not the scale the atom that is about 10 to the minus 13 the nucleus about 10 to the minus 13th the M's about 10 to the minus eighth another is the 100 000 units difference between the nucleus and the radius that that atom spinsin other words if you take that in a three-dimensional sense that's 10 to the fifth times seven fifth times 10 to the fifth which means 10 to the 15th so if

if I if I have a particle here that's the nucleus 

and I have an electron spinning around it 

the ratio of material to space 

is the same ratio 

as one second is to 17 billion years

(And all of that space he is speaking of is electromagnetic energy and it can not be destroyed it will go somewhere forever and when the satanic bots on social media say it goes into the ground, so forget about it, its no big deal etc?


Most accurate image of an atom to date.

This is all some random accident you say?


"The more you know about your world, from the subatomic to the large scale structures of the universes...")


this Podium which seems so solid  is more if I say it's empty I'm a hundred thousand times more accurate than you are by saying it's solid if I can express it that way


see there's a 10 to the 15th diff in volume difference  but let's get on with this we obviously we talked about how hydrogen atoms oxygen atoms can capture each other's orbits to make a molecule we don't deal analogy on molecules even oxygen we talk about O2 the kind of oxygen we breathe unless it's ozone that's O3 but anyway


now  if you take carbon  carbon has lots of ways to combine it has been designed to be a combiner  and almost everything you and I deal with through life is a hydrocarbon carbohydrates in terms of food sugars starches and so on  because the complexity this happens to be a CH4 that I've modeled here on the screen but we're going to talk a little bit 

there's a group a very complex molecules called amino acids they all have a common amino group and a carboxyl acid group which are like links that allows them to link like a chain but between those two elements they have very complex molecules consisting of carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms in some combination the combination determines what kind of amino acid what properties it has


there are 20 amino acids that account for all life on the planet Earth 20and they have some interesting properties now there's there's a theory prevalent in our school textbooks that they speak of that way way back there was some by a Prebiotic soup okay a mixture typically the the they think it's the Primitive atmosphere on the planet Earth they posted it would consists of course of water some ammonia and some methane and some energy ultraviolet light or lightning somehow you threw some energy into this gaseous mix and somehow magically Atoms got combined to make some of these amino acids


and a guy by name is Stanley Miller  student in 1953 actually conducted some experiments with lightning and he got a lot of tar and stuff and  he produced by accident by by Randomness so to speak a few Trace elements of amino acids two of them but there's some problem and because of that you'll find that in textbook well that you know scientists have actually created some amino acids by chance what they don't tell you is they did that they they added some very important information one of the things  

they made sure there was no oxygen

(Outside agent much?)


because if there's any Oxygen 

it would destroy those products you just get a bunch of tar

(Even if these experiments show 

that some of the basic building blocks of life 

could be created by chemical reactions?



Molecular biologist worth their salt to this day, 

concede as much.



Its all anyone who has ever lived has ever witnesses, 

true science being based on observation and all.)

well that's an interesting point  there's a lot more to the prop more problems to the Stanley Miller experiments  that I won't bore you with all that detail but 

it turns that oxidation is an enemy  of those acids being formed  so is ultraviolet radiation will break down that stuff you see  the ultraviolet radiation will take H2O water with some ultraviolet light it will break the H2O into some hydrogen and some oxygen molecules 

and that oxygen molecule wreak havoc

now water itself is also an enemy of what they're trying to do

(It's also an RNA World 

Hypothesis problem as well.)

because these what they don't tell you in the textbooks is the equations they're talking about are reversible


you take an amino acid and with another amino acid and put it together you end up with some protein and some water if you don't do anything else the water will make it go the other way the way you make that work is to take the water away then some more amino acid will mix amino acid and give you some more protein and some water 


you've got to take the water out  to drive the equation to the right do you follow me any chemistry first year chemistry in college knows that they don't tell you that in the textbooks so water is an enemy of this stuff

(It's your Satanic world system on full display. Any of this stuff, origins of life, origins of the universe etc they always skip over the problems they dont like. Like the Initial conditions of the universe and the Initial conditions of the laws of nature 

so that things ended up like they did for example.







the same thing with the nucleotides 

these are the codes 

(Coeds dont write themselves!)

that defer to define the DNA 

you take couple nucleotides together you get some DNA  

but you also throw off water to make that work you got to get the water out of there


equilibrium is the enemy of selectivity 

(Thats a good one to remember :-).

Seriously, remember that.

 There should have never been more matter than antimatter 

yet here we are 


if you've got some process going on that by accident makes one of these things 

the fact that 

chemist chemical systems will go towards equilibrium 

that means that is unstable it's going to fall apart


and so 

and also time interestingly enough this is a shocker to be with it time is the enemy of the process because the longer you wait the more

likely that it'll achieve equilibrium and destroy the products you're after 

you follow me

(Millions and millions of years ago, in a watery prebiotic world etc...It just doesn't work people.)


see this whole thing falls apart under critical analysis 

(Thats exactly what man doesn't want to do.

He doesn't want to critically examine things.

"Oh the experts say there isn't a God?

Cool, I get 70 or so years to do as I please 

no consequences etc...

Good for me

That's what man wants to think.

Some have brought up this point:

If the bible was just written by man?

Then why does it go against 

earthly pleasures?)


well why doesn't it happen in life? Because of the cell wall, the things that we are going to talk about with amino acids and so forth happen inside the cell why because the cell has a plasma membrane which does a lot of things but first of all it keeps out the ultraviolet light and keeps out the water and keeps out the oxygen to allow these things to happen.


so you can't have these things happen 

until you have a cell wall, 

wait a minute what's the cell wall made out of you know you get the picture okay  by the way so well it also has gateways it keeps out the property improper things let's in the right things and the stuff  that's in the middle if they don't know what it is they give a fancy name it's cytoplasm


um there's another thing they don't tell you about 

(This one is huge, 

were gonna take a detour 

bring in some extra points

and be here for a few minutes.)

is that these complicated molecules because it's carbon 

hydrogen and oxygen and some mix of some kind

are asymmetrical 

they have a shape 

and that shape when it's in a fluid will cause polarized light to polarize a certain way if it polarizes to the right they call that a a right-handed molecule 

every right-handed molecule has a symmetrical

image that's left-handed 

the same molecule but in the reverse order will give you the mirror image of the first


one you with me they call that property chirality  you and I would call it left or your headedness left or right-handedness and if it's right-handed it's natural rotary  and it's level rotary if it's left-handed now  the point is they are toxic to one another 


all the DNA or RNA molecules and

nucleotides are right-handed all the amino acids

in living proteins are left-handed 

(Sounding like an accident yet?)

there are molecules that are the wrong ones 

and they are toxic 

strychnine is the wrong-handed 

kind of molecule


now the point that's interesting here 

they never tell you if these molecules happen by accident 

whatever cause it might be  

if it's a true chance 

you're going to get half of one 

and half of the other right?


we don't get half of one 

and half the other 

we get right-handed ones for DNA 

we got left-handed 

ones for the amino acids 


that fact alone 

tells you that there is 


going on 

someone is guiding the process 

("Equilibrium is the enemy of selectivity".

That is such a great point. 

This is at the molecular level, 

(actually lower than that 

we will see here in a minute.)

not an organism, 

so you can just throw 

natural selection 

out the window as having caused this

And the thing to ask yourself is,




Pun very much intended 

for those that got it :-)

You simply never hear about it.


Satanic world system much?)

you follow me okay see if we have a room full of people here some are left hand some right hand and if I ask all the left-handed people


to go down that Hall and all the right-hand people to go down that way and you ended up doing it right


it wasn't by chance somehow you had some checking going on you follow what I'm trying to say okay it's about probably a bad example but I think you follow my logic 

(Its what they don't tell you that gives them away.



That clearly shows Satan is in charge of this worldly system.

Because these are all  things 

we all should all know by now, 

but they never see the light of day.

Because it violates the religious orthodoxly 

of their faith-based belief system of Scientism.

Side Notes/Detour etc...

Why is the DNA helix right-handed?

Registro Dominio


Studied Molecular Genetics & Molecular Biology 

at University of Pennsylvania (Graduated 2022)Dec 17

Introduction to DNA Chirality

DNA is a chiral molecule, meaning it can exist in two structural forms that are mirror images of each other: a left-handed helix and a right-handed helix. The most common form in living organisms is a right-handed double helix, known as B-DNA. Understanding why this particular structure is dominant requires exploring molecular structure 

and historical scientific assumptions.

(Like the Steady state model etc were?


Chirality and Molecular Structure

DNA's chirality stems from its building blocks, the nucleotides, which are themselves chiral. This means they can exist in two enantiomers that cannot be superimposed on one another, similar to how the left and right hands are mirror images but not identical. In the case of DNA, when the double helix is ​​viewed as a spiral staircase, if you descend while turning right, you are following a right-handed helix; conversely, turning left indicates a left-handed helix.

B-DNA is the Dominant Form

B-DNA is dominant in all known life forms 

for the following reasons:

Stability and Functionality: B-DNA has structural features that make it stable under physiological conditions. Its right-handed twist allows for optimal hydrogen bonding between base pairs and facilitates interactions with proteins involved in replication and transcription.

(Oh so it was designed that way then?


Biological Roles of Z-DNA: 

Although Z-DNA exists in a left-handed form under certain conditions (e.g., high salt concentrations), it is less stable than B-DNA. Studies suggest that Z-DNA may play a role in specific biological processes, but these situations do not challenge the dominance of B-DNA.

Historical Hypothesis on Chirality: 

The Vester-Ulbricht Hypothesis posits that 

polarized cosmic radiation 

may have influenced 

molecular chirality on the early Earth. 

Studies have shown that

left-handed electrons preferentially destroy left-handed precursors of biological molecules,

 including those that lead to the formation of DNA. This selective destruction could explain why life primarily utilizes right-handed structures, such as B-DNA."

(Okay so now were getting to the heart of the matter.

What makes anybody think

Electrons could have a preference?

"a greater liking for one alternative 

over another or others"

That is deliberately making a choice.

Only an intellect 

or at a minimum

a living organism

with can choose

one alternative over others.

Electrons (subatomic particles) don't get to have selection capabilities people.

That is just complete idiotic nonsense.

I dont care if you

"Studied Molecular Genetics & Molecular Biology 

at University of Pennsylvania"

Or anywhere else.

What other choices do electrons get to make then?

Surely its not just limited to this right?

(Pun intended yet again)

Why dont other subatomic particles get to make selections then?

Just on and on and on...


Because the logic/reasoning is flawed!

I mean if you have logic and reasoning skills 

to make a choice/selection? 

Surely it wouldn't just apply to one situation, or one sunatomic particle would it?

1 Corinthians 3:19 

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. As the Scriptures say, “He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness.”)

"This selective destruction could explain why life primarily utilizes right-handed structures, such as B-DNA."

Once again.


"a process in which environmental or genetic influences determine which types of ORGANISM thrive better than others, regarded as a factor in evolution.

requires an intellect or an organism.

("A living thing, 

such as an animal, a plant, 

a bacterium, or a fungus.")

Were not to an Organism yet lol.

And if you are eliminating 

the competition beforehand?

How could you not:

"thrive better than others"?

Its got nothing to do with improving your chances 

and everything to do with getting rid of the competition 

so to speak.



We live in a causal universe.

Everything has a cause.

So what cause the electron to do that then?


Honey these people geez louise...

Experimental Evidence Supporting Chiral 

Bias: Recent experiments have shown that circularly polarized light can influence electron behavior in ways consistent with the Vester-Ulbricht Hypothesis

(More on that in a minute.

See also: Homochirality)

These findings lend credence to the idea that environmental factors play an important role in establishing chiral preference during molecular evolution.

Evolutionary Significance: 

The persistence of chiral bias over billions of years may have enhanced the prevalence of right-handed DNA through evolutionary mechanisms that favor stability and functionality in biological systems.


In summary, the dominance of right-handed DNA can be attributed to its stability and functional advantages in biological systems, as well as the historical influence of cosmic radiation, which may have favored this configuration during molecular evolution on the primitive Earth.

("...cosmic radiation...

favored this configuration"

Well you know?


We live in a causal universe.

Everything has a cause.

So what caused:

"Cosmic radiation" 


"Favor this configuration."


I know what I am going with.


And One more here only because this is big, because you never hear about it and lets face it, electrons don't make decisions and radiation doesn't favor without a cause regardless what any brainiacs might believe or say.

Left-Handed DNA: Is That Right?

Ken Doyle PhD,molecular biology

"Although they observed only a small effect, the Vester-Ulbricht hypothesis gained in popularity as an explanation for why nature favored one type of enantiomer when it came to biological molecules like sugars, amino acids—and DNA."

(Ive been doing this a while,

you see this a lot

"Although they observed only a small effect,

 the (fill in the blank) hypothesis 

gained in popularity."


"Hey we got what we wanted.

Never mind the meagerness of the results

Lets get this published 

and convince others of its worthiness."

Here is but one example of what I am talking about below.

And believe me these types of examples are everywhere.

An interstellar visitor may have changed the course of 4 solar system planets, study suggests

"Using computer models of the four outer planets, the team carried out 50,000 simulations of such flybys..."

"Although most simulations 

(more than 99%) 

created conditions very unlike the current solar system, the researchers found that in approximately 1% of the simulations,

 (means less than or they would have said, "In over 1% of the simulations) 

the visitor's passage altered the giant planets' orbits to approximately their current state."

(See the built in bias there?

"Most simulations"


"More than 99% of the simulations"


"in approximately 1% of the simulations"


"in less than 1% of the simulations"

Think thats an accident?

You know better.

What they are really saying is this:

"Our shit didnt work out right

in over 49500 attempts out of 50,000."

But that doesnt generate click bait or ad revenue.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand.)

"Over fifty years later, researchers at the University of Nebraska provided evidence that supported the Vester-Ulbricht hypothesis (3). They studied the chiral molecule bromocamphor and observed that polarized β-radiation preferentially dissociated one enantiomer of bromocamphor in the gas phase. 

That is, left-handed electrons preferentially destroyed left-handed bromocamphor enantiomers. Once again, the magnitude of this “chiral bias” effect was small, but it suggested the intriguing possibility that, in the distant past, polarized cosmic radiation could have selectively destroyed the precursors of left-handed DNA. 

(This is the faith-based belief system of scientism at work.

"Suggested possibility"

Eventually gets treated as essential dogma. 

"Anything but God."

Is not logical, 

nor is it good science,

or good for future scientific endeavors

So now we got electrons making decisions 

and polarized cosmic radiation favoring...

I just laugh at how idiotic the whole thing is, 

I really do, you should as well)

"A review of further research in this field 

suggests that

although the chiral bias observed is small,

(see above about the 50000 computer simulations)

it can be persistent and have a major impact through billions of generations (4). 

(Still doesnt generate information BTW)

Further, chiral bias also applies to RNA precursors, consistent with the RNA world” hypothesis for the origin of life on Earth."

(To bad they cant even get 

RNA to even exist/replicate 

in the sterile conditions of a lab 

even under a guided process 

directed by an outside agent.



It kinda don't like water, 

isn't very stable etc....)

All this reminds me of:

"If our Universe hadn’t created 

a matter-antimatter asymmetry early on..."

5 “what ifs” that would have changed cosmic history

Ethan Siegel

(Love ya my friend, cant wait to meet ya someday.)


"If the inflation (Field) 

treated right-handed particles 

differently than the left-handed ones

then it could have 

preferentially created 

particles of one handedness over the other. "

November 2, 2023


Asymmetry Detected in the Distribution of Galaxies

Myriam Wares

So thats:

"left-handed electrons preferentially destroy

 left-handed precursors of biological molecules"

"This selective destruction 

could explain why life primarily utilizes right-handed structures..."

"cosmic radiation, which may have favored"

"nature favored one type of enantiomer"

"polarized cosmic radiation could have selectively destroyed"

"If our Universe hadn’t created..."

a matter-antimatter asymmetry early on..."


"If the inflation (Field) 

treated right-handed particles 

differently than the left-handed ones

then it could have 

preferentially created particles 

of one handedness over the other."

Now you understand why they don't tell you about any of this?

How many inanimate entities do you have to have making decisions/exercising preferences before you realize what an entire crock of shit all of this is?

Organism (Living things) decide on selection, 

not radiation, electrons, "the universe" or nature.

Note: That was four different articles on two different subjects, cosmology and origin of life.

At some point in time one has to reach the logical conclusion that the entities themselves are not the ones making decisions/exercising preferences, but that the entities 


is exercising his preference 

for there to be life in the universe he created.

(See Occams razor,)

not multiplying entities etc.

I got one transcendent sentient intellect  designing all four inanimate entities

(The Electrons, polarized light, matter, and  the inflation field mentioned above)

four different people 

have four different 

inanimate entities 

each deciding 


independent of one another

all ending in the same common result.

Life in our universe.

To put it as simply as I can?

What is more likely?

One makes complete sense.

Doesn't multiply entities ect

One is complete Satanic Horseshit.

Violates Occam's Razor etc

Choose carefully.

Eternity is at stake.)

The universe can decade to create? 

But nothing created the universe? 

That decides to create?

Bad logic is bad science.

It will never yield a completely

truthful conclusion.

Psalm 139:5

You hem me in behind and before,

    and you lay your hand upon me.


Gods got you comin and goin.

You will not be able to fit 

your square pegs into his round holes.

It just wont ever work.

No matter how hard you try.


Your minds

(that like to think 

what you want them too?)

Had better start listening 

to your BRAINS,

that know what's what.

Goes to mind body duality etc.

Meanwhile lol...


so let's talk a little about the cell

the cell you know 

the whole Darwinian idea hangs on the concept of the "simple cell" I want you to put that always inquotes because in 1953 Watson and Crick  published their Landmark document in nature in which they discovered the DNA and it's its match the RNA molecules and by 1955 Sanger had a complete structure of the protein insulin and of course in more recent years they've actuallymapped the whole DNA thing 


Crick himself the father of the DNA is so to speak he said

"An honest man 

armed with all the knowledge available to us now 

could only state that in some sense 

the origin of Life 

appears at the moment 

(Still does)

to be almost a miracle 

(no kidding) 

so many are the conditions 

which would have had to have

had been satisfied to get it going.

(take those:

"many are the conditions 

which would have had to have

had been satisfied to get it going."


being life

and times that by

"many are the conditions 

which would have had to have

had been satisfied to get it going."

With the "it" in that instance 

being the universe existing in 

the manner that we know it does,

and without multiplying entities

(oxcams razor multiverse dimwits)

 the only reasonable, logical conclusion is

that the universe and life in it


intelligent life



See above about God wont let you

 put your square peg in his round hole etc.)


Michael Denton said even more clearly back in 1986.

although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small each is in effect a variable micro -mechanized Factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery made up of a hundred billion atoms far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world


and what does he mean by that 


let's show up a simple cell the simplest cell is unparalleled in its

complexity and adaptive design it has incited a Central Library a central memory bank

it's surrounded by assembly plants and processing units that rely on that library for instructions

it has repackaging and shipping centers that will take the various products and repackage them for exterior shipment and

so forth 

all this is done by robot machines 

in the form of protein molecules 

they typically involve threethousand atoms 

and three-dimensional configurations and there are hundreds of thousands of

specific types that are specified and orchestrated to make all this happen

and there's also an elaborate communication system 

and it has quality control centers to catch errors and it has repair centers

to fix them 

this all happened by chance 

you've got to be kidding

(Thats how stupid and gullible 

Satan thinks you are, 

that people would fall for this nonsense.)

 now if I was going to make a model of


this simple cell let's assume we're going to make a model 

that's about a thousand million times Larger than Life okay each atom thus would be about the size of a tennis ball can you picture this we need 10 million million atoms if we counted them one per minute it would take us 19 million years to count them

(People say they want evidence of God? 

Well there it is right there , and everywhere if you go looking BTW.

"each atom thus would be about the size of a tennis ball can you picture this we need 10 million million atoms if we counted them one per minute it would take us 19 million years to count them"

Im telling you thats God saying right there saying: 

"I am who I am, nothing else could have pulled this off.

 This is why I did all of this in the manner that I did 

so that when you come looking here 

you will find me.)


that's a lot of tennis balls 

the model when we're finished would be over 10 miles in diameter, 

one cell one cell 


now we talked about the the cell wall the cytoplasm there's a nucleus which is the information center 

a master Library and inside that there's nucleosis is the automated factories that product they do product manufacturing  they consult the library what they need and 


they take those instructions in the form of a a copy they have 

they don't take the original they take a copy

(That right there alone nullifies any possibility of a cell having "evolved."

Why would a cell evolve to need to make a copy for? 

The copy is made so that your individualized serial number 

for the resurrection (DNA Code) stays intact would be my argument)


they may have

a copier that checks for errors and

  they take the copy of the RNA 

to to do what they're supposed to do with it


and that's surrounded by power plants the mitochondria  they that's where the energy comes from to make all this happen we also have the Golgi apparatus which processes repackages ships and prepares for export whatever they produced in these factories

 that's the cell

 I mean you got all kinds of other places where for storage  and for transport and for getting rid of the trash this thing's organized all by chance of course all by accident

(Sarcasm, the highest form of humor.)

 now the aerobic machines there's thousands of different types 

there's artificial languages

and decoding systems and that's the mind-blowing thing  to me as an information scientist which is my primary background that these things are driven by digital codes,

digital codes operate only by pre-arrangement 

(Do you honestly believe in your heart that:

Alan Guth, Neil Degrease Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Brian Cox, Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Michio Kaku, or Lawrence Krauss shown in the beginning of this piece don't know that? 

Are you kidding? 

Only yourself maybe.

"Ive got to quit lying to myself, 

and let the truth be told"


The song says.



has memory banks for information storage eloquent control systems for regulating the automated assembly the prefab module construction and the error fail safe and proofreading devices for quality control 


now when I was at the Ford Motor Company I was there some years ago a senior executive there and one of our proudest assets was the Ford River uh the referred River Rouge uh plant in Dearborn huge huge plant I think there's something like 97 miles of railroad inside the plant and what's interesting raw Limestone iron ore coal and silica come in one end inside the plant they make their own paint they make their own glass they make their own Steel and they also have automated engine plants and the raw materials go in one end and new cars come out the other end it's the largest integratedmanufacturing facility in the world they're very proud of it manufacturing on steel Glass and paint um an automated engine plan and it was fascinating to watch the assembly line because they all come off different different models in different colors because they they got it set up so they can mix and match so and so forth now 

the point is 


the simplest cell in your body is unequaled by any Factory on the earth the simplest cell is more complicated in the Ford River Rouge Plant  that's what I'm suggesting  the cell can do something the Bruce plant can't do it can replicate its entire operation in a matter of few hours you have now you have two see, 

all cells are derived from previous cells


so we have three:

(Very valid criticisms of any 

Evolution of 

"Simple Cells")

the violation entropy laws 

the critical system of independencies 

I mentioned this 


the use of digital languages 

(One of those three you might be able to argue against, maybe, difficult, but you might be able to do so, but argue against all three?


You are dead in the water before you even start.


is what I call it.

Same as above with electrons selectively deciding ect, okay? But when you throw in polarized radiation favoring, and the universe, nature and subatomic fields all doing the same? Favoring options? Having preferences, favoring making decisions etc?

Then you start to understand how

just like Dr. Missler says 

"Under critical analysis?

 it all just (completely) falls apart.")


this is the part that really blows me away 

see digital languages are symbolic codes

if you look at a thermometer you can tell how high it is gives you an approximation of how warm it is but if you look at a digital watch  which is eight colon one seven

that's a digital presentation that takes Logic

(the same as it does in the example above 

for the electron to selectively destroy, it takes logic that the electron or polarized radiation, or the universe, or the subatomic fields simply do not have. 

So where is it coming from? 

Their designer, 

not themselves, 

not when you got:


Polarized Radiation


the Universe 

and Quantum fields 

all showing preferences 

and selection.

How do they all know how 

to conspire together 

to achieve 

what appears to be


a desired result?

Becomes my question.

And you already know the answer

Its pretty obvious.

For this 

"showing preferences 

and selection"

happening among multiple entities?

That kinda coordination

Takes a brain.

An intellect.

Infinite Wisdom.



the seven and the five the one whatever are there by pre-arrangement 

there's nothing intrinsic about it 

(Same with electrons selectively deciding, universe deciding on its own to create more matter than antimatter etc, it could only be intrinsic, if it was designed that way. 

Design needs a designer, period.)

"there's nothing intrinsic about it"


another example is a piano a violin is an analog device you can run your finger up and down and get any Zone you want  a piano you're stuck with the specific Keys when you push this? that's that's it in that sense it's a digital device

(Its one way or the other.

A black key or a white Key.

= Digital.

(of signals or data) 

expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1

(One way or the other.)

typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.)

digital codes derive their meaning from arbitrary but consistent definitions 

we call that semantics

if I write man on the Blackboard what does that mean? Man because we've agreed that's what it means there's nothing intrinsic about an m and an a and an n right digital codes are dependent upon their context

and if I put a u, a,  l, u-a-l, u-a-l  after the man that means something altogether different doesn't it, manual in other words where the letters appear part of it like



another example of that is the famous writer 

Paul Revere month by land two if by sea the the first Lantern up in the north Old North Church carried no information 

that just proved the guy didn't fall off the ladder getting there it's that second lantern that told one if by land to it by sea 

if the British had the most advanced computers in the world they could not have cracked that code because it has no intrinsic meaning 

it's just by pre-arrangement 

two guys agree and that's it you see 


digital codes are absolute evidence of

design they can't happen by accident 

(That's my go to if people want proof of Gods existence

right there, Genetic Code in the DNA, 

everything that has ever processed oxygen to live on this earth has had a genetic code in it.

They don't evolve, they don't self create 

they take logic.

Multiple creators agreeing on ALL the different genetic codes that have ever existed?

One creator.
One owner of the life force.
One attornment for sin.

Queue Brother Brian:


see the whole idea of 

order and entropy 

are opposites 

we have 

information as order 

entropy with errors 

that get introduced 

order is signal, 

entropy is noise 

Engineers talk about a signal to noise ratio music and cacophony 

sequence Randomness design and chance are opposites to each other


and of course the direction of time 

is always in the direction towards entropy 

(Time flows one direction

And shit don't put itself back together.

It decays and it dies. 

Only your creator 

could put it back together if he wanted. 

Even one of the fathers of String Theory agrees:

SUSSKIND: "Yeah, that’s true. But that’s not terribly surprising. From the outside perspective, the black hole is very hot. It’s doing what this piece of charcoal would do. It’s very hot. It’s evaporating. And there’s no chance that we could reconstruct the smoke, or the products of combustion, that we could reconstruct what the little bit of writing was on the piece of charcoal. Information gets thermalized. It gets scrambled. So badly scrambled that to reconstruct it is complex beyond imagination but in principle possible."

Isaiah 55:8-9

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways,”

declares the Lord.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, 

so are my ways higher than your ways

and my thoughts than your thoughts.")


when you clean up your locker at school or clean up your desk at home it's just a matter of time before you got to do it all over again  so there's semantics as I mentioned the mark by land two by sea  and the syntax 


it couldn't be it couldn't be an H  or it should be the lanterns had to be in the old North Church 

to have the meaning so there's a  


all this implies coordinated planning 

not random accident

(What I am saying is, 

all of this:


Polarized Radiation, 


the Universe 

and Quantum fields 

all showing preferences and selection."

Does as well. 

I just don't see how 

you can logically take the position that it doesn't.

It simply defies the laws of probabilities.)

so what happens in your cell you've got the DNA 

which is your master blueprint

(They dont create themselves.

Nowhere, ever.)


it doesn't leave the library


(Your serial number has to stay intact for the resurrection)


 it gets unzipped copied into an RNA the messenger thing if you will like a photocopy machine and then that gets translated into the proteins 


which are the functional machines and uh the "Crick Dogma" was 


you could only go from DNA to proteins except AIDS prove that it's possible for certain viruses to go back and change the master blueprint that's that's what they mean by retrovirus 

20 amino acids don't try to memorize them but half of them are non-soluble don't like water and the others are hydrophilic they they're soluble they like water of those some of them are positively charged they're basic a couple are negatively charged they're sitting so the rest are neutral

the couple that are electrically charged 

by these properties 

they will determine the three-dimensional shape  of the machine that results if you put them in a particular sequence 

41:18 there are codes that Define each of those amino acids and even 

they're even codes for punctuation 

to start and stop 

(John 1:1 In the beginning  was the word. And the word was with God And the word was God.


In the beginning? 

Was information.)

41:30 and so forth so you've got a whole language  defined here and part of the discovery of modern microbiology they've been able to crack the codes at least in part and

they are very systematic codes that

Define these particular amino acids 

(Systematic simply isn't randomly created.)

41:48 now I'll tell you what's interesting about the DNA is the code's been designed to be self-replicating it can make copies of itself

(Its exactly what AI is and has been doing.

Refer back to:

The case for Superintelligence

Point #3

"About 738 of OpenAI's 770 employees, including Murati and Sutskever, signed an open letter stating they would quit their jobs and join Microsoft if the board did not re-hire Altman as CEO and then resign."


Life only comes from the creator.

Humanity is about to find that out here in a bit.

“Another reason that an understanding of Genesis 6 is so essential is that it also is a prerequisite to understanding (and anticipating) Satan's devices and, in particular, the specific delusions to come upon the whole earth as a major feature of end-time prophecy.”


Chuck Missler


these particular coded symbols is an alphabet of four have each one has a complementary pair so if you split this apart it will draw its complement intrinsically and become thus a copy of itself


and so that's what that's that this makes it intrinsically self-replicating code this is genius at work this didn't happen by chance 

(Neither did AI.)

come on guys 


something most people don't know  when the DNA is going to be copied to an RNA you want to copy this for the working copy right so you make a duplicate copy then you know what the what the Machinery does it edits for equidistant letter sequences just like we look for in the Bible the messenger RNA will take certain portions of the DNA or the the RNA that it gets


they call them introns they cut those out and the ones that are left are then spliced together and that's what's sent to the machinery boy there's elegant design going on here


and there's a lot of this we don't even understand why yet  but there's things going on here that so far have gone beyond our ability to understand 

(Isaiah 55:8-9

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

    neither are your ways my ways,”

declares the Lord.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth,

    so are my ways higher than your ways

    and my thoughts than your thoughts.)

so you end up with this messenger RNA so Machinery comes along and Machinery is like a recording head it will look at those codes  and it knows from those codes what protein to put together


and it puts that together then it looks at the next code  and adds another one but it's another one and then another one and so it creates a string of these amino acids and then these amino acids will then shape themselves into a three-dimensional machine to go on and do some job it's a protein chain which becomes a machine


now these amino acids I point out some are soluble some are not and some are positively charged some are not and what happens of course is the negatively charged groups associated with positively charged group they draw together  the hydrophobic ones stack in the center, the hydrophilic ones go to where Arrangements on the outside where the water will be right and so we finally have a three-dimensional shape which is the minimum energy conformation of the thing that's dictated by the sequence 

so this thing is creating from reading a diagram it's creating the Machinery to do jobs several hundred thousand different kinds of machines 



which came first the protein or the DNA?

(That, along with:

Where did the information in the DNA molecule come from, 

What generated it?

And how did it embed itself in the DNA molecule?

 Are questions to ask when there are panel discussions. These guys run from this shit cause they already know the truth. They dont think we are informed enough to even ask them relevent questions. This is what I mean by "a militant church". Weve already won, its time to shut these satanic sons of bitches up. 





"Theres a new mother nature takin over

there a new splendid lady come to call." 

The song says, indeed.


you can't have the DNA without protein 

you can't get protein without the DNA you see a problem here

(Thats why they went with the RNA World Hypothesisbut opps, water, unstable, cant recreate in the pristine environment of the lab with an outside agent directing the process etc...its not really workin guys...)

there's no way for small parts of this to start by themselves you need the whole thing organized day one

(Dear Alien freaks:

Life here can not be an accident

 or random event.

Life here wasn't an accident.

Pretty obvious.

If it wasn't an accident here?

 Then what makes you think 

it could have been somewhere else?

Occam's razor


One creator 

of both the universe 

and the life force.

And if there was one creator?

He had one son.

He was sent to die in attornment for your sins.

Every other faith says:

Your worthiness depends 

on you and what you do. 

This one says

Nobody can possibly be worthy of whats already been done for you.

Accepting that

(Grace, an unmerited favor)

is what makes you worthy.

No other faith even comes close.

Not one.


when you look at the mechanics of this just the mechanics of it you take the chromosome and if you unravel that you get what they call the condensed chromatin  and you unravel that you discover as you look closer and closer that's actually a string of little pack spindles


and the the DNA is wrapped around as you magnify closer and closer what's wrapped around this is the famous dual Helix that makes up the DNA now the question to dramatize this for you the way I like to put it I want you to imagine me giving you two strands of monofilament fishing line 125 miles long you got the picture 125 miles two strands of fishing line what I want you to do is figure out a way to store that inside a basketball it'll fit but I want you to be able to do it so that you can unzip it copy it and put it back in 

at three times 

the speed 

of an airplane propeller 

without tangling


do you know what the most commonly read library in the world is you your cells are reading your DNA continually to make materials to replace other materials this is going on all the time they go to the master Library they unzip the stuff they make a copy of it they put it back send it to the processor and they create these machines and so forth this is going on continually in your cell every cell of your body


interesting this all happened by chance come on


Genesis 1 20 let's review with the passage for the evening God said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that have life wow and the foul that may fly above the Earth in the open firm in heaven and God created great sea monsters or whales as it's translated here and every living creature that moved with which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged foul after his kind after their kind 


you notice that phrase all the time do you know why it's always after their kind because it's defined digitally not analog, digitally So within those kinds they don't cross so God saw and God saw that was good and God bless them saying be fruitful and multiply fill the waters in the seas and let the foul multiply on the earth  and the evening the morning were the fifth day

46:36 now we could of course digress there are thousands of examples from sea life we could talk about uh and uh there are for example did you know that fish have eyes that have a focal length each one has a different focal length the focal length is tuned to the food that they live off of do you know that


if it's close small stuff it's close it's it's they're close they're nearsighted  and if they're afraid of big stuff now there is a fish that has a problem because it feeds on very small things but it also knows that they're birds that are after it get as bifocals they have bifocals so he can watch the sky and feed at the same time so we could we go but I'm just going to pick one example of the sea life thing because it's so popular to people that's 


the dolphin okay we've all seen the Dolphins at San Diego or whatever and uh the dolphin is an incredible engineering feat and we could go through the whole thing but I'm gonna take just one thing to talk about there's a thing in the skull that's sometimes called the melon and I'm going to call it the sonar lens because the dolphin sends out sound waves and the dolphin can receive those sound waves in this melon thing and know exactly what it is where it is and that's the way it gets its food now you say well gee that's just a simple little thing


not really because that design has to account for

the different speeds of sound in the water in its skin and in the melon itself to the sensors that the the acoustic engineering that's implied by this piece of sonar is staggering 


but here's the real point I bring it up how did the dolphin survive before it was functional it would die there's something very important to understand about dead animals they don't evolve


if he starves to death there's no way to tell his children better try something different okay if he solves the problem somehow 

does he pass it on to his offspring is it going to be inherited not necessarily see the whole concept of course is specious that we're sold his sonar system involves sophisticated equations reconciling the velocity of sound through all different Medias as I mentioned and of course he's dependent on those sound was to get Foods so I think we made those points


I will touch on one kind of creature that you may be surprised to find in the water today and that's the dinosaurs land-based Behemoth is the land-based dinosaurs mentioned in Job 40 the sea-based Leviathan is based is talked about in job 41. 

49:25 and in New Zealand in 1977 900 feet down a creature 32 feet long four thousand pounds was hauled up by some Japanese fishermen  they did take some pictures it was too big for them to do anything with and they they weren't equipped to drag it  so they took a lot of pictures and dumped it but it's well known and there are a lot of these pictures around but I mentioned it I figured we kind of  but let me tell you about my favorite little creature


and that's the bombardier beetle this guy is a cute little creature a little beetle it comes in several varieties he can stand up and he's got an anus that he can turn in 270 degrees he


actually got a pair and it's like a B-17 Gunner okay but what what the way he does this is rather impressive  he has two Chambers inside him one has some hydroquinone and the other one is some hydrogen peroxide and he has if these two things mixed together it can be disturbing not they some people say explosive that's a little overstated but it can be pretty hairy but he also has and what sometimes people call the explosion chamber and when he chooses to he can mix the hydrogen peroxide with a catalase an enzyme and it makes the hydroquinone with an enzyme and


these speed up the oxidation so when they get in the in the explosion chamber they go the the critics say it doesn't really explode well it gets to 212 degrees and Pops enough to Rattle the frog or whatever's after him okay and he doesn't do this once he can do it 20 times in a row so it's of a cross between a bomb and a


machine gun okay and so when he when he pulls this off when he decides he's in trouble you stand back buddy if you're in front of him he'll shoot you if you're anywhere around behind him he'll nail you


they call him the Bombardier it was named early when a bombardier was more like a grenade we think of Bombardier we think of you know a little different concept but anyway that's that's the label by which he goes interesting little creature now 


what makes it so much fun is to have the uh evolutionists try to explain how he learned all this stuff because if he doesn't do it right he's going to blow himself to pieces


and I want to remind you that one thing that dead bugs can't do is they don't evolve see so when he makes a mistake somehow there's no way to tell his children okay


and the fact that he has a chamber that is structurally able to contain the blast itself is interesting the fact that he has these steerable tubes and the fact that he can use them with accurate skill the first time he does it


there's no learning takes place he knows how to do it 

this didn't happen by chance you you have a lot of fun trying to conjure up the evolutionist explanation how this all came about and frankly if they're honest with themselves they don't have a good answer 

52:38 well let's turn to birds birds are probably in some respects the ultimate engineering challenge because they fly and man couldn't right and we learned a lot about flying by looking at them got some misguidance  because we don't have the faculties they have and I suppose the Wright brothers succeeded because they somewhat ignored  what the the birds and and whatnot from scratch 

52:56 we could spend a lot of time going through the architecture of the bird but as we do we would discover that every detail of the bird has been engineered for flight every detail things you never even thought of the skeletons are lightweight many of them have hollow bones to save weight you understand what an aeronautical engineer does to save weight?


it's been done here the fulcrum is fused which has a couple of examples that helps absorb the shock of the wing flapping it also helps him breathe because he's got some breathing problems he's will come to the breathing problems a minute he lays eggs because carrying the young would make him too heavy that's the reason birds lay eggs because it's external to their uh flight frame the reproductive organs atrophy what it was isn't in breeding season they show up when they're needed and they eat atrophy to minimal when they're not needed the physiology gets even more complicated the birds have a highly intense metabolism they have a high body temperature 104/108 degrees Fahrenheit is typical they have lungs that open at each end and by the way the feathers have a lot more to do than just flying they're designed to keep warm when to control the body heat the lungs are open at each


end to have a flow through we don't have that they have they breathe 450 breaths per minute compared to our nominally say 30. they they have larger Hearts if they're high altitude Birds they have they beat the the hearts beat from 400 000 beats per minute compared to our 160. so call you know it's it's what 20 times or more the feathers we could spend an evening talking about the engineering that goes on in a feather they're therefore I heard and the bird can control each one in three dimensions not just like our aircraft do with the you know flaps and stuff they also control the body heat which is critical we could go through the feet but to give you to give you the quick summary of the feet each bird has feet that are specifically designed for his particular lifestyle whether it's in the water under the water what he's going after weather's got to dig whatever he's designed for it and it's specifically designed for each bird


so we should take oh let's talk a little bit about the beaks we go through all kinds of Beaks here's the parrot beak or actually it's a Kestrel I guess it's designed for pulling apart the prey that's too large to swallow and uh it's it's it's hooked appearance is typical of all birds of prey and the next one is the flamingo it's got a curve beak for filtering small plants and animals from the surface water of ponds and so forth in which the beak is submerged and then the bird pumps the lower bill against the upper and the food's drained out uh in sort of a sieve-like structure attached to the uh to the upper wall and uh and then you have the Curlew which is adopted for probing the shoreline for worms and such and then you've got the parrot which is a whole other thing because he's designed for cracking nuts and eating fruit and that sort of thing and so forth so and then you have others they have a few few birds have teeth so they can screen out the small things but let's take the most interesting of


them all we just take one in detail l

et's take the woodpecker have you ever watched a woodpecker 

(Few times :-).

these guys are astonishing there's things about them that I never realized they obviously have a very very strong beak that's just the beginning of his problems his pounding is so hard that he'll lose his eyeballs if he doesn't close them seriously he closes his eyes


he has special cartilage between his beak and his head to help absorb the shock so he goes home without a headache huh his tail feathers are designed to be a tripod with his two legs to help brace him for the shocks okay they're designed for that unlike most birds have three in front and one in back in terms of his toes 

57:11 his are two and two so he can grip the bark of the tree better he's designed for what he does now here's the wild one he has a very unusual tongue because his tongue is longer than his beak because it's got to go inside in these tunnels to try to get the larva that he's after so his tongue is incredibly long has barbs on the end to grab what he's trying to grab these larvae don't want to come out of that tunnel and  it also has a glue that the larva sticks to but doesn't stick to his tongue 

57:40 man that takes some chemical engineering you follow me that's just the beginning of it the European green woodpecker has a tongue that goes down the throat out the back of the neck around the back of the skull beneath the skin and over the top between his eyes terminating just below the eye socket okay These Guys these guys are designed for what they do 


now I had hoped to get more time do a little more research the more research I've done I gather from the reading I've done they still have no idea how birds migrate they have studied magnetism they've studied uh pressure uh but pressure analysis currents temperature they have there's all kinds of studies that have hints here and there but to net it out for you


I personally have not encountered I welcome any rebuttals to the contrary

(20+  years ago okay?

I have no idea if they have figured that out yet or not but I dont think they have.)


but I have not found any reliable documentation that explains how birds can find can go 25,000 miles from birth to where they need to go and how they do it is a mystery still to this day  I want to tell you about just one it's my favorite for a number of reasons


that's the Siberian Plover the golden ploveries is called little tiny bird little tiny guyand he does an interesting thing the golden Plover here's his flight plan his flight time is along the bottom in in days the weight of the bird is on the left scale his fuel consumptions on the right scale and he starts in Alaska and he goes to Hawaii


now what makes this particular flight interesting 

is that there's no rest stops there's no place to rest between Alaska and Hawaii  that's just the beginning of his problems  he weighs 130 grams okay he is going to need a lot of fuel to do a quarter of a million Wing flaps to getfrom Alaska to Hawaii so the way he does it he prepares for his trip by gaining some weight


and he will put on an additional let's see a 70 grams for fuel okay and you can calculate his fuel expenditure and when you do that you discover something very very interesting it takes 88 hours to get from Alaska to Hawaii and he's got enough fuel so that


he crashes into the sea in 72 hours except for something else if you didn't do anything else you wouldn't make it he doesn't have enough fuel to go 88 hours he only has enough fuel to go 72 hours but each year he makes it to Hawaii


how does he do that he makes it by flying in formation by flying in formation the ones that aren't the lead are saving Fuel and they trade off you ever wonder what you guys that race cars you know what drafting is right that's what the birds do I never knew why birds always fly in this v formation they're drafting you know what we would call in car racing drafting 

1:00:51 and they save about 20 of their fuel that way in fact the Plover arrives in Hawaii with 6.8 grams margin for headwinds okay so you could tell I'm kind of a nerd I I got this i got this stuff from Bernard getting I was just fascinated I made a little chart and stuff  you're getting great insightness the next I do a lot of my stuff late at night at Wheeler in the morning I come down to breakfast today you know Nan's made eggs whatever let me show you and 


I got these charts and the curves and the equations and so forth 

they're showing her  she looks at it right away and says "gee that's interesting that's just like us isn't it" I says "what?" "we can't make it alone either" 

she cut through all the equations all the stuff 

for the application so you and I can't make it alone either


that's why we have Fellowship, that's why the scriptures, we should not forsake the assembling together 

(Hebrews 10:25 as the manner of some is; 

but exhorting one another: 

and so much the more, 

as ye see the day approaching.)

we have diverse gifts 

and we each need 

if you're not exercising your

 spiritual gift 

you're defrauding the body

(Of Christ that is

And I will exercise mine.

And I will not care 

who does not like 

or approve of it.)


but uh it's so it's so characteristic I'm all wrapped up in the equations the numbers she cuts right through it you know okay she answers the so what question right right there right there that's my bride that's my bride 



well just a little review last time because I want to tie this together what we had the time professionals and the time before last remember when we took the vegetation anatomy of a leaf we talked about the the uh you know photosynthesis in two two reactions the light dependent reaction the light independent reaction we talked about how the two different frequencies generate these chemical energy for the rest of it and uh how the the second thing you know generates the uh the hydrogen Adam (Atom?) goes in and throws off oxygen as a byproduct remember all this from last time and then the second part of the equation takes those chemical byproducts and produces glucose and uh also throws off it needs CO2 in order to generate the glucose okay here's my point the plants generate O2 as a byproduct and the the sugar the glucose right more glucose than it needs it that's where you can eat plants to they have excess the animals of course need the sugar and the oxygen all right the animals of course give off CO2which the plants need to do the in the first place now there is CO2 in the atmosphere but it would be a matter of time before the CO2 would be gone yes it can be generated by lightning and by by a certain you know volcanoes and things yes but not enough the animals are essential for the plants the plants are essential for the animals as an engineer what does that tell you they didn't happen by accident they were designed to need each other and you can build on this model the whole case of biodiversity the ecologists love to tell us that all the different species need all the other species no kidding I wonder who designed it that way in the first place and I wonder further why is there all this concern about species going extinct if there's Evolution going on and and also in Creek when they talk about the ozone layer but the ozone if it changes one tenth of one percent it's going to be Cosmic Doom really it's pretty sensitively balanced then isn't oh yeah who balanced itthe argument that is delicately balanced is an argument that it wasn't by chance somebody had to design it that way

anyway on we go so well next time we will jump in and we we as I mentioned


we've been through the Torah went through day one and then uh Monday the heavens and Tuesday of vegetation Wednesday the planets we were in Thursday this time next time when we meet we will talk about animals in general the landmammals if you will and of course the crowning achievement in a sense and that's man we'll talk about the fallacies and frauds often science goes Haywire because of good you know well-intended misunderstandings 


but this is a history of deliberate deceit and frauds littering the landscape almost almost every one of the things you've heard about Piltdown man or whatever we're not only frauds they were deliberate frauds


we'll talk a little further about 

the role of information in this process 

with some surprises for you when we get there and we'll focused on the architecture of man if you really understand our architecture you'll begin to understand a lot more about our reality and that will set the stage of course for the seventh day which will also have its surprises 


Closing Prayer

let's stand for a closing word of Prayer, thank you let's bow our hearts father we we just stand back in awe as we observe your handiwork the awesome skill the incredible Elegance in every corner of our creation leaves us breathless father as we survey the heavens you are there as we look through a microscope at the smallest leaf for the smallest microbe or as we penetrate those structures that even smaller than light itself we we just see your fingerprints on everything how wonderful it is father and we're staggered at ourselves that you have created us and we're even more staggered as we realize how much you love us the extremes that you've gone to not just to give us this world but to redeem us from this world to spend an eternity with you oh Father we just thank you for having revealed yourself to us in your word and in your creation indeed father we recognize 

the creation alone 

is enough to hold us accountable

and yet father you've done so much more you've given us your word and your Holy Spirit to illuminate that word that we might discover Our Redeemer our savior the one through all these things were made and the one through whom all these things will be redeemed oh Father we just thank you and father we would pray that you would help us to love you with all our heart soul strength and mind oh Father help us to comprehend and apprehend your love for us father we would ask that through your Holy Spirit you would increase in each of us a new appetite a new Hunger for your word that we each might grow and live and be more fruitful stewards of the opportunities you put before us oh Father we ask all these things in response to the commandment and the authority of our Lord and King Yeshua Our Redeemer Jesus Christ amen

thank you

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