Saturday, February 10, 2024

Dear Ethan lol


the cosmologist one lol.

When your explanation 


what set up 

the initial conditions

of the universe


"The Big Bang was then modified to include 

an even earlier stage 

known as cosmic inflation

which preceded 

and set up the Big Bang’s initial conditions

Come from something 

that itself 

needs its initial conditions 

set up?


Its kinda hard to read so:



Then you haven't answered anything.

If a sixth grader used this kinda logic 

you'd tell him it doesn't make any sense, 

cause it doesn't.

Your just replacing one thing 

that needs its initial conditions explained

with something else that does.

And both of those quotes 

are from your same article.

You keep serving up softballs?

And I'm gonna knock em out of the park.

Try again.

Oh and Ethan?

I got a question for you.

Why is it we never hear about

the assumptions 

that are inherently

built into the computer models

that are used to try and explain 

the creation/evolution of the universe?

Those are always right 


As LT said:


Y'all have got to do 

better than this."

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