Thursday, February 1, 2024



most assuredly knows what time it is getting ready to be.

He showed himself as an angle of light yesterday.

2 Corinthians 11:14

And no marvel; 

for Satan himself 

is transformed 

into an angel of light.

My Initial comment:

Im not going to get into the post 
and who and what it was all about
(maybe someday)
but suffice it to say that the individual who made the post
 the individual they were referencing 
had converted to Christianity.
In a public library
in a communist country
without anybody else 
having been involved
in her conversion.
Read that agian.

The word you are looking for 
to describe that particular situation 
talked about above is:

As in
self evident truth.

The book 
by itself 
wants to save your soul.

Its from outside this time space continuum 
or it wouldn't have got 
and just keeps getting everything as right as it is.

And her conversion 
by herself 
alone with it
in a public library
in a communist country
proves it.

To know all that?
 And to have deliberately left it out?
Is flat out the work of Satan 
and I will call it out every time.

This is the subtleness 
of our accuser on full display.
This is exactly how he works.

I went on to respond to the individual who thought I should be nicer
(more like the entity behind them)
that John the Baptist 
would not have made 
a good 
Sunday School Teacher

(And yes there was a point 
being sent
 in that response:

"I know who you are 
and you know who I am 
and we both know 
whats getting ready to start." 

As well a few other things like: 

There are more than enough 
people to play nice.

Luke 12:51

Do you think that I have come 
to bring peace to the earth? 
No, I tell you, but division.

And now?
 I wish I would have included:

(Me and my brothers)
nah come to fight 
flesh and blood,

But spiritual wickedness 
in 'igh and low places.

So while they fight you down,
Stand firm 
and give Jah thanks and praises.

'Cos I'n'I 
no expect to be justified

by the laws of men - 
by the laws of men.

Oh, true they have found me guilty,
But through - through Jah 
proved my innocency.

Oh, when the rain fall, fall, fall now
It don't fall on one man's housetop 
Remember that, when the rain fall
It don't fall on one man's house..."

You already know who's lyrics they are 
and its straight up quoting from scripture.

Decision time folks.
Satan wants me to play nice.

If I was at the garage?
 I know what I would have told him
 he could go do with himself.

My buddy knows too lol
and probably some others.

I'll just put it this way:

If Satan thinks this:

isnt playing nice?

He aint seen nothing yet.
And he knows it.
Or he wouldn't have bothered 
 as an angel of light yesterday.

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