Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Match all of this up


with any other book,

let alone 

any other religious text.

Go ahead, try.

Good luck.

Daniel Dennett: 

'Why civilisation is more fragile than we realised'

"If we turn this wonderful technology (AI) we have for knowledge into a weapon for disinformation," he told me, "we are in deep trouble." Why? "Because we won't know what we know, and we won't know who to trust, and we won't know whether we're informed or misinformed. We may become either paranoid and hyper-sceptical, or just apathetic and unmoved. Both of those are very dangerous avenues. And they're upon us."

Im sorry, 

what did Christ say again when the disciples asked him:

Matthew 24:3-4

“when will this happen, 

and what will be the sign of your coming 

and of the end of the age?”

(Not "a sign" of your coming (back).


Jesus answered: 

“Watch out that no one deceives you."

"If we turn this wonderful technology (AI) we have for knowledge into a weapon for disinformation," he told me, "we are in deep trouble." Why? "Because we won't know what we know, and we won't know who to trust, and we won't know whether we're informed or misinformed. We may become either paranoid and hyper-sceptical, or just apathetic and unmoved. Both of those are very dangerous avenues. And they're upon us."

It ought to be sending chills down your spine.

It calls for at a minimum, some consideration.


Add in all of this:

Go get all the 


you know

and let them understand this:

There is a lot more 

for you 

to be upset about

than just the universe 

having a beginning

as I am about to show you)

"while others — 

perhaps more justifiably — 

note that 

in the modern context 

of cosmic inflation, 

the hot Big Bang only occurred 

as the aftermath of a previous epoch."

Well guess what?

The same religious text 

that the bigots have such a problem

with a creation event 

"Being to in line with"

Also covers:

"the modern context 

of cosmic inflation"

as well.

Sucks for yall.

Deal w it.

get over yourselves

and your philosophical posistion

or perish.

Genesis 1:3

And God said, 

“Let there be light, 

and there was light."

There is your cosmic inflation.

The heat from the early rapid expansion 

of the universe caused it.

See the white hot glow where it says

"Inflation" to the left on the diagram?

There is your light from

"In the beginning."

Then things go dark.

Dark Ages on the diagram

Then we get:

Genesis 1:14

And God said, 

“Let there be lights 

in the vault of the sky 

to separate 

the day from the night, 

and let them serve as signs 

to mark sacred times, 

and days and years,

See where it says first stars?

Guess what?

Yeah light again.

After the cosmic dark ages.

Guess what else?

This is the only religious text 

that has light in two separate instances 

in its creation story. 

There's not another one.

Not one.

Let alone anything else 

I am going to show Gods word

 matches up with!


 Be bigoted all you want.

Truth don't give a fuck

what you think about it.


a Creation event 

(Big Bang)


Star formation

all match up w Genesis

and absolutely

no other text.

Not one. 

“The best data we have are exactly what I would have predicted had I had nothing to go on but the five books of Moses, the Psalms, the Bible as a whole."

Arno Penzias

(Along with Robert Woodrow Wilson, 

he discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation

for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978.)

Oh but wait 

there is plenty more 

for all the bigots out there 

to hate on:

Not only did time, space, energy and matter come into existence 

in a continuum

in the instant of a creation event?

As far as we can tell?


time, space, energy and matter 


You cant have any of the four pieces 

without the other three.

It simply does not work any other way.

So its not just that

"time space energy and matter" 

came into existence in a instant


Keep detracting, 

a lot of good its going to do you.


One text gets this all right.

So thats


a Creation event, 

(Big Bang)

Star formation,

and the manner in which 

we understand 

it had to have happened.


“The best data we have are exactly what I would have predicted had I had nothing to go on but the five books of Moses, the Psalms, the Bible as a whole."

Arno Penzias


You are never going to see past the cosmic inflation period either

Job 38:4-11 

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements—surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy? “Or who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb, when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band, 

and prescribed limits for it 

(This is God talking about his creation)

and set bars and doors, 

and said, 

‘Thus far shall you come, 

and no farther, 

and here shall your proud waves 

be stayed’

(Scholars generally agree that the book of Job

 was written between the 7th and 3rd centuries)

Ecclesiastes 3:11

God Set Eternity in the Heart of Mankind

He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, without the possibility that mankind will find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.

(Ecclesiastes was written between

450 BCE and 180 BCE.)

Why we’ll never see back to the beginning of the Universe

"Unfortunately, only the final tiny-fraction-of-a-second of inflation remains to be seen, with anything that happened before "inflated away," removing any hope we have of discovering our Universe's original beginnings."


Here are five verses supporting the universe acceleration 


Isaiah 42:5 – “This is what God the LORD says—the Creator of the heavens, 

who stretches them out . . .”

Isaiah 44:24 – “ . . . I am the LORD, the Maker of all things, 

who stretches out the heavens . . .”

Isaiah 45:12 – “My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts.”

Jeremiah 10:12 – “God . . . stretched out the heavens by his understanding.”

Jeremiah 51:15 – “He founded the world by his wisdom and 

stretched out the heavens by his understanding.”

Book of Jeremiah written around 600 BC (2600 years old)

Book of Isaiah written around 700 BC (2700 years old)










Geoffery Hinton


one of the 

Godfathers of AI

"I think multimodal chatbots 

are already having 

subjective experiences."

Revelation 13:15

And he had power 

to give life 

unto the image 

of the beast, 

that the image 

of the beast

should both 


and cause that as many 

as would not worship 

the image of the beast 

should be killed.

Godfather of AI' speaks on threat 

of tech surpassing humanity.

March 31st 2024

So there's a lot more 

for the detractors

to detract from

than just the fact 

that the universe had a beginning.



a Creation event, 

(Big Bang)

Star formation,

and the manner in which 

we understand 

it had to have happened.

Boundary conditions

 put in place 

so that we will never know 

what happened before,

plus an expanding universe


the end being played out just like 

Gods word said it would.

Why wouldn't it?

It got all the other things 

in that list correct.

You cant even find light in two separate instances in any another religious text, let alone everything else just mentioned. To many coincidences? Just isn't capable of being a coincidence. I suggest yu wrap your heads around it.

So go ahead and add:

“Watch out that no one deceives you."

Matching up exactly with:

"If we turn this wonderful technology (AI) we have for knowledge into a weapon for disinformation," he told me, "we are in deep trouble." Why? "Because we won't know what we know, and we won't know who to trust, and we won't know whether we're informed or misinformed. We may become either paranoid and hyper-sceptical, or just apathetic and unmoved. Both of those are very dangerous avenues. And they're upon us."

as part of:

"the end being played out just like 

Gods word said it would."

And at what point do you tell yourselves

"You know what?

I am just being 

a stiff necked fool."

Stiff-necked fools, you think you are cool

To deny me for simplicity.

Yes, you have gone for so long

With your love for vanity now.

Yes, you have got the wrong interpretation

Mixed up with vain imagination.

So take Jah Sun, and Jah Moon,

And Jah Rain, and Jah Stars,

And forever, yes, erase your fantasy, yea-eah!

The lips of the righteous teach many,

But fools die for want of wisdom.

The rich man's wealth is in his city;

The righteous' wealth is in his Holy Place.

So take Jah Sun, and Jah Moon,

And Jah Rain, and Jah Stars,

And forever, yes, erase your fantasy, yeah!

Destruction of the poor is in their poverty;

Destruction of the soul is vanity, yeah!

So stiff-necked fools, you think you are cool

To deny me for simplicity, yea-ea-eah!

Yes, you have gone - gone for so long

With your love for vanity now.

But I don't want to rule ya!

I don't want to fool ya!

I don't want to school ya:

Things you - you might never know about!

Yes, you have got the wrong interpretation

Mixed up with vain - vain imagination:

Stiff-necked fools, you think you are cool

To deny me for, o-ooh, simplicity.

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