Friday, August 30, 2024


 Parking Garage Post ...

Thursday, May 31, 2018


she says.

She always forgets:

Her jaw dropped.

Not mine.

(Not then anyway, it has plenty of times since lol)

She stalked me in the parking garage

a minimum of three times.

Thats just the times I caught her.

No telling how many times total.


Once at 10 PM at night on her vacation day!

Who does a drive by in a parking garage

at 10 PM on a vacation day?

Drove right by.

Didn't so much as look in my

direction when I wasn't 10 feet away waving at her.

Shows up in the lobby when she knew I'd be there.

Admitted she used "every kind of ridiculous way to get your attention."


Who knew?

She was the one that reached out on a dating site to find me.

So who is the creeper here really :-)?


I'm glad you were.

I thought it was great.

One of my favorites was the long text telling you how hot

I thought you were and how intelligent

and how I wanted to get to know everything about you etc.

And you said. "I do not feel the same."

And I said, "Ok, thanks."

And left it at that.

And the next day, the very next fucking day?

You were in the parking garage waiting on me.

I bet you were losing your mind when I said,

"Ok, thanks." and left it at that.

Didn't you know that was all kinda the plan?

Oh Dollbaby.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

She was so busted...

She was so busted...


I had called her numerous times and she wasn't answering any of my calls. Like she still won't lol. This after having talked on the phone with her and sharing dinner in the courtyard? I was like "WTH is going on here? It sure seems like she likes me". So one day I decided to park my bike where she would have no choice but to see it when she was leaving the parking garage on her way home. (I had done this one other time already, she knew I parked on the third floor when I rode in) She had told me that she always parks on the top floor, so when she was leaving she would have to make a right turn onto the third floor and there at the end, before making another turn and going down to the 2nd floor she would have to see my motorcycle.


I can't remember what time it was but at a certian point in the evening around 8:30 or 9 I decided I didn't want her to know I was thinking about her in the least. So I went to move the bike to where I normaly park, and therefore she wouldn't see it on her way out of the garage. I told Chad (my partner at work) what I was going to do, Chad's a pretty quiet guy, he just laughed and said "Ok man see you in a few" and with that I was off to move my bike.


So I get on it and start her up and right at that very moment, I promise you, you can not make this stuff up, right at that very moment the elevator doors opened up and guess who steps off? Yep, Lil Miss Knucklehead. It was like a movie script, I lit up, I was like "This is GREAT!," She looks up, sees me on the bike, looks terrified and takes an immediate hard left walking away from where I was. I was like "WTH?" all over agian. I knew she saw me. But why did she turn and run away from me? Which, mind you is what she has been doing ever since, but I digress. So I was like well who knows, just move the thing to where you normally park it. So I did. And she is still walking away! I wish you could have seen it, there is not a car or a person to be found on this side of the third floor of the fifth street parking gagage. None, nada, not a one, nobody, yet she continues to walk away? LOL. I park the thing and holler "Hey, where you going?" She acts all suprised like I didn't know she saw me. "Oh Hey" she says as she turns around and finally acknowledges me. I walk over to her, Well why we're here can I show my bike to you? Do the five minute walk around and explain all the cool stuff it has on it?" "Sure". So she walks over to the bike and we do the walk around, I could have swore she was trembleing, but we manage to get through it. "I know you like it" she says with that voice...that voice...don't even get me started on that, it still haunts me to this day.


(What the garage looked like. She was walking straight ahead, going where? Only she knows...)

  Anyway we walk over to the elevator and we are waiting on it to get to the third floor and she says, and I swear, her honest to goodness words were "I don't know what I am doing here, I guess I thought I parked here, I'm going to walk up to my car." "Well would you like me to walk with you?" I asked. I'll never forget this either, with a face as red as a beet, and a smile from ear to ear she says just as sternly as possible: "NO, I do not want you to walk with me!" In my mind I was like ok, whatever, glad your smiling at least I guess.


She takes off up the stairs. I decide to use the Pedway (Now closed) on the third floor back across the alley to work. Half way across the Pedway it hits me. "Wait a minute, she didn't come across the Pedway from the floor she works on to the garage, she wasn't on the elevator with a bunch of people and just decided to get off on the third floor, she was by herself...why would she be getting off on the third floor when she always, always parks on the fifth floor?...OH SHIT!, Oh my goodness!...No way! No wonder she was so red faced, no wonder she said "NO, I do not want you to walk with me.", No wonder she was smiling from ear to ear...


She was so busted...


 (Pedway and elevator...where Lil Miss Knucklehead made her red-faced exit up the stairs)


Coming soon: She was so busted pt 2.


Peace yall...

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The one I am thinking of was in the AM.


You were supposed to be there the day before on your mid shift and weren't.

One of the first questions I asked when getting there,

"Wheres Virgie?"

Your car wasn't there.

They gave you a vacation day to think about their offer is what I was told in the AM.

Thats the evening I busted you in the parking garage at 10 PM at night.

Cause thats what everybody does on a vacation day.

Do drive bys in a parking garage.

What were the odds I'd be out there?

Bout the same as you modeling on my model bike I suppose.

All I know was it killed me that AM.

I knew what was happening on your end of the phone.

The previous unanswered phone calls all made sense all the sudden.

You knew.

Best not to get to attached.

Making your exit easier on yourself.

Lots of good it did lol.

I didn't sleep that night.

Not a minute.

Tossed and turned all night.

Plenty of nights like that sense.

Looked like I was in shock when I got up.

Probably cause I was.

Eventually I wrapped my head around it.

I thought:

"If thats what she thinks, 

if thats the kinda guy she thinks I am? 

She's got another thing coming, she's never seen the likes of me before."

Neither of our lives have been the same since.

I just remember this strange otherworldly pull.

This magnetism as it were.

This uneasiness.

This thinking this isn't right.

This isn't supposed to be happening.

Not like this.

Not now.

It was way too strong to be considered any kinda normal for two people who barely knew each other.

If you didn't experience it?

I can't explain it or make it make sense to you.

I just knew.

This is not how this ends.

Not now.

Not ever.

I love you sweetheart.

I love our fairytale.

and I still do...

all these years later...

and you know why 

Im posting this now babe...

Yu know what Holiday weekend it was 

you did your Drive -by on :-).

Pic that made her jaw drop :-)

Told you I would never let you live it down...


I love you babe.

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