Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Five Reasons to Value Studying the End Times

"But I believe some of the most dangerous false prophets will be popular social commentators and media personalities who are dignified, good-looking, cool, caring, intelligent, and well-spoken. They will use dynamic and creative social media platforms to communicate to multitudes. They will promote a false narrative regarding what is happening—a deceptive narrative that will oppose the biblical narrative of what is unfolding across the nations."

"The social commentators will be very persuasive in their call for new values and perspectives on social, sexual, and financial issues—issues currently escalating quickly in the social conversation of many nations and identified as key topics in the cultural wars. They will come across as logical and loving to many who listen to them.


Etc, etc etc...

Understand what time it really is 

and what is really going on 

in your world right now.

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