Monday, August 19, 2024



is the first, non-rah-rah, 

go team US, 

Purely Western Propaganda 

I have read on the matter. 

Seriously, finally, a sensible piece written about the subject.

Ukraine’s Kursk offensive is a huge strategic error

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has proven himself a master of the political stage, a gifted orator capable of stirring emotions and garnering global support. 

(Think it was an accident he ended up being their President?

I sure don't. 

I got friends that are all over him being a stand up comic/actor etc.)

"However, his recent military incursion into Russia marks a departure from the realm of diplomacy and into the territory of strategic blunder."

(It wasnt his "military incursion into Russia", he was silent about it for days after it started. The guy is never silent. Tells you something.)

"This reckless gambit, more akin to a desperate stunt worthy of a second-rate actor than a seasoned statesman, diverts critical resources from the primary battlefield while offering negligible strategic gain."

(Thats exactly what it is:

"a desperate stunt'

Russia sure thinks so 

cause they aint diverting resources 

from where they matter.

"the primary battlefield")

"While the incursion has captured headlines 

(Judging by how many headlines were captured?

It was largely the point yo.)

"and inflicted some measure of psychological damage on Russia, such superficial victories do little to alter the fundamental dynamics of the conflict. Russia, despite its setbacks, remains a formidable military power with a vast arsenal and a nuclear deterrent. Ukraine, while demonstrating courage and resilience, faces a daunting challenge in overcoming this overwhelming disparity."

(They cant overcome it and both they and US know it, thats another reason for the "desperate stunt".)

"More critically, this diversion of forces from the main theater of war is a huge strategic miscalculation. Every soldier, tank and piece of artillery deployed in the Russian incursion represents a loss to the Ukrainian effort to liberate occupied territories."


"These resources, if concentrated on the front lines, could potentially yield tangible gains, weakening Russian defenses and creating opportunities for decisive breakthroughs."

(Disagree, thats not going to happen and both Ukraine and their allies know it, hence the "desperate stunt".)

"Instead, Ukraine finds itself embroiled in a costly and ultimately futile endeavor. 

(Quantrill's Raiders raid on Lawrence Kansas anybody?)

"While the world watches in fascination, the real battle for Ukraine’s future continues to unfold elsewhere.

(Thats exactly what the Reuters piece said yesterday, fighting is intensifying in the eastern region of Donetsk and how much are you hearing about that? 

Your information streams are managed "by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends...")

"Zelensky’s decision to gamble on a high-stakes publicity stunt"

(Wasn't his decision yo, 

it is all they had left)

"is a tragic misjudgment that may have far-reaching consequences."


"It is time for sober reflection. The Ukrainian people deserve leadership focused on practical, achievable objectives, not on grandstanding gestures."

(Here is your "sober reflection" in a nut shell, there aren't any "practical, achievable objectives" and thats why the "grandstanding gestures.")

"This is not to diminish the bravery of Ukrainian forces who have undoubtedly faced significant challenges in this incursion — but courage without strategic direction is a recipe for disaster."


  Andrew Latham, a professor of international relations at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minn., a senior fellow at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy, and a non-resident fellow at Defense Priorities in Washington, D.C. 

missed the part about the original incursion was by "shadowy", "murky" pro Ukraine independence Russians.


Becomes my question.)

"A prolonged incursion into Russia could escalate the conflict, drawing in other nations and potentially leading to a catastrophic global confrontation. It is a dangerous game of chicken, with the stakes for humanity as a whole being unimaginably high."

(Newsflash professor, 


"catastrophic global confrontation"

is coming regardless.

so best to get in your publicity stunt/suicide mission while you still can and get some media attention from it, cause its about to be overshadowed by other more pressing concerns, namely

The Middle East

and Taiwan.

(and this thrown in for good measure.)

To think that these three areas aren't going to descend into full blown World War conflict before to long is simply foolishness. Kinda explains why were moving our military around all over the world right now doesn't it?)

"The path forward is fraught with challenges, but it is clear that the focus must remain on the liberation of occupied territories."

(Not going to happen and they know it that's why the "high-stakes publicity stunt". Russia sure does understand whats going on here.)

"The incursion into Russia is a step in the wrong direction."

(It was all they had left...)

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