Saturday, August 24, 2024

Well of course they have...

 Secret Service takes disciplinary action 

against agents involved in Trump shooting

The Secret Service has taken initial disciplinary action against multiple agents following the assassination attempt on former President Trump, the first such steps taken since the July shooting.

The special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh field office, which was responsible for security planning for Trump’s appearance at a rally in Butler, Pa., was among those placed on “administrative duty.”

Funny thing about not really being a real "Secret Service " agent?

They can say they placed you on whatever kinda "Duty" they say they placed you on.

"A source said as of Monday, at least five agents have been placed on that status, which removes them from operational assignments but still requires them to appear for work, including for actions such as speaking with lawmakers during a scheduled visit next week by a congressional task force assembled to review the shooting."

(Original reported by NBC but they cant even give you the sources name?

I cant wait to hear what any of them have to say

or if they even resemble the "agents" that were there that day.)

"Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe previously pushed back on pressure to fire agents in response to the shooting, saying he would not “rush to judgment” before an internal investigation had played out.

But he also pledged to hold accountable those who did not follow Secret Service policies in planning for the rally or responding to the shooting."

(You simply don't have that many protocols violated, unless it was intentional and everything else is a show.)

"The disciplinary action taken against the agents suggests the review may have found such shortcomings."

(Well no shit.

Takes this long?

To figure that out?

See why people hate Washington?)

"The protective agency has been under intense scrutiny after 

shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks 

was able to fire shots 

from within 150 yards of Trump, 

piercing the former president’s ear, 


Has never been confirmed.

Who was the Doctor?

When did he see him?

Why werent we told?

Ive just seen it to many times.

They start saying things like it is just a fact

and it simply has never been demonstrated that he ever even went to a DR,

let alone been confirmed a bullet pierced his ear.

I aint even gonna get into what all else I got problems with in that paragraph.

I will say up untill now?

It was within 100 yards.

Now all the sudden?

its within 150.

So which is it?

Taskforce is gonna visit the site here sometime soon.

"was able to fire shots ...

piercing the former president’s ear, "

The Hill?



"shots ...piercing the former president’s ear"

Has never been confirmed.)

"The agency did not directly address reports of disciplinary action Friday."

(Cause it wasn't their agency involved.)

The U.S. Secret Service’s mission assurance review is progressing,"

(Why even bother?

We know its a show.

We've known its a show all along.)

 "and we are examining the processes, procedures and factors that led to this operational failure. 


You mean 


Operational failures?

We done seen this TV show to often yo.


Your making yourself look worse 

trying to keep up the charade.

And Hey?

Congressman Clay Higgins

and the rest of

The House Taskforce?

Who is Office Rambo anyway huh?

At least tell us that much.

Then maybe well listen.

Till then?

Not so much.)

"The U.S. Secret Service holds our personnel to the highest professional standards, and 

any identified and substantiated..."

(Unlike Trumps ear.)

"...violations of policy will be investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility 

for potential disciplinary action. 


Given this is a personnel matter, 

we are not in a position to comment further.”

(Yeah well you know?...Yeah...Nice)

"The bipartisan task force assembled to investigate the security failures..."

( dont mess things up this bad unless it was the way it was intended to go. Investigate all ya want.)

"...surrounding the shooting is set to visit the site of the Butler rally Monday, 


"a first step in its review of the agency and the response to the assassination attempt."

(They are just now getting to a first step?

See above about this is why people just despise Washington DC.)

"House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) 

Oh you men the guy that doesn't 

(Or used to not anyway) 

have a bank account?

Me I can understand.

Speaker of the House with 

Kids and a wife and a house?

Not so much.)

said Friday called the move the “first step toward accountability, but it comes 41 days after the attempt on President Trump’s life — and it’s nowhere near enough.”

(41 days after they are just now taking the first step in their investigation?

And within a week of first hearing about "Officer Rambo?

This is honestly how stupid they assume we are

that we cant tell this whole thing was a crock of shit to start with.


Honey called it before she ever even seen the video.

"What a crock of shit."

I believe it was.

She watched the video like one time and said something to the effect of:

"Theres no blood on his hand when he takes it off his ear, its only when he comes up from the podium."

She called it before she ever saw the video.

Tell ya what,

keep thinking all these are

"lens scatter"



“The House’s Bipartisan Task Force will continue to aggressively and thoroughly investigate the shocking security failures, 

(They aint really shocking if you accept it for what it is, like I said weve seen it just to many time already.)

get answers, and bring accountability,” 

he wrote on X.


Ya better start with a different Department then.

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