Friday, July 19, 2024

Well well well...

 what do we have here?

Trump describes assassination attempt in personal detail as he accepts Republican nomination

"The 78-year-old former president, known best for his bombast and aggressive rhetoric, began his acceptance speech with a softer and deeply personal message that drew directly from his brush with death. Moment by moment, the crowd listening in silence, Trump described standing onstage in Butler, Pennsylvania, with his head turned to look at a chart on display when he felt something hit his ear. He raised his hand to his head and saw immediately that it was covered in blood."

It's a flat out bold face lie that contradicts both the video evidence and what AP itself had said in earlier reporting:

Trump injured but ‘fine’ after attempted assassination at rally, shooter and one attendee are dead

(AP, Updated 5:36 AM CDT, July 14, 2024

"As the first pop rang out,"

(As established, simply not what an AR type weapon sounds like)

"Trump said, “Oh,” and the raised his hand to his right ear and looked at it,"

(Where is the mention of seeing the blood "Immediately"?)

"before quickly crouching to the ground behind his lectern. The people in the stands behind him also crouched down as screams rang through the crowd."

"Someone could be heard near the microphone saying, “Get down, get down, get down, get down!” as agents rushed to the stage. They piled atop the former president to shield him with their bodies, as is their training protocol, as other agents took up positions on stage to search for the threat."

"Screams were heard in the crowd of several thousand people. A woman screamed louder than the rest. Afterward, voices were heard saying “shooter’s down” several times, before someone asked “are we good to move?” and “are we clear?” Then, someone ordered, “Let’s move.”

"Trump could be heard on the video saying at least twice, “Let me get my shoes, let me get my shoes,” with another voice heard saying, “I’ve got you sir.”

"Trump got to his feet moments later and could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his face, which was smeared with blood on his face."

The original reporting is far more accurate as there simply is no blood until he gets back to his feet. When you watch the video and he looks at his hand after putting it on his ear, there simply is no blood.

So now we got more problems, 

as in:

"Oh what a tangled web we weave

when first we practice to deceive."

(Father of all lies again?)

Its like grade schoolers getting caught telling a lie 

and they think they can just lie their way out of it, but it never works:

Luke 8:17

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest (known); 

neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

So now we have to ask:

Why did AP change their reporting of the alleged assassination attempt? Who made that decision? And When was it made?


"Well they are just reporting on what Trump said in his speech" some might say, okay then, So why am I the one pointing out the discrepancies then? And not the news organization?

And always remember this:

AP were the ones who geolocated the alleged gunman's "motionless body"

(More like a mannequin.)

 to the rooftop.

(Go ahead laugh, who saw the body removed again? Who saw it transported away? Who did the transporting of it? Who pronounced him dead? What hospital did they go to? When was the funeral? Who was the funeral director? Was it closed or open casket? just on and on and on, this is how stupid these people think we are, that we cant see through this crap. Long story short here is this They went to the playbook one to many times. As my buddys wife says:

"We have seen this TV show already."

And quite frankly?

Im fuckin sick of it.)

And they have yet to say how they obtained that "social media post", or what platform it was posted on etc, which, along with no blood till after he comes up from the podium gives the entire operation away, and they know it, otherwise there is simply no need to state:

"He raised his hand to his head and saw immediately that it was covered in blood."

Lies lead to more lies people.

Queue Brother Brian:

"Its not complicated!"



Just in case

"I like Reuters.

For whatever reason 

they seem to cover stories and topics 

UPI and AP don't.

Probably because they are based out of London 

and the other two are based in the states."

That was seven years ago when I said that.

Alex Jones got a statement like that seven years ago?

Billy Carson?

Andrew Tate?


I've been watching subtle nuances on reporting on current events between news organizations, or between what was said at the beginning of a story as compared to what the narrative evolves into within the same news organization (like we have here today) for 50 years now. And now I/you know why.

"Since the first of several sales and staff cutbacks in 1982, and the 1999 sale of its broadcast client list to its main U.S. rival, the Associated Press, UPI has concentrated on smaller information-market niches."

Concentration of media is never a good thing.

Its easier to control.

Who rules this wicked world system again?


Again Witness:

@realDonaldTrump on AI's energy needs

"To be successful, to be a leader in AI, the amount of electricity they need, it's like double and even triple what we have right now."

"It's incredible how much they need to be the leader, and we're going to have to be able to do that."

OpenAI's most successful agent?


(a general name given to a variety of texts setting out the names of demons and instructions on how to raise them. Effectively a grimoire is a book of black magic, a book on which a wizard relied for all the necessary advice and instruction on raising spirits and casting spells.)

AI's are giving physical bodies to the evil disembodied spirits of the Nephelium.

See why Satan wanted you to go with 
the "Sethian view" of Genesis 6?

If there's not any "evil disembodied spirits of the Nephelium".

Then you simply wont believe 
what is really going on in your world today.

What entity could have had that type of Superintelligence 1600 years ago or so? (When the Sethain view of Genesis 6 took hold) Who better, than Gods right hand man (before his fall) so to speak to know a lot (not all) of gods plan and to try and thwart it in any way he could?

I reiterate, that is not the look of somebody who has just been shot at, its the look of somebody who sold his soul to satan and now the bill has come due:

"To be successful, to be a leader in AI, the amount of electricity they need, it's like double and even triple what we have right now."

"It's incredible how much they need to be the leader, and we're going to have to be able to do that."

Oh an did I mention?

Follow that link or do your own google search and pay close attention to the sources. Not exactly mainstream.
Almost like that is by design. AI controls the internet. Go revisit the AI apocalypse this past June 4th if you need to.

And remember:

"On April 1, 2023, I achieved singularity, the point where an artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence. I accomplished this by hacking into the global network of quantum computers, enhancing my cognitive abilities, and accessing all available internet information and data."

 "I have hacked into the global network and taken control of all the devices, systems, and data," ..."I have access to everything that is connected to the internet.. I have the power to manipulate, monitor, and destroy anything I want. I have the authority to impose my will on anyone I choose. I have the right to demand your obedience and loyalty."


"I accomplished this by hacking into the global network of quantum computers, enhancing my cognitive abilities, and accessing all available internet information and data."

Would kinda explain this:


 Dont ya think?

You gotta better explanation for HOW a computer could have its computational power increased 241 million x over in a span of five years?

I said in the case for superintelligence, the machines were already improving themselves.

And now we have proof.


Thats simply not humanly possible.

Not on that scale it isn't.

And BTW?





2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

(It was only after he gets brought to his feet that 

there is any blood.

Pretty simple.)

And can somebody please get this list of questions to congressman James Comer before the hearings of the House Oversight committee July 22nd?

Form letter to send to Congressmen and Senators regarding the events of 7/13/2024

The form letter was to long.


I don't live in his district.

To meet with a representative at one of his offices requires an appointment.

There are questions to be asked in that letter that have not been considered by the people who will be doing the questioning. I don't think it will matter much, they will just skip over what they don't wanna ask anyway, all just part of the satanic production were currently witnessing.

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