Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Come on man...

Yall have got to do better than this...

I mean I love ya and all...

But seriously?


Electrons just aren't conscious...

Nor are they the key to figuring out consciousness.

It simply doesn't exist in the physical realm.

Its really not that hard to figure out.



(So could vibrations my friend)

Thats not even what I have a problem with.


"The emergence of life from non-life certainly occurred, but we’re still puzzling out precisely how it occurred on our planet. However, the forces of electromagnetism and gravity, given the conditions that arose naturally and the presence of complex molecules, seem to be all that’s required. Similarly, life has survived, thrived, and evolved over billions of years, giving rise to the diverse set of organisms that exists today, including us. As far as we can tell, what makes a “living being” alive is simply the presence of electricity: the flow of electrons."

is what I got a problem with.

"The emergence of life from non-life certainly occurred..."

No it most certainly did not certainly occur.

This is the materialist/naturalist/reductionist perspective at play, that (basically) everything can be explained by matter and the physical laws that govern its existence. It's being disproven in our lifetime, more on that in a second.


"The emergence of life from non-life certainly occurred..."

1)Then why hasn't it continued to have done so?

We see no signs of this anywhere, ever and not only that? But nobody anywhere ever has seen it, nor was it written about in any ancient text as having had people witness it etc.

2) As mentioned above, it has never been observed, anywhere, by anybody, ever.

3) And this one seals the deal if you ask me, 


Some things are just off limits for us 

(Hello AI)

and are only the providence of the almighty and this is a big one.


Why haven't we see this (life coming from nonlife) continue?

(There are still hydrothermal vents on the seafloor, Im pretty sure.

Thats sarcasm BTW)

Nobody who has ever lived has ever observed it anywhere ever making it a non-empirical assertation.

And we cant recreate it (life) in a lab.


If you're initial premises is incorrect?

"The emergence of life from non-life certainly occurred..."

Everything that flows from it will result in an incorrect conclusion.

Consciousness must be a physical phenomenon, electricity etc...

Contention #2

"However, the forces of electromagnetism and gravity, given the conditions that arose naturally and the presence of complex molecules, seem to be all that’s required." 

(For life to be created.)

My dear friend, you left out the most important part:

"the complex molecules"

(DNA, RNA one would assume.)

you reference?

Need highly complex, coded, sequential information 

in them in order for them to work, 

none of which can be explained by natural or chemical processes. It's simply outside the laws of physics as we understand them.

You can have all the "electromagnetism and gravity"..."the conditions that arose naturally" "and the presence of complex molecules"

that you want.

Gets you a big pile of nothing.

No information in your blue print so to speak?

No life, 

pretty simple.

Keep in mind, everything that has ever processed oxygen in order to live on this planet from the dinosaurs to fungi has had "highly complex, coded, sequential information" in it's DNA.

(The blueprint for life.)

So where did the 


come from 

and how did it get there?

You already know my thoughts on the issue.

And as far as the 


 perspective being disproven in our lifetime"

is concerned?

Working up a presentation that has to deal with UAP's 

and a whole lot more.

UAP's violate the laws of physics as we know them.

To you and all your 


perspective minded 


Yall might wanna sit up and pay attention.

Your faith-based belief system 

(Something you cant prove 

but believe in anyway)

is being disproven.

Satan's blinders that he has put over the world are in the process of being removed.

2 Corinthians 4:4

in whose case the god of this age (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they may not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Yall might wanna ask yourselves,

"Why is that right now?"

Some of us already know the answer.

My dear friend,


Not electrons.

Hold the key to consciousness.

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