Tuesday, May 14, 2024



A while back a friend of mine asked:
"Why are you wearing that bracelet?
You're not Jamaican."

I told him it was more Ethiopian that Jamaican :-).

Thats a rock church in Ethiopia BTW.

Information is never the result
 of physical or chemical processes.

Who is supposed to know?
What those two pictures above are about?
I promise you they know.
And if they forgot?
They will remember here shortly I guarantee you.

New rear tire.
New licenses plate bracket.
New Gloves.
New Helmet.
(With an integrated flip down 
sun visor no less:-)

Did close to 100 miles Sunday.
Most I've done in one day in close to three years.

Its a process, 
getting reacclimated that is.

Happy to be back in the saddle.

Cause everybody gets that 
on their pictures right?


Our friend in the bottom right corner.
And that one beam is just screaming 

You might wanna start 
wrapping your head around that.

Hang in there cus.
You got this.
(She knows who she is.)

Any Questions?

Had to

Need one for the annotations.

The Geneva Bible is one of the most historically significant translations of the Bible into English, preceding the King James Version by 51 years. It was the primary Bible of 16th-century English Protestantism and was used by William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Knox, John Donne and others. It was one of the Bibles taken to America on the Mayflower (Pilgrim Hall Museum has collected several Bibles of Mayflower passengers), and its frontispiece inspired Franklin's design for the first Great Seal of the United States.

The Geneva Bible was used by many English Dissenters, and it was still respected by Oliver Cromwell's soldiers at the time of the English Civil War, in the booklet The Souldiers Pocket Bible.

Because the language of the Geneva Bible was more forceful and vigorous, most readers strongly preferred this version to the Great Bible. In the words of Cleland Boyd McAfee, "it drove the Great Bible off the field by sheer power of excellence".

"The annotations, a significant part of the Geneva Bible, were Calvinist and Puritan in character, and as such were disliked by the ruling pro-government Anglicans of the Church of England, as well as by James I, who commissioned the "Authorized Version", or King James Bible, in order to replace it. The Geneva Bible had also motivated the earlier production of the Bishops' Bible under Elizabeth I for the same reason, and the later Rheims–Douai edition by the Catholic community. The Geneva Bible nevertheless remained popular among Puritans and was in widespread use until after the English Civil War. The Geneva notes were surprisingly included in a few editions of the King James Version, as late as 1715.

Did you ever stop
and think:

Why are there so many diversions in this world?

And never so many as we have today right now?

Well there ya go.

"God doesn't want you to suffer."
 is one of the biggest lies 
anybody could ever tell you.

Romans 5:3-5

Not only that, 
but we rejoice in our sufferings
knowing that suffering produces endurance, 
and endurance produces character, 
and character produces hope, 
and hope does not put us to shame, 
because God's love has been poured into our hearts 
through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Our time is here.


"Christianity aint for wimps."

Johnny Cash.

Any questions?

Do it.
Do a media fast.
Turn it all off for a month or two.
A week even.
I guarantee you when you come back?
 You'll be like:
Why did I ever think 
any of this crap ever mattered.?

Somebody please go tell 
Neil deGrasse Tyson et al:

"Standing on the shoulders of giants 
dont make you one."

Wreckage of shot down F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter

See also: 1999 F-117A shootdown and Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk

The article from The Observer in October 1999 reported that a stealth fighter had been shot down early in the air campaign and that since China lacked stealth technology, they may have been glad to trade with the Yugoslav forces.[85]

In January 2011, the Associated Press via Fox News reported that the unveiled Chinese J-20 may have been developed in part by reverse engineering the U.S. F-117 from parts of the wreckage that were recovered.[86]

In May 2019, BBC News reported that, "It's widely assumed that China did get hold of pieces of the plane to study its technology."[87]

I keep saying,
they are just everywhere.

They dont just
"Not represent Christians"?

They're not Christian.

Guy lived in the 1200's 
and got more right than all these 
so-called experts do today.

"Self-aware in humans"

Its key.
We are aware of the fact 
that we are aware.

Its what makes us different.

Others mentioned?

Animals plants and minerals?

Not aware of awareness
 if that makes any sense to you..


"can not be bought 
or tamed
by distraction
or cheap pleasure."

Read that again.
Makes it easier to sleep at night as well.

Think about it for a second.

Revelation 5:5

And one of the elders saith unto me, 
Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, 
the Root of David, 
hath prevailed to open the book, 
and to loose the seven seals thereof.

Its just the biggest bunch of nonsense 
I have ever heard in my life.

Yeah...come explain it to me.
I got  a table and three chairs these days :-).

I love you baby.
TTYS Honey.

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