Saturday, May 25, 2024



bright_insight (IG)

(Jimmy Corsetti

(I dont necessarily agree w him on a lot

but this I found interesting)

How the Ancient Inca moved 50-80Ton stone blocks is a total mystery. 

Quarried 2+miles away at the top of a high Mountain, 

carried across a River, a Valley, and brought to the top of a steep hill.

They somehow accomplished all this without the invention of the wheel! 🤯

The Inca left zero explanation for how they cut, carved, moved or lifted stone.

In the comments on this post 

several people mentioned 

that the Inca themselves say 

these were there before they were,

7470 miles 
from Peru to Egypt BTW

There are simply 

way to many structures like this 

spread out all over the globe 

to have all had ancient technologies

that developed 

independently of each other.

If only there was a book today 

with accurate predictive power 

(See Rev 13/AI "

"had power to give life 

to the image of the beast"

or Isaiah 40

Expanding Universe

for instance)

explaining these structures.


wait a minute,

there is:

Genesis 6:1-4

And it came to pass,

when men began to multiply 

on the face of the earth, 

and daughters were born unto them,

That the sons of God saw 

the daughters of men 

that they were fair; 

and they took them wives 

of all which they chose.

And the Lord said, 

My spirit shall not always strive with man, 

for that he also is flesh: 

yet his days shall be 

a hundred and twenty years.

There were giants in the earth 

in those days; 

and also after that, 

when the sons of God 

came in unto the daughters of men, 

and they bare children to them, 

he same became mighty men 

which were of old, men of renown.

Several people mentioned that 

in the comments as well.

I love you honey.


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