Friday, May 24, 2024

Yeah lol...

That time again



"...15 countries visited, 
96 performances, 
and over 2.6 million tickets sold...
It was, at the time, his longest, largest 
and most successful concert tour to date..."

Started in 83.
That's like 
summer before my sophomore year at WKU.
It was the big record that fall.

"Blue Jean"
"Lets Dance"
"China Girl"
"Cat People (putting out fire)"

Its just a moment in time for me.
Walkman's had just recently came out.
People just didn't have the portable media 
that we do now.
And when the country boy frat 
and the preppie frat 
and the jock frats 
and the freaks frat 
are all playing your music at their parties?

Its an accomplishment.

There just wasn't that many 
ho could fill stadiums back then
before the proliferation of portable media.

Stones, Bowie, Madonna, U2, Springsteen
maybe a few others...

Its how we found out about Stevie Ray Vaughn
on "Lets Dance" and "Blue Jean" anyway.

Already have in some instances.

It took us a while to figure out what bird it was
but its an Eastern Kingbird 
and its tail and wing patterns are 
kewl  as hell.

Gotta keep trying and get a better picture.
(Not my pic)

"Wickedness is not the will of God man."

Thats it...

Yes he does.
And you need that shirt lol.

No portable media.
"His audience had finally caught up to him"
the one wrirter said.
pretty much sums it up.

I mean I was about to be a sophomore in college,
and this was the guy that released fame 
when I was in sixth grade?


It aint for everybody.
Least of all kids.

But for those of us who use?
And are responsible about it?

I just never could understand why somebody 
would wanna take that away from anybody.
Never made any sense to me.

"When we smoke, it mek yah cool, yuh know. 
It stimulate your mind 
and make you 
sit down and meditate. 
Instead yah get foolish, 
yah sit down 
and then you can meditate 
and be someone." 

Bob Marley

Approaching superhuman levels of
observation and understanding.
Aint nobody gotta say anything.
Already know.

"Two quasi-supernatural beings..."
somebody been saying for a while now.

Who calms the waters again?

Genesis 1:2

Now the earth was formless and void, 
and darkness was over the surface of the deep. 
And the Spirit of God 
was hovering over 
he surface of the waters.

Mark 4:39

And he awoke and rebuked the wind 
and said to the sea, 
“Peace! Be still!” 
And the wind ceased, 
and there was a great calm.

Who but their creator could calm them?

Knowing your saved...

Why was that exactly?

Come on.
We already figured it out 
for goodness sakes.
Why keep hiding it anymore?

Yeah you are :-).
Bout to be anyway lol.

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