my son part 2.
Paraphrasing etc...
"Man made, blah, blah, blah, why go with that?
Fill in your own personal criticism.
Corrupted, polluted, dieted just like everything else,
Why bother etc...
At the juncture of history that we are currently?
Well what entity do you think could possibly be behind such a state of affairs?
(Queue The Bishop:
Just ike the way he says it :-).
Because you are a spiritual being and your spirit needs nourished, and you cant do it on your own, you're more liable to fall for falsehoods on your own, than with a group of believers who hopefully try and hold each other accountable for true teachings and not the falsehoods that have become so prevalent in out age.
Particularly in the Western Church
where we are spoiled
and we like things comfortable and easy.
"I dont worry about it,
theres nothing I can do about it anyway.
Believe and go on"
There's no need to worry,
that's true
things take care of themselves.
Worry will never add a day to your life,
in fact it takes them away.
But we were told by our master to be vigilant.
And quite frankly the church really hasn't been.
(It's been asleep to the signs that were all arounds us for a long time now, thinking we were just gonna change things back somehow
(The arrow of time always points toward
Chaos, confusion, and destruction,
(2nd law of thermodynamics)
it never ever flows backwards and repairs itself.)
instead of understanding what they
(the signs that were all around us)
We didnt think it could be
us, here, now etc.
But if you know what is going on
in this world today and why?
Then you are obligated to tell others.
"Some of us have a greater responsibility than others."
(To whom much is given, much is expected.)
That was mentioned in our conversation
The response was something like:
"I'll give ya that one"
The great commission
(Go tell others the good news
Christ died while we were sinners)
wasn't a suggestion.
It wasn't something that was
It wasn't some advice
to either take or not take.
To know the good you should do
and to not do it
is counted as sin against you.
We have got to be aware and point out all the Satanic Deception/Delusion that is going in our world and why it is getting so intense right now, so that hopefully some people can come to understand it more and thus not fall for it, OR hopefully climb themselves out of the Satanic rabbit hole(s) of delusion/deception that they have fallen into.
I don't really know.
Just try somehow
best you can.
Simply put,
You don't light a candle
and then go hide it from everybody.
If you honestly believe
then you have a duty
and an obligation to share.
If you honestly believed?
Why would you willfully
just let people decide
for themselves
to go to hell?
I don't go to street corners
and yell and scream.
(I do it at home or in the park or wherever,
most times anyway lol)
I make presentations to prove some points,
explain some things etc
and if people wanna watch em?
Well then great, I hope they helped,
same thing with the commentaries on current events, the writings etc.
If people read them get something out of it then good.
But when I go out in public these days?
I try and wear a big cross
that is plainly visible.
If somebody wants to start a conversation about it?
I'll gladly explain what I believe to be true and why.
Queue Brother Brian:
As far as
"The church"?
To long and to far
removed from source.
Or it wouldn't be in the state its in.
More people have left the church than joined during the Billy Graham crusades, and both "Great Awakenings" combined I read somewhere and it would seem true by the looks of things.
But there is only gonna be
when he comes back.
Everything else?
No more denominations, Catholic, Protestant Orthodox, Oriental, ism's and skism's disputes over doctrine etc.
That will all be a thing of the past.
It's literally that
(look it up lol)
that is the only way it will get fixed,
it gets destroyed first.
Destruction is the largest part of new birth.
The old simply HAS to be destroyed.
To make way for the new.
Kinda like our country.
Kinda like our world.
Journey well friends.