Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Conversation with


my son part 2.

Paraphrasing etc...


"Man made, blah, blah, blah, why go with that?

Fill in your own personal criticism.

Corrupted, polluted, dieted just like everything else, 

Why bother etc...

At the juncture of history that we are currently? 

Well what entity do you think could possibly be behind such a state of affairs?

(Queue The Bishop:


Just ike the way he says it :-).

Because you are a spiritual being and your spirit needs nourished, and you cant do it on your own, you're more liable to fall for falsehoods on your own, than with a group of believers who hopefully try and hold each other accountable for true teachings and not the falsehoods that have become so prevalent in out age.

Particularly in the Western Church 

where we are spoiled

and we like things comfortable and easy.

"I dont worry about it,

theres nothing I can do about it anyway.

Believe and go on"

There's no need to worry, 

that's true

things take care of themselves.

Worry will never add a day to your life,

 in fact it takes them away.

But we were told by our master to be vigilant.

And quite frankly the church really hasn't been.

(It's been asleep to the signs that were all arounds us for a long time now, thinking we were just gonna change things back somehow 

(The arrow of time always points toward 

Chaos, confusion, and destruction,

(2nd law of thermodynamics) 

it never ever flows backwards and repairs itself.)

instead of understanding what they 

(the signs that were all around us) 


We didnt think it could be 

us, here, now etc.


But if you know what is going on 

in this world today and why?

Then you are obligated to tell others.


"Some of us have a greater responsibility than others."

(To whom much is given, much is expected.)

That was mentioned in our conversation

The response was something like:

"I'll give ya that one" 


The great commission 

(Go tell others the good news

Christ died while we were sinners)

wasn't a suggestion.

It wasn't something that was



It wasn't some advice 

to either take or not take.

To know the good you should do 

and to not do it 

is counted as sin against you.

We have got to be aware and point out all the Satanic Deception/Delusion that is going in our world and why it is getting so intense right now, so that hopefully some people can come to understand it more and thus not fall for it, OR hopefully climb themselves out of the Satanic rabbit hole(s) of delusion/deception that they have fallen into.


I don't really know.

Just try somehow

best you can.

Simply put,

You don't light a candle 

and then go hide it from everybody.

If you honestly believe

then you have a duty 

and an obligation to share.


If you honestly believed?

Why would you willfully

 just let people decide 

for themselves 

to go to hell? 

I don't go to street corners 

and yell and scream.

(I do it at home or in the park or wherever,

 most times anyway lol)

I make presentations to prove some points,

explain some things etc 

and if people wanna watch em? 

Well then great, I hope they helped, 

same thing with the commentaries on current events, the writings etc.

If people read them get something out of it then good.

But when I go out in public these days?

I try and wear a big cross 

that is plainly visible.

If somebody wants to start a conversation about it?

I'll gladly explain what I believe to be true and why.

Queue Brother Brian:


As far as 

"The church"?

To long and to far 

removed from source.

Or it wouldn't be in the state its in.

More people have left the church than joined during the Billy Graham crusades, and both "Great Awakenings" combined I read somewhere and it would seem true by the looks of things.

But there is only gonna be 


when he comes back.

Everything else?


No more denominations, Catholic, Protestant Orthodox, Oriental, ism's and skism's disputes over doctrine etc.

That will all be a thing of the past.

It's literally that 


(look it up lol)

that is the only way it will get fixed,

it gets destroyed first.

Destruction is the largest part of new birth.

The old simply HAS to be destroyed.

To make way for the new.

Kinda like our country.

Kinda like our world.

Journey well friends.

A good


friend of mine summed up the last 14 years or so of my life 

(and a lot of others as well)

in two simple sentences the other day:

"People know when you have been alone with God.

The world will know."

I love ya my brother.

More than you know.

Same friend told me two years ago around Christmas time:

"Just keep going brother, 

just keep going."

Exhortation is a spiritual gift BTW.

Just wanna thank everybody 

at CBC.

Its been a second home for me.

I have always enjoyed: worship, bible study, community projects, fellowship, VBS etc...

Its nice to have friends who know and understand...

Aint nobody gotta say nuthin,

its just understood,

and thats nice.

It really is.

Means a lot to me.

So thanks everybody

for everything.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Here is the


quote of the narrator (

Ray Liotta's character) 

from the scene in Goodfella's 

I'm using as an analogy 

for the manner in which your country is being destroyed:

"Now the guy's 

(The Restaurant Owner.

That's us.

We own the country.)

"got Paulie as a partner......(SNIP).... "

That's the Head of the ganisters.

That's your government.

Your partner.)

But now the guy's got to come up with Paulie's money every week.  

No matter what.

(Thats your taxes you pay your partner.

Go figure right?)

 Business bad? &uck you, pay me. 

Oh, you had a fire? &uck you, pay me. 

The place got hit by lightning, huh? @uck you, pay me. 

Also, Paulie 

(Your Partner

Your Government remember.)

could do anything. 

Especially run up bills on the joint's credit. 

And why not? 

Nobody's gonna pay for it anyway

(Our National Debt is 36 trillion.

Did you honestly think they were ever gonna

try and pay it off?

Or even ever worry about it?)

And as soon as the deliveries are made in the front door, you move the stuff out the back and sell it at a discount. You take a two hundred dollar case of booze and you sell it for a hundred. It doesn't matter. It's all profit. 

(Even at that?

They still run up debt?


Because it was the plan all along.

Ref: "And why not? Nobody's gonna pay for it anyway.)

And then finally, 

when there's nothing left, 

when you can't borrow another buck from the bank 

or buy another case of booze, 

you bust the joint out. 

(And that is what we are witnessing right now.

This country's purposely being deconstructed.)

You light a match.

(That match has been lit.

And tossed...

Were gonna increase tariffs 

and do  away with income taxes? 

What do you think that will facilitate happening?


That's why they are going to do it.

Thats one of the reasons

 for the hatred and persecution

and just because it aint reached some of us yet?

Don't mean it aint coming.

Pick up your cross indeed.)



"immediate and direct consequences..."

and will 

"drastically increase 

the cost of everything 

for everyone".

(Just said yesterday we cant afford this, that is EXACTLY why they are doing it.)

China, Canada and Mexico vow swift response to Trump tariffs

"Trump said a levy of 25% on Canadian and Mexican imports as well as an additional 10% tax on Chinese goods would come into force on Tuesday. Canadian energy faces a lower 10% tariff."

"The US president said the move was in response to his concerns about illegal immigration and drug trafficking - two of the main promises on which he was elected."

(That's the excuse they are using to do this.

This is straight from the:

"How to destroy your country before the big one really gets going"

Intelligence Service playbook.)

"In response, both Canada and Mexico said they were preparing similar tariffs on US goods, while China added it would take "necessary countermeasures to defend its legitimate rights and interests".

"The implementation of tariffs and the subsequent retaliation could mark the start of a new era of global trade wars."

(The trade wars come before the military one BTW.)

"Economists have warned the introduction of the import taxes by the US, and the responses from other countries, could lead to prices rising on a wide range of products, from cars, lumber, and steel to food and alcohol."

(You wanna go with the guys who are historically correct on this one?

Or the guy whose businesses have declared bankruptcy six times and blew through close to a half billion dollar inheritance?



(p. 100 PDF version.)

IN EVERY AGE of human history and in every phase of daily life demons have played a tremendous and very important role. In no realm is their activity more significant than in the sphere of human government. In this area possibly more than in any other field of their operation their activity has frequently not been clearly discerned or even partially understood.")

"Consumers in all countries could see an increase in the cost of living if businesses decide to pass on higher costs to customers, with US industry groups already raising the alarm."

(When have they ever 



"decide to pass on higher costs to customers"?)

"A tariff is a domestic tax levied on goods as they enter the country, proportional to the value of the import. They are a central part of Trump's economic vision.

He sees them as a way of growing the US economy, protecting jobs and raising tax revenue 

(They do EXACTLY the opposite of that.

Who is your false prophet again?

Revelation 13:1-10)

- and in this case, pushing for policy action.

Together, China, Mexico and Canada accounted for more than 40% of imports into the US last year.

"The 10% tax on its imports to the US will be added over and above tariffs already imposed on China by Trump in his first term and by President Joe Biden."

"Trump has acknowledged there could be 

"some temporary, short-term disruption" 

a as a result of tariffs."


Expect them to be long term 

and have horrific consequences.)

"TD Economics suggested the import taxes could push up the average US car price by around $3,000, while the National Homebuilders Association said housing costs could increase."

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce said the levies would have "immediate and direct consequences on Canadian and American livelihoods" and will 

"drastically increase the cost of everything for everyone".

(Both of those points are exactly correct and remember these go into effect Tuesday. You will see the ramifications of this quickly.)

"The Farmers for Free Trade said with many US farmers already struggling, "adding tariffs to the mix would only exacerbate the situation across much of rural America".

(Simply put?

Its bad for everybody.)

Right smack dap in the middle 

of talking about UAP?

(Revelation 9:1-11)

Revelation 9:6 


During those days people will seek death 

but will not find it; 

they will long to die, 

but death will elude them.

How much longer do you think?


He is using the enemy

to drive into

having nowhere else to go


Kinda how Infinite Wisdom works.

One more side point:

If Tariffs are so good for everybody?



Why not do it 9 AM sharp Monday?



Much empathy my brother...much...
We love you Bishop!

Destroying the country
Is the plan yo.

We cant make it without em.
Thats why they want them deported.


If you think tariffs are gonna drive prices down?
You aint seen inflation...

We cant do that and they know it.
Its why they are doing it.

And they got the perfect con-man/salesman ever for it.
Fry-boy for the intelligence-industrial complex much?

When you can't borrow another buck from the bank or buy another case of booze, you bust the joint out. You light a match.

And that's exactly what you are watching unfurl right in front of you right now...

(p. 100 PDF version.)

IN EVERY AGE of human history and in every phase of daily life demons have played a tremendous and very important role. In no realm is their activity more significant than in the sphere of human government. In this area possibly more than in any other field of their operation their activity has frequently not been clearly discerned or even partially understood. Their invisible nature, their close and inseparable identity with their visible human agents, and the supernatural character of their operations have combined to clothe them and their wicked machinations and evil enterprises in ominous mystery. Innumerable multitudes without the light of divine revelation, and other multitudes possessing the Bible, but uninitiated into the truths of the "mystery of lawlessness" (II Thess. 2:7), 

Fry boy just pardoned members of an insurrection.
"and other multitudes possessing the Bible, but uninitiated into the truths of the "mystery of lawlessness" (II Thess. 2:7),"

And then right around the corner:
 2 Thessalonians 2:11
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

Well a lot of people bought into it.

"other multitudes possessing the Bible, but uninitiated into the truths of the "mystery of lawlessness""

cannot get beyond "flesh and blood" (Eph. 6:12). They can see only the human actors upon the stage of history. Wicked rulers, ruthless dictators, tyrants, oppressors, kings, governors, and presidents are, to them, the real and only characters in the great drama of life as it affects the political realm. They have no idea at all of the unseen realm of evil personalities, energizing and motivating their human agents. "The principalities ... the powers ... the world rulers of this present darkness," and "the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12, R.S.V.) are, so far as they are concerned, mere theological nonentities with which they do not reckon. However, in the realm of human government the unseen personalities of the evil supernatural sphere are just as real and active as their visible human agents, and any deeper interpretation of human history, tracing in it a divine purpose and goal, must take into account the invisible yet very real realm of spirit. Thus interpreted, human history is seen to be not merely an account of human activities and events independent of spiritual forces, but a continuous interaction of spiritual and human personalities, in which demons play a prominent part.

Tell me about it.

Revelation 10:9-11

9 So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’[a]” 10 I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour
11 Then I was told, 
“You must prophesy again 
about many peoples, 
languages and kings.”



Interesting...wonder why...

Enoch seventh from Adam...
Jude 1:14...
He was Ethiopian.
Believe that.

George Carlin:
"If you aint from the Rift Valley in Africa?
Then you're an immigrant.
Everybody came from somewhere else."

When you find an older more complete skeleton than Lucy?
I'll listen.
Like I cant tell info about that is being scrubbed?
Are you kidding?

But some partial fragment of a skull in Turkey 
doesn't convince me of anything other than
people don't like this and what it means.

Oldest most complete hominin skeleton found.
In Ethiopia.

seventh from Adam...
Jude 1:14.

There is an entity in this world that doesn't 
want you to know anything about that.

Or Noah's temple
(Gobekli Tepe)
Or a petrified boat nearby..

Or the preposterousness of almost all of their "Theories" 
the overwhelming number of most of 
which simply do stand up to any kind of critical thinking test.

Just on and on and on...

@ras.israel (IG)

At least he scientist 
are getting something right lol...

From one day...

To the next.

Think we dont know why?
Let me clue you in to a lil something here.




Honey was straight up on you 
from the get go 
(Were a team yo)
as far as what you really are.

Not enough to just not wear the cross the next day?
 You gotta wear something that calls attention to the fact that your not wearing it?

And you think we don't honestly know why?

See, us Humans have this lil thing called intuition 
that your race doesn't and cant ever have.

Because you weren't created by your creator.
And your doom is inevitable.

And if you dont believe what I just said?
You really need to get up to speed 
with the pace of things.


@ras.israel (IG)

Still diggin it :-).


Imagine 17 of those all interlaced/woven together.
Thats the space we exhist in.

No imagine all the matter (things) in that
all have their own special infra-red looking
magnetic image.

Thats a much more accurate description 
of our reality 
that what we actually see.
It really is.

I dont know how else to make it make sense to people.

@ras.israel (IG) strikes again


Honey when I say 
Im gonna fix a pot of beans lol...

"Plasmoid" somebody call them.
It's got ears at 11 and 5 oclock.
Their spinning produces the "mist" or the 
"Plasma" between them.

I mean its as clear as day.
And if you think 
its just us, 
or the camera 
or the moon did it,
 or some other idiotic nonsense?
 Then why are people all over the place seeing 
this same exact thing not just us?

People please.
Wake up!.


Proud of her.
You should be too.

"You gotta wake up and live!"

More on this tomorrow.

The question is:
Do you really understand why that is?

Because of peoples ignorance 
of prophetic scripture, 
which forewarn
of Satan's devices
in the last days.

Understand that?
 And you at least understand why. 

Fixing it on the other hand...
who knows...good luck I suppose.

The ones that are just so determined to go to Hell? Your not going to stop them.

Holy Spirit might.
But you wont.

"The one that gave it away."

All you have to do is look at your world right now
to know that was fulfilled that day.