is the merger of your faith
with a politician/political party.
Read it again if you don't like it,
cause its the truth.
Highlights from:
Saturday, March 1, 2025
17. The Destruction Of Ecclesiastical Babylon
(How he missed the Destroyer in Revelation 9:11 equating to the Destroyer in Exodus 12:23 (Reference Psalm 78:49 as well), as well as the Ottoman Turks being the seventh kingdom to have ruled over Jerusalem and only saw the apostate church as anything but his own, or justifies a "pre-tribulation rapture" in direct contradiction of Christ own words is beyond me. (See Mathew 24:28-29, Luke 17:34-37, Revelation 19:17-18.)
But thats all for a different day. Today? Today were gonna focus on what he got right about the Apostate church in terms of its characteristics, which he absolutely nailed and we are and have been living in our time.
"John is shown the vision of the destruction of Babylon,
as representing false religion"
(Merger of faith and the state reaching its climax.)
"The picture of the woman as utterly evil signifies spiritual adultery, portraying those who outwardly and religiously seem to be joined to the true God but who are untrue to this relationship."
"The symbolism of spiritual adultery is not ordinarily used of heathen nations who know not God, but always of people who outwardly carry the name of God while actually worshiping and serving other gods."
"The alliance of the apostate church with the political powers of the world during this future period of time..."
(Been here a while already.)
"...not only debauches the true spiritual character of the church and compromises her testimony in every way but has the devastating effect of inducing religious drunkenness on the part of the inhabitants of the earth."
"...False religion is always the worst enemy of true religion, and the moral wickedness involved in the union of the church with the world imposes a stupefying drunkenness as far as spiritual things are concerned."
"The hardest to win to Christ and the most difficult to instruct in spiritual truth are those who have previously embraced false religion with its outward show of a worship of God. "
(The whores and the degenerates and the junkies will come to believe the truth and get into Heaven instead of those sitting in the pews every Sunday so smug in their belief that they got it all right.)
"...the apostate church has eagerly sought and solicited the adulterous relation with the world political powers and therefore is primarily to be blamed."
"the apostate church, is in such close association with the beast, which is guilty of utter blasphemy, indicates the depth to which apostasy will ultimately descend."
(There, right now, today.)
"The Word of God does not spare words in describing the utter filthiness of this adulterous relationship in the sight of God. Few crimes in Scripture are spoken of in more unsparing terms than the crime of spiritual adultery of which this woman is the epitome. As alliance with the world and showy pomp increase, so spiritual truth and purity decline."
"Babylon is actually a counterfeit or pseudo religion which plagued Israel in the Old Testament as well as the church in the New Testament, and which, subsequent to apostolic days, has had a tremendous influence in moving the church from biblical simplicity to apostate confusion.
(It was all pretty simple when I was in Sunday School in Ormsby Heights Baptist Church in Louisville Ky in the 70's. Today? Not so much.)
"In keeping with the satanic principle of offering a poor substitute for God’s perfect plan, Babylon is the source of counterfeit religion sometimes in the form of pseudo Christianity..."
"In this chapter in Revelation (17), the last stage of counterfeit religion is revealed
(The merger of politics and faith.)
as it will be in existence in the period before the return of the Lord to earth."
"...apostate Christendom is unsparing in its persecution of those
who attempt to maintain a true faith in Jesus Christ."
"The ten horns’ rule as kings is subject to that of the beast itself, and their sphere of power is brief. They are a phase of the transmission of power from the various kingdoms to that of the beast itself."
"The divine judgment inflicted upon apostate Christendom follows a pattern which can be observed in other judgments upon wicked nations and ungodly rulers. Ancient Babylon was used to bring affliction upon the people of Israel, as were also the governments of Assyria and Egypt. But in due time the same nations who inflicted divine judgment
(Think us and Nazi Germany in WWII)
were themselves the objects of God’s wrath."
(US now.)
"At the close of the chapter, the woman is again identified with the great city which reigned over the kings of the earth, referring to the ecclesiastical power and control of the political which characterized portions of church history in the past and will have its climax in this future period."
(Us, now).
ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power.
"In 2021, Steve Berger, an evangelical pastor who has attacked the separation of church and state as “a delusional lie”
(Horseshit see above)
and called multinational institutions “demonic,” set off on an ambitious project. His stated goal: minister to members of Congress so that what “they learn is then translated into policy.” His base of operations would be a six-bedroom, $3.7 million townhouse blocks from the U.S. Capitol."
"Recently, the pastor scored a remarkable coup for a political influence project that has until now managed to avoid public scrutiny. He got a new roommate."
"House Speaker Mike Johnson has been staying at the home since around the beginning of this year, according to interviews and videos obtained by ProPublica."
"The house is owned by a major Republican donor and Tennessee car magnate who has joined Berger in advocating for and against multiple bills before Congress.'
"Over the past four years, Berger and his wife, Sarah Berger, have dedicated themselves to what they call their D.C. “ministry center.” In addition to Johnson, who is an evangelical conservative, the pastor has built close relationships with several other influential conservative politicians. Dan Bishop, now nominated for a powerful post in the Trump White House, seems to have also lived in the home last year while he was still a congressman, according to three people."
"A spokesperson for Johnson
said that the speaker “pays fair market value in monthly rent for the portion of the Washington, D.C. townhome that he occupies.” He did not answer a question about how much Johnson is paying. House ethics rules allow members of Congress to live anywhere, as long as they are paying fair-market rent."
(With no bank account?
Are you kidding?
How then does he:
"pays fair market value in monthly rent for the portion of the Washington, D.C. townhome that he occupies"
"The Bergers have described their mission as galvanizing political allies to take action."
(Newsflash to yall:
"Steve Berger claims to have personally spurred legislation. “It’s a humbling thing,” he said in a sermon in late 2022. “You get a text message from a senator that says: ‘Thank you for your inspiration. Because it has caused me now to create a bill that is going to further righteousness in this country.’”
(You are going to legislate righteousness?
A bill?
This is how far apostate Christendom has come, to think somehow it can:
"legislate righteousness"
Its a ridiculous assertation.)
"Berger’s interests extend beyond his staunch social conservatism. He and the donor who owns the house, Lee Beaman, have publicly advocated together for numerous specific policy changes, including a bill that would make it easier to fire federal employees and a regulation that would reduce fuel efficiency standards for the automotive industry.
(How are either of those in any way biblical?)
"After the 2020 election, they both signed a letter declaring that President Donald Trump was the rightful winner and calling for Congress to overturn the results."
(True Christians don't support a lie.
Tells you everything you need to know about them.)
"Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, did not respond to questions about how he ended up staying at the home. Beaman did not respond to requests for comment."
(You know who else doesn't ever respond to questions?
Sam Altman
"The earliest date ProPublica was able to confirm Johnson being at the Berger house was in mid-December."
(Then where was he living before?
Mr no bank account House Speaker?)
"Berger sent a note to his supporters on social media: “I so wish I could tell you all the massive doors that broke open this week.”
"Washington pieds-à-terre
(small apartment, house, or room kept for occasional use.)
can prove a significant expense for members of Congress as they split time between the capital and their home districts. Johnson is less wealthy than many other lawmakers. He worked at conservative nonprofits before he entered public service, and on his most recent financial disclosure form he did not declare a single asset.
(100% fucking impossible.
When I filed for bankruptcy?
I still had assets I had to list.
When I lived in my buddy's garage?
With no phone, no drivers license,
no tags on the truck or the motorcycle,
no insurance, no bills, no gas, no electric etc?
"on his most recent financial disclosure form
he did not declare a single asset."
100% fucking impossible.)
"When Johnson was elevated to the speakership in 2023,
news reports indicated
(Where does Speaker Mike Johnson sleep when he's in DC? Most likely in his Capitol Hill office
Does New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson have a bank account?
What’s up with Speaker Johnson not reporting a bank account?
Nov 7th 2023
"A teeny fraction of American households don’t have a bank account. In recent days, it appeared that one such household might belong to the man second in line for the presidency: House Speaker Mike Johnson."
"Johnson’s recent launch from obscure congressional backbencher to one of the most powerful people in the country
(Thats your clue right there.
has come with a wave of scrutiny. Reporters are combing through his past and finding weird stuff — his curious arrangement with his son to monitor each others’ digital devices for porn, for instance.
One less salacious but perhaps more consequential discovery involves his finances. In his most recent annual financial disclosures, released last year, Johnson (R-La.) reports no assets at all.
(I have been harping about this since I found out about it.
It should have sent off alarm bells.
The evangelical Church in this country
was ecstatic to have one of their own in power,
two steps away from the presidency.
See: "the moral wickedness involved in the union of the church with the world imposes a stupefying drunkenness as far as spiritual things are concerned."
Listed Above.)
"There are no retirement accounts, no money-market funds, no stocks, no crypto, not even a basic checking or savings account. Even more peculiar, his disclosures have never listed any checking or savings accounts on any of the forms he has filed going back to 2016, the year he was elected to Congress."
"that rather than renting an apartment, he might be sleeping in his office. (Lawmakers must report debts, income and many financial holdings on disclosure forms but aren’t required to list living expenses like rent.)
(Elon musk is sleeping in his DOGE office too.
"Though it’s not clear what the home’s basement would fetch on the open market, it’s not unusual for two-bedrooms in the area to rent for as much as $7,000 a month."
(How is he paying it with no bank account?
Last Stage Apostate Church in full view:
"Berger came to prominence in his home state as the longtime pastor of Grace Chapel, a large church outside Nashville whose members have included the current governor of the state. In 2021, Berger left the church and he and his wife launched their project in Washington."
"He soon began Bible study sessions with senators, representatives and congressional aides, according to the Bergers."
"Steve Berger quickly made connections at the highest levels of the Republican Party."
("the moral wickedness involved in the union of the church with the world imposes a stupefying drunkenness as far as spiritual things are concerned.")
"A group of congressmen gathered on stage together to speak at the pastor’s 60th-birthday party in October, including Bishop, Rep. Barry Moore, Rep. Andy Ogles and Rep. Warren Davidson. All four are current or former members of the hardline conservative House Freedom Caucus. (None of the four responded to requests for comment.)
("the moral wickedness involved in the union of the church with the world imposes a stupefying drunkenness as far as spiritual things are concerned."
Also? See comment above about Sam Altman, OpenAI and LEAR.)
"Evidence suggests that Bishop also recently lived at the Capitol Hill townhouse. Three neighbors told ProPublica that the FBI visited them this month asking about Bishop, seemingly as part of the background check for his White House job. “They said that address,” said one neighbor, adding that the agent showed a photo of Bishop. “They said: ‘He lived there up to a couple months ago. Do you know him?’”
"Trump has nominated Bishop to be deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, the powerful White House office that recently moved to freeze funding streams across the federal government. Berger celebrated the nomination on Instagram: “I want to congratulate my dear friend and brother, Congressman Dan Bishop, for accepting this incredible opportunity.”
("the moral wickedness involved in the union of the church with the world imposes a stupefying drunkenness as far as spiritual things are concerned."
One more thing
about Speaker Johnson:
Monday, October 30, 2023
"was all over my IG feed the other day.
It about made me wanna vomit TBH.
And I am not even on there that much.
The week the Republican Party caved to MAGA and surrendered America's middle to extremism
"As soon as he won the gavel Wednesday,
Johnson stood in front of the speaker’s chair and said:
“I believe that Scripture,
the Bible is very clear
God is the one
that raises up those in authority,
he raised up each of you, all of us.
And I believe that God has ordained
and allowed each one of us
to be brought here
for this specific moment
and this time.”
I agree, 100%,
just not in the manner
you might think:
Revelation 17:17
17 For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled.
All through the book we are taught to submit to our rulers as they wouldn't have been there if it wasn't god's will.
Ecclesiastical ones as well as Worldly ones.
Revelation 14:9-12
9 A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” 12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.
Funny how speaker Johnson
didnt bring any of that up.
His boss the False Prophet:
“We will make the United States a manufacturing superpower
and the world capital of Artificial Intelligence
and Crypto.”
AI has been demonstrated to be Satanic:
Didnt mention The Beast from the Abyss,
or the Woman riding a scarlet beast.
Revelation 17:8 and Revelation 17:3
"Each of the three entities is described as a beast. Only Satan himself actually comes from the abyss."
AI missed that and apostate Christendom
riding her beast.
Go ahead and convince yourself it was a coincidence, just like
AI apocalypse? ChatGPT, Claude and Perplexity all went down at the same time
was too right?
Ya might just wanna get a clue.
"Trump said on social media Sunday that
his administration is working toward creating a “Crypto Strategic Reserve”
and crypto-currency IS
the new economic system, 666.
(Where else is there to go? There is simply nothing left to steal from people anymore, it's all gone, so now they will control you in this way, and tons are gonna fall for it.)
Revelation 13:16-18
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666.
"Well Drew, people have been saying that
666 is this or that for forever."
Ya need to reexamine some things,
quick like in a hurry.
I reiterate:
The Last Stage of Apostate Christendom
is the merger of your faith
with a politician/political party.
Cause Satan knew you would fall for it.
He is telling you everything you want to hear.
Dont fall for it.
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