Wednesday, June 21, 2023



"There are quite a few areas 

where the foundations of physics 

blur into religion, 

but physicists don’t notice 

because they’re 

not paying attention."

~ Sabine Hossenfelder

Guy said he thought that 
and the universe itself,
must have:

"spontaneously generated itself"

It did.
But only because 
the owner of the life force 
spoke them into existence.

"There are quite a few areas 
where the foundations of physics 
blur into religion, 
but physicists don’t notice 
because they’re 
not paying attention."

1,000,001 parts matter
1,000,000 parts antimatter.
If they are equal?
 Then they cancel each other out 
and there is no universe.

The universe just decided that on it's own?
The big bang decided that?
1,000,000 vs 1,000,001

Or their designer decided that?

Seems like it all came prepackaged with some
attached if you ask me.

Not to mention that RNA is a blueprint.
and that the four fundmental forces peeled off from one another in exactly the right order.

Just on and on and on...

Choose wisely.
Eternity is at stake.

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