Friday, June 2, 2023



I had a lil rough time from Wed through Thursday evening.

Felt a lil "under attack" from some  

that I wouldn't have thought

would have been like that.

Not right now at this critical juncture anyway.

Lookin at it now?

I should have expected it.


The "bubbling up" of tension?

That you can feel a ways away?

Before it ever gets to your chest/mind etc.?

And then comes out of your mouth?

That feeling that I just hate?

And would rather avoid at all cost?

Even if it means lil to no human contact 

if that's how it has to be 

just in order to avoid it?

It was getting the better of me last night.

I walked in a local establishment just to see what was going on.

See who was there etc.

Actually I was wishing somebody would say:

"Go on home its slow" :-).

They didn't :-).

Not then anyways.

Then I turn around

and I see:

and almost simultaneously ?
I wasn't even done reading the word

Acts 3:19-21

Repent therefore, 
and turn back, 
that your sins may be blotted out, 
that times of refreshing 
may come 
from the presence of the Lord, 
and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, 
whom heaven must receive 
until the time for restoring all the things 
about which God spoke 
by the mouth of his holy prophets 
long ago.

I mean instantaneously.
Like I cant explain how soon it came upon me.

I just smiled.
And knew that 
had sent me the message 
that I needed to hear.

Tension started dissipating from that moment on.
It took a good while for it to completely go away 
but from that point on?
I was on the back side of the bell curve so to speak.

I saw my pastor cooking at a food booth.
I went over to say hello.

I told her what had just happened.
I didn't even mention the verse.
I just said what the sign said.
She just smiled.
She and some other preachers/pastors 
have heard a few things from me over the years,  
believe that :-).

I was walking away but then I went back and told her:

"At least you get it.
There's plenty of other Christians
preachers etc.
who wouldn't have had a clue what I was talking about."

She said:

"Seeing God in a Pepsi sign" 
with a big smile none the less.

And thats just how my life works.
I wish I could get others to understand.
It's just constant.
24/7 anymore.

I've said before that I live much more 
in the spiritual world than I do the material.

I dont like the material world to much, I really just dont.
I much prefer the world God has placed me in.
It's just much more preferable to the material world I see around me.
It just really is.

The point I am trying to get at is,

What would you have thought if you had seen:

Would you have thought:

Acts 3:19-21

Repent therefore, 
and turn back, 
that your sins may be blotted out, 
that times of refreshing 
may come 
from the presence of the Lord, 
and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, 
whom heaven must receive 
until the time for restoring all the things 
about which God spoke 
by the mouth of his holy prophets 
long ago.

Can you even think of anybody 
who would have thought that?

Thats how 

"belief that union with 
or absorption into 
the Deity or the absolute, 
or the spiritual apprehension 
of knowledge 
inaccessible to the intellect, 
may be attained 
through contemplation 
and self-surrender.


The divine just becomes everything you see all around you all the time.
There's no thinking 
there is no wondering
It just is.


When the times of refreshing shall come.—Better, “that so the times of refreshing may come.” The Greek conjunction never has the force of “when.” The thought is that again expressed both by St. Peter (2Peter 3:12) and by St. Paul (Romans 11:25-27); that the conversion of sinners, especially the conversion of Israel, will have a power to accelerate the fulfilment of God’s purposes, and, therefore, the coming of His kingdom in its completeness. The word for “refreshing” is not found elsewhere in the New Testament, but the cognate verb meets us in 2Timothy 1:16. In the Greek version of Exodus 8:15, it stands where we have “respite.” The “times of refreshing” are distinguished from the “restitution of all things” of Acts 3:21, and would seem to be, as it were, the gracious preludes of that great consummation. The souls of the weary would be quickened as by the fresh breeze of morning; the fire of persecution assuaged as by “a moist whistling wind” (Song of the Three Children, Acts 3:24). Israel, as a nation, did not repent, and therefore hatred and strife went on to the bitter end without refreshment. For every church, or nation, or family, those “times of refreshing” come as the sequel of a true conversion, and prepare the way for a more complete restoration.

"The “times of refreshing” 
are distinguished from the 
“restitution of all things” 
of Acts 3:21, 
would seem to be, 
as it were, 
the gracious preludes 
of that great consummation."

what I knew
about half way 
the word:


I knew my preacher would know too.


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