Thursday, June 1, 2023



go back here 

for a second:

"The Greek word for 


was really 


the All-ruler, 

the One who makes 

all things 

obey him, 

who brings good out of evil, 

who compels even 

"the wrath of man" 

to serve him., 

who over-rules 

the devices and purposes of men, 

and guides all the processes of history. 

That magnificent conception, 

set at the very forefront 

of the churches earliest creed, 

came from nowhere in the pagan world, 

but only from the Old Testament, 

from the sacred Scripture of the Jews, 

which was now also that of the Christians.'

If you are reading here?

Following along?

Thinking to yourselves:

"Well this guys just knows it all"?



I haven't 

even scratched the surface of Knowledge,

and trust me I know it.

You are feeling boxed in by the almighty.

You can not 

and will not escape it.

Psalm 139:5

You hem me in 

behind and before,

    and you lay your hand upon me.

I'm just a mouthpiece.

Smart people 

know how much 

they dont know.

And I'm a farily smart guy BTW :-).

I have a lil something from the Max Lucado book

"Facing your giants" 

on a shelf of mine. 

It talks about King David having been in God's "rarified air" for to long. His head had swelled. Bathsheba etc. I don't read it everyday anymore, but I have literally read this particular commentary 100's of times.


I know what it says.

So I look at it everyday and think:

Stay humble.

It has nothing to do with you 

and everything to do with Christ.

And in fact?

When I have been asked:

"Why you?

What makes you so special?"

I have responded:

"Nothing makes me special.

Thats why me/us."

Or as honey has pointed out:

"How many people in the bible 

ever thought 

they were gonna end up in there?"


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