Wednesday, June 14, 2023



finally finished it :-).

"Stephen Hawkins final words ("The universe was spontaneously created out of nothing, according to the laws of science.") saddened me not only for Hawking, but for the many millions of people who have long labored under the misimpression that the testimony of nature renders belief in God untenable. Hawking grappled admirably and authentically with this question. But philosophically flawed thinking led him, and others by virtue of his scientific authority, to miss the clear implications of the extraordinary and unexpected discoveries of the last century, one of which he helped establish: THE UNIVERSE HAD A BEGINING."

(The laws of nature dont bring anything into existence. 
They merely describe how nature operates.
I think his:
 "philosophically flawed thinking"
that led him to miss:
"the clear implications 
of the extraordinary and unexpected discoveries
of the last century"
was intentional.



Is kinda my mantra these days :-).

"In his autobiography, Darwin worried about a closely related problem. He wondered how we could rust the reliability of our cognitive faculties if they had evolved from the minds of lower animals. As he explained in a letter to a friend, "But then with me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man's mind, which has been developed from the mind of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would any one trust in the convictions of a monkey's mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind.?'

(Do lower animals build shrines?
Or worship anything?
Or ponder the stars? Our universe? And our place in it?
No they do not.
Self-awareness is one thing.
Awareness of that self awareness 
takes it to another level.
As I told my son:
"Dolphins dont look at the stars 
and wonder why they are here.
Or where those came from.
Only man does that."
And there is a very specific reason for that:

God made man in his likeness.
Genesis 1:27

In this,
he gave us his:
capacity for reasoning
His spirituality
And his morally.

Dolphins, Elephants and other animals simply dont have such capacity.
What's your answer for where we got them from?


"I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well-informed people I know are religious believers. It isn't just that I hope there is no God! I dont want there to be a God: I dont want the universe to be like that."

(Dear Mr Nagel:
God doesn't care what you want.

Fred Hoyle believed in the 
till his death,
even after it was proven untrue.

To arrogant to admit he was wrong?

Dont make the same mistake.)

"I've concluded that theism provides 
a better explanation 
of the evidence from nature 
than do competing worldview."

(Somebody please clue in 
Neil DeGrasse Tyson would ya?
From nature itself.)

"Jean Paul Sartre argued that a universe without a transcendent personal God - an infinite reference point - left people in a state of "anguish, forlornness and despair."

(Is that not where the world is today
for having rejected then truth?)

And now we are finally on to the next one :-).

And thank you so much Stephen C. Meyer.
I hope we meet someday.

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