Friday, October 4, 2024

The proof is in the pudding they say


How many US troops are in the Middle East?

 "The U.S. has increased its military presence in the Middle East by several thousand troops, sending an array of fighter jets and other aircraft to bolster the protection of U.S. forces and allies."

(At a minimum?
 Its a lil bit more than just that, 
thats just what they are telling you.)

"...the total number of American troops in the region to as many as 43,000, including more than a dozen warships."

"... fueled fears of all-out war in the Middle East."

(It's already here. How long can you going on saying you don't want things to escalate while the whole time you are saying it they just keep escalating? To the point where you have to admit to yourself where we are? Hamas, Gaza, Houthis, Yemen, Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Iran, US?)

"Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has increased the readiness levels of additional U.S. forces so they are prepared to deploy for any contingency, said Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon spokesman."

(You wouldn't be telling them to get ready if you didn't think you weren't gonna need them.)

(That graphic has the USS Georgia (Submarine) in the red sea.)

"It spiked to nearly 50,000 when Austin ordered two aircraft carriers and their accompanying warships to stay in the region as tensions roiled between Israel and Lebanon.

One carrier strike group has since left and moved into the Asia-Pacific. But the decision to send more aircraft is moving the troop total to roughly 43,000."

"...both Air Force and Navy fighter jets are strategically based at several locations to be better prepared to respond to any attacks.."

(They have put Naval fighters at undisclosed land air bases, 
its not something you see a lot of.)


"The U.S. has one aircraft carrier in the region, the USS Abraham Lincoln, which had been slated to leave around mid-October. Austin has extended its deployment for about another month, according to one of the officials."

(Takes us to  mid November, Interesting.)

"Austin has done the same to a few other carriers and warships in the region several times in the past year so that there has been the rare presence of two carriers at once."

(Again with, "its not something you see a lot of".)

"A second carrier, the USS Harry S. Truman, along with two destroyers and a cruiser, are in the Atlantic Ocean heading east. They will be in the European region in a few days and then travel into the Mediterranean Sea."

"American military commanders have long argued that the presence of a formidable aircraft carrier — with its array of fighter jets and surveillance aircraft and sophisticated missiles — is a strong deterrent against Iran."

(Just not strong enough to stop them from launching 180 ballistic missiles at Israel.)

"The Lincoln and one destroyer are in the Gulf of Oman, while four U.S. Navy destroyers and a littoral combat ship are in the Red Sea. The USS Georgia guided missile submarine, which Austin ordered to the region last month, had been in the Red Sea and remains in U.S. Central Command, but officials decline to say where."

(That sub can carry up to 154 Tomahawk missiles, which can be armed with  bunker buster warheads, and good thing they aren't saying where it is, the last I read it was in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Starting to get the feeling all this might be for just a lil more that protecting our troops and assets in the area yet?)

"About a half dozen of the F/A-18 fighter jets from the USS Abraham Lincoln have been moved to a land base in the region. Officials declined to say where."

(More than just a lil out of the ordinary.)

The Air Force sent in an additional squadron of advanced F-22 fighter jets in August, bringing the total number of land-based fighter squadrons in the Middle East to four."

"Brown also met with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who told him that Israel and the United States must be “prepared at any time” to work together to prevent Iran’s efforts to attain nuclear weapons."

In discussing Iran, Minister Gallant highlighted an all-time high in aggressive activities, as well as Iran’s ongoing pursuit of nuclear capabilities. In this regard, Minister Gallant emphasized that Israel and the United States must be prepared at any time to fulfill their joint commitment to prevent Iran from gaining military nuclear weapons,” said a readout from Gallant’s office."

(Those meetings were in August.

"The U.S. was now sending in more aircraft, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said. The additional personnel includes squadrons of F-15E, F-16 and F-22 fighter jets and A-10 attack aircraft, and the personnel needed to support them. The jets were supposed to rotate in and replace the squadrons already there. Instead, both the existing and new squadrons will remain in place to double the airpower on hand."

"The addition of the F-22 fighter jets gives U.S. forces a hard-to-detect aircraft that has a sophisticated suite of sensors to suppress enemy air defenses and carry out electronic attacks. The F-22 also can act as a “quarterback,” organizing other warplanes in an operation."

(They can yap all they want to about enhanced troop levels to protect assets and troops in the area but the F22's give it away what we are there for, along with a sub with 154 tomahawks, along with sea fighters being on land bases, along with keeping or trying to keep multiple carriers in the area.)

"In February, a pair of B-1 bombers took off from Dyess Air Force Base in Texas and flew more than 30 hours in a roundtrip mission in which they struck 85 Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force targets in Iraq and Syria in response to an attack by IRGC-backed militias that killed three U.S. service members."

(So much for that not wanting things to escalate.)

I just don't see what the question is 
about what they are going after, 
end game etc.

"The Air Force sent in an additional squadron of advanced F-22 fighter jets in August"

Same time frame (August) the following statements were made:

"Gallant, who told him that Israel and the United States must be “prepared at any time” to work together to prevent Iran’s efforts to attain nuclear weapons."

“In discussing Iran, Minister Gallant highlighted an all-time high in aggressive activities, as well as Iran’s ongoing pursuit of nuclear capabilities. In this regard, Minister Gallant emphasized that Israel and the United States must be prepared at any time to fulfill their joint commitment to prevent Iran from gaining military nuclear weapons,”


In indirect message to the US via Qatar, Iran says it doesn’t want a regional war, but that Israel must be ‘deterred’, an Iranian official tells Al Jazeera.

Iran has told the United States via an intermediary that any Israeli attack against Iran would meet an “unconventional response” that includes targeting Israeli infrastructure.

"In exclusive remarks to Al Jazeera, an Iranian official said on Thursday that his country has sent a message to the US, via Qatar, addressing rising regional tensions after Iran’s missile attack on Israel."

"In the message, Tehran told Washington that “the phase of unilateral self-restraint has ended”, adding that “individual self-restraint does not secure our national security requirements”.

“On one hand, they claim they are not interested in war … at the same time, they’re saying they’re not afraid of war,he said.(Tohid Asadi, a writer and Iranian affairs specialist.)

Elijah Magnier, a military analyst, agreed. He told Al Jazeera that Iran has two choices: either “wait until all of its allies are defeated and then its turn will come to be attacked by Israel”, or “join the battle now”.

(I told honey the same thing a lil while ago, what do you think they are going to do? Just sit around and wait till everything else they have built up over the years gets taken out?)

The question you have to ask yourself is:




And the answer is plainly obvious.

Luke 21:22

For these be the days of vengeance, 
that all things 
which are written 
may be fulfilled.

(FYI? Im going to use Luke 21 and Matthew 24 interchangeably, just because something was written about what had happened in the past doesnt mean it cant be applied to the future as forewarning as well, law of double intention etc, more on that in the next post.)

I love you babe.
Cant wait honey :-).

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