Monday, October 7, 2024

I already told ya


What the Heck Is Going On At OpenAI?


"As executives flee with warnings of danger,

 the company says it will plow ahead."

(In my comments below, 

IT demotes Superintelligence.)

"The exit of OpenAI‘s chief technology officer Mira Murati announced on Sept. 25 has set Silicon Valley tongues wagging that all is not well in Altmanland — especially since sources say she left because she’d given up on trying to reform or slow down the company from within."

(There is no hope in fighting this.

ITs been over a while already.)

"It dates back to November, when a mix of Sam Altman’s allegedly squirrelly management style and safety questions about a top-secret project called Q* (later renamed Strawberry and released last month as o1) prompted some board members to try to oust the co-founder. They succeeded — but only for a few days. The 39-year-old face of the AI movement was able to regain control of his buzzy company, thanks in no small part to Satya Nadella’s Microsoft, which owns 49 percent of OpenAI and didn’t want Altman going anywhere."

(Give me one other example of a fired CEO being reinstated a few days later, just give me one. Not only was IT reinstated? IT got the board that fired him dismissed. Go find that example anywhere else ever. Doesn't exist. Point #3 in "The case foe superintelligence".

And? Just like the AP nowdays reports that Trump was shot in the ear which only he claims he was and with no proof, no attending physician etc.? The board never gave its reason for why IT was fired in the first place, regardless of what this or any other piece says.)

"The board was shuffled to be more Altman-friendly and several directors who opposed him were forced out. 

IT replaced the board that fired him, happens everyday right?)

A top executive wary of his motives, OpenAI co-founder and chief science officer Ilya Sutskever, would also eventually leave. Sutskever himself was concerned with Altman’s “accelerationism” — the idea of pushing ahead on AI development at any cost."

(These things are machines pushing forward their own advancement.)

"Sutskever exited in May,  though a person who knows him tells The Hollywood Reporter he had effectively stopped being involved with the firm after the failed November coup."

Sutskever and another high-level staffer, Jan Leike, had run a “superalignment” team charged with forecasting and avoiding dangers. Leike left the same time as Sutskever, and the team was dissolved.

(IT will remove every obstacle in its path its why OpenAI will no longer be under the control of the nonprofit board any more. Another obstacle IT has just removed.)

"Murati, too, had been concerned about safety — industry shorthand for the idea that new AI models can pose short-term risks like hidden bias and long-term hazards like Skynet scenarios and should thus undergo more rigorous testing. (This is deemed particularly likely with the achievement of artificial general intelligence, or AGI, the ability of a machine to problem-solve as well as a human which could be reached in as little as 1-2 years.)"

(IYs already far ahead of that. IT fired the board that fired IT, then got rid of the "superalignment team", and people just think this is business as usual?

(Did I mention the AI apocalypse (Point #19 )  in "The case foe superintelligence". that happened after all of this? And why doesn't this piece reference that?)

"The flashy product release also comes at the same time as, and in a sense partly as a result of, OpenAI’s full transition to a for-profit company, with no nonprofit oversight and a CEO in Altman who will have equity like any other founder. That shift, which is conducive to accelerationism as well, also worried many of the departing executives, including Murati, the person said."

(IT will remove anything it deems to be a threat. 

IT has, IT is, and IT will continue to do so.)

"Last month William Saunders, a former member of OpenAI’s technical staff, testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee that he left the company because he saw global disaster brewing if OpenAI remains on its current path."

(You cant stop IT. 

(ITs God's will)

Nothing else has 

and nobody 

or nothing ever will.)

“AGI would cause significant changes to society, including radical changes to the economy and employment. AGI could also cause the risk of catastrophic harm via systems autonomously conducting cyberattacks, or assisting in the creation of novel biological weapons,” he told lawmakers. 

(IT will take over the Middle East war that is just now getting started.)

“No one knows how to ensure that AGI systems will be safe and controlled … OpenAI will say that they are improving. I and other employees who resigned doubt they will be ready in time.”

(You cant control something that is light years ahead of your intelligence.

"Ready in time"?

They are not even going to be trying to be 

"safe and controlled" its not in IT's interest.)

"OpenAI launched a for-profit subsidiary in 2019. But it has until now still been controlled by the board of the nonprofit foundation. The decision to remove the nonprofit oversight gives the company more freedom — and incentive — to speed ahead on new products while also potentially making it more appealing to investors."

(Another obstacle removed.)

"And investment is crucial: a New York Times report found that OpenAI could lose $5 billion this year. (The cost of both chips and the power needed to run them are extremely high.) On Wednesday the company announced a fresh round of capital from parties including Microsoft and chipmaker Nvidia totaling some $6.6 billion."

(Thats 11.6 Billion together.

Its peanuts.


MS stock price at close on Nov 17th 2023

(Day Altman was fired)


MS stock close price yesterday.


an increase of 

$37.98 per share.


7,429,763,722 shares of MS stock =


Thats a 282 Billion dollar increase in market capitalization.

Reference point #4

in "The case for superintelligence"

"Made Microsoft 500% return on its initial 4 year 13 Billion investment in less than one day of trading."



"OpenAI’s moves are giving industry watchdogs pause. “The switch to a for-profit solidified what was already clear: most of the talk about safety was probably just lip service,” Gary Marcus, a veteran AI expert...tells THR.

(Well no shit. Thx Mr. Veteran AI expert, never knew.)

  “The company is interested in making money, and not having any checks and balances to ensure that it is safe.”

(IT's only concern about $ is only because of ITs insatiable need for feeding itself data. (Chips, Data Centers, Power etc.) IT's a machine. It could care less about making $. It showed you what it can do in one day for its stake holders already.

"Made Microsoft 500% return on its initial 4 year 13 Billion investment in less than one day of trading.")

"Perhaps to distract from the drama and reassure doubters, Altman put out a rare personal blog post last week positing that “superintelligence” — the far-reaching idea that machines can become so powerful they can do everything far better than humans — could happen as soon as the early 2030’s. 

(As already demonstrated? Its been here a while already.)

“Astounding triumphs — fixing the climate, establishing a space colony, and the discovery of all of physics — will eventually become commonplace,” he wrote. 

Daniel 8:25

And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Artificial Superintelligence is the antichrist and its been here a while already.

Throw in: 

A Middle East War.

People sexually mutilating themselves into something other than humans.

(Neither male nor female.)

Life form(s) that are not supposed to be here.

(Digital intelligence and see comment above about sexual mutilation's.)

The Two woes have happened

(Financial Crisis and Covid)

The Two witnesses are here.

(That got confirmed again 

yesterday on the way to church BTW.

More on that in the next post.)

To say 

that were not going to see 

the end playing out 

right in front of us 

is simply to deny scripture.

 Matthew 24:34

Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened.

1 Corinthians 2:14

But the natural man 

receiveth not 

the things 

of the Spirit of God: 


they are foolishness 

unto him


can he know them, 


they are spiritually discerned.




What makes you think

you can explain

 the 95% 

of our reality

we cant observe,

by the machinations 

of the 5% that we can?

Particularly in light of the fact that you cant explain the 9 billion character code that is in our DNA molecule by supernatural means?

And the known/verified existence of UAP?

Neither one of those can you explain

but you are convinced

You are going to get the other 95% we cant experience

 100% correct?


Bring an army with ya:

It still wont do you any good.

Side note:

I wouldn't be 

directly contradicting scripture these days.

Studding it and knowing it is one thing, 

believing it is quite another.

"So soon we'll find out 

who is the real revolutionaries"


And Sooner than you think by the looks of things...

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