Friday, October 11, 2024

It's very much worth a read


The West is sleepwalking into nuclear disaster

"Our leaders must let Israel eliminate the menace of Iranian atomic weapons for the longer term."

(What makes you think "the West" is going "to let" Israel do anything?

This decision has already been made and now were just waiting for it to be executed.)

"As Israel decides how to respond to the 180 ballistic missiles fired from Iran last week, the Iranian nuclear weapons programme is centred in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s gunsights."

(It most certainly is and with good reason.)

"The West, through subtle diplomacy – and no doubt even subtler spycraft – has thus far prevented the ayatollahs from gaining the ultimate weapon to subjugate the Israeli state and the West."

(Hey, all you hippy-trippy happy sack playing frisbee throwing peaceniks out there, you ever even considered what your world would look like with a nuclear armed Iran in it? This is what you want? How are you purposing to do something about that? Huh?)

"Until October 7 2023, the Middle Eastern melting pot of hate and distrust has simmered just below critical, but it is now set to explode."

(You can count on it. 

There's a book that says so.

Where are all you 35 year old internet know it alls saying,

"Oh they just fight over there forever" 

types now?

This is what the last 45 years 

(since the Iranian revaluation in 79

and? one could argue,

 all of history for that matter, 

see the book above) 

has been leading to .)

"It must learn to place defence above any desire to appease the hard Left and the dinner party woke..."

(The dinner party woke lol.

Thats fuckin great.) 

"There is much talk about the existential threat to the Israeli state of the war with Iran. Less discussed is the existential threat to the rule of the ayatollahs if they cannot protect Iran from Israeli attack, which seems increasingly likely."

(100% agree, the attack on the nuclear program is coming, period. Whether it is successful and what happens afterwards are the real questions. Or as my son has told me. "Dad, every time after we talk, I go away thinking the world is far more f#$&@* up than I ever thought before.)

"Iran has two uranium mines and processing facilities, including three known uranium enrichment plants. Combined with its ballistic missile capabilities, it has all the ingredients for a viable nuclear weapon capable of striking Israel and the West."

(Damned if you do something about it, but also? the status quo can not keep being allowed to go on. "The lack of available good options tells you what time we are entering into." Somebody :-) is fond of saying. Remember when you were worried about inflation?)

"Iran has been in the nuclear arena since the 1950s."

(The US started Irans nuclear program under the Shah of Iran, before the 79 revolution. Chickens come home to roost much?)

"In recent years it has managed to avoid the closest scrutiny, especially when then president Trump withdrew his support for the Iran nuclear deal."

(Duh, that's why they weaponized their shit, and that's why Israel is gonna at least make the attempt to take it out (along with our and others help), all this Netanyahu talking to Biden yesterday is just the surrounding theatrics. And Trump wasn't the one who made that decision BTW. The people that make these kinds of decisions:

are of the same ilk, as the ones who made the decision to pull out of 
JCPOA. If you only knew how stupid Trump really is you would understand things a lot more. And no I don't like Harris either. Refer back to: "The lack of available good options..." etc.)

"It is highly possible that Putin, in return for supplies of weapons, may have given nuclear know-how to Iran, most especially as he wants Western eyes on the Middle East and not his misadventure in Eastern Europe."

(The know how Putin is giving them is the delivery mechanism. Having weapons grade material is one thing, having a device is one thing, having missiles is one thing, putting a nuclear weapon on a missile and having it work like you want it to is a whole different level of technical problems (the most difficult part of the process) and that's where they are in the process and that is what is going on w Russia exchanging technology for weapons.)

"However, with 95 per cent of Iranian missiles fired at Israel so far failing to reach their target, there is huge doubt that a nuclear tipped one would fare any differently."

(Why would it need to? Why wouldn't just getting close enough be good enough? Israel doesn't have that many interceptors for the type of missile that would deliver a nuclear payload. The whole strategy is to get them to use up their interceptors, thus making a nuclear payload much more likely to get through. Recent analysis of the last Iranian missile attack has shown Iran can get through Israel's air defenses.)

"More likely it would be destroyed above one of a number of Arab states. This would suit the ayatollahs as another method to ignite the Middle East. Hence the Iranian nuclear programme must be neutralised."

(100% agree! 

What is the other option at this point?

See: "The lack of available good options..."etc.)

"...for the ayatollahs to press the “red button” against Israel would not take much soul searching in Tehran. The mullahs see the destruction of Israel as their god-given task."

(Our neighbor:

"They are neither one gonna give in."


No they most certainly are not.

They are gonna 

draw all the world

 into this conflagration 

right along with them.

Count on it.

Joel 3:2

I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning My people, My inheritance, Israel, 

(and I go straight up, "body of true believers" 

NOT a specific political, geographical entity.)

whom they have scattered 

among the nations as they divided up My land.

Valley of Jehoshaphat


Valley of decision.

As in,

decision time.

Luke 21:20

Jesus Foretells Destruction of Jerusalem

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, 

then know that its desolation has come near

Revelation 16:14

For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty

etc, etc, etc...


Lets check and see 

what Buddha had to say about it,

Or Muhammad.

Or the Anunnaki,


"Many of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are as corrupt and as evil as their allies in Moscow, but with absolutely no regard for the second and third order implications of an Iranian nuclear strike. That could lead to a global nuclear conflict, as Israel would no doubt launch its own nuclear weapons towards Iran in return."

(Its exactly what is going to happen. Think I don't know why the looks on the faces at worship a few weeks ago when people figured out something? Think me and honey weren't planning on where to go 5 years ago or so, when the moment that is now upon us happens? 

Better fuckin wake up.)

"The whole planet wants a ceasefire and peace in the Middle East and

the only obvious route to it today

seems to be longer-term

elimination of Iran’s nuclear capability


"This is in the grasp of Israeli missiles

and fighter jets."

(Not exactly, but they do not need the 30,000 lbs bunker busters the NYT seems to think they do either.

The combination of 154 Tomahawks armed with bunker busters from the USS Georgia, along with Israel's newly developed bunker buster capabilities that can be launched from its fighters and demonstrated in the destruction of Hezbollah's HQs in Lebanon would seem to be capable of the task. The question becomes, how severely can Irans nuclear program be neutralized, and what follows after the attempt.)

"Iran without its terror proxies and nuclear weapons programme is a diminishing threat to the planet, which is in everybody’s interests."

(According to the same NYT piece referenced above, with Hamas and Hezbollah severely diminished? Another opportunity to even attempt such a strike (on Irans nuclear program) would be some 50 years away. You think Israel is gonna wait that long? I sure don't. The pager attack gave it away. You don't pull off a once in a life time attack and then not exploit (or attempt to anyway) the opening you just created. All this yesterday between Biden and Netanyahu was simply staged theatrics for the masses. The decision was made back in August when the chief of staff of both the IDF and the US armed forces met. Hell, was Biden even awake during his conversation with Netanyahu? Think this is an accident that its gonna happen right around election time? Remember who said that BTW.)

"Even if Biden and Starmer are not prepared to unshackle Ukraine against Russia, they must surely see the benefits of allowing Israel to neutralise the Iranian nuclear programme – and so bring the world back from the precipice of apocalypse for the foreseeable future."


Its gonna lead

right to


what they are trying

to prevent.

"bring the world back 

from the precipice 

of apocalypse."

Luke 21:22

For this is the time of punishment 

in fulfillment of all that has been written.

You can take it to the bank

or we wouldn't be going

where we are 

and we wouldn't have been 

talking about it

years in advance.


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