The only thing I am closed minded about?
Is incomplete,
cafeteria style
(take what you want
put it back
whenever you don't like it),
that doesn't explain anything
and just wants to keep you clicking,
liking, following
and watching the next episode.
Been fasting from that garbage
for years now.
It does a mind good BTW.
I asked for this years ago and to date
not one person has presented to me yet
a world view/belief system
That explains:
1) Universe creation
2) Information in the DNA molecule.
3) The origins of ALL
the prehistoric megalithic monuments.
4) The final resting plate
of your souls conscious energy.
(Not the physical, that goes in the ground
but rather:
"your souls conscious energy."
as it can not be destroyed.)
Take all of those four things
(that we know all exist),
and tie them all together
and present it
in a complete,
coherent narrative.
Until then?
Your cafeteria-style garbage,
is not on the same playing field,
let alone deserving of respect
(You deserve respect
your human, but
Not so much)
or has any kinda right or claim
to replace my/our
world/view, belief system.
Cause mine does explain:
1) Universe creation
2) Information in the DNA molecule.
3) The origins of ALL the prehistoric megalithic monuments.
4) The final resting plate
of your souls conscious energy.
Notice I haven't said a word about Christ
or God or Christianity,
but since I brought it up lol, my
world/view, belief system
also has
an ancient text supporting it
that is being proven true
right in front of your face.
And millions if not billions
of changed lives.
("A Christian is someone who has had an encounter with the luving God.
Billy Graham)
I aint even asking for you to bring all that to the table, just the list of four things listed above.
You will never top it or defeat it,
you wont ever
even stand a chance,
because its authored
by the writer of history himself.
Close minded alright,
close minded to falsehood.
Dont come at me/us
about accepting falsehood
(Which is what any other belief system would be)
until you got this:
1) Universe creation
2) Information in the DNA molecule.
3) The origins of ALL the prehistoric megalithic monuments.
4) The final resting plate
of your souls conscious energy.
You got all that?
An wanna explain it to me?
I am all ears.
If you aint got all that?
Yeah...not really interested.
Couldnt fuckin care less.
Why should I ever
care about
having less than,
what I already know
to be true?
People whose belief systems fall way short of that mark do not get to criticize those of us who have a complete, comprehensive, coherent narrative.
Come up with a better alternative.
Good luck, seems like somebody would have already done so in the last 2000 years, they haven't and you wont either, that has nothing to do with you, its simply impossible, or it would have been done already.
You didn't live what I lived.
You didn't see what I saw.
You dont make the predictions I make
(By the power of the spirit)
You don't know what I know.
Cause if you did?
You would be closed-minded
to incomplete, incoherent,
nonsense as well.
Yes you would.
The real science
points to an intellect behind it all,
(Particularly Cosmology and Biology)
and it does so in ever
increasing fashion.
(Might wanna read that again,
it's cause he wants you to know,
that this age is done.)
So your not just denying God
the creator,
but also denying
the real science
that points to him as well.
So good luck with that.
Just maybe?
IDK call me crazy,
But maybe?
It would just be easier
to change your worldview?
Fact is this,
true Christians have what the world wants,
and it is freely available to the world
but the world don't wanna do
what it needs to do
to get the peace we have
in these troublesome times,
Which is, to HUMBLE yourselves before your creator, admit you made a mistake, ask for forgiveness, mean it, and move on.
The first step is always the hardest.
You might wanna take it.
Time is running out.
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